Daily reminder that you're all manlets
Daily reminder that you're all manlets
That poor dude with the tattoos
>adobe gains
that guy is like a 11/10 specimen outta this world
holy shit...that big guy makes the manlets actually look effiminate in the face also
how is that posssible
why there are so many portuguese comments on that photo?
BRfag here
that guy is 6'7 and jacked, anyone would look small compared to him
yeah its not really fair
B-but the small guys are o-otter mode. That's what girls want!!!
His long hair makes he seem bigger than he actually is
He isnt that big in real life
>be manlet
>live in seattle
>get hit on by gay dudes all the time
maybe i should just turn gay. THanks Veeky Forums
A seriously question. What does this guy ACTUALLY do for money? Does he survive from modelling photoshoots?
It really wouldn't suprise me if a Rich Arab was flying him out to Dubai to be discreetly shitted on in return for money.
>not that big
>He isnt that big in real life
>manlets calling big guys small IRL
The irony is so fucking thick.
Manlets ONLY look good in photos because you can't tell how small their 14" arms really are. IRL this dude would dwarf everyone in this thread.
he's a working fitness modell right? pretty sure ive seen him in adds and fitness magazines
I dont get the appeal of this guy. He looks like ben roethlisberger with long hair.
Literally what was the point of this post? I'm replying to you to bump this thread.
Also a reminder that announcing SAGE is a bannable offence.
Fucking manlets, when will they learn.
>perfect hair
>thick as fuck
Yeah... h-hehe, hes gross.
No I dont think hes gross. Take away his beard and hair and hes just your average football player big guy.
>one chance at life
>only 6'2"
Life is a cruel joke
>take away his hair
>take away his best feature
He literally got famous for playing with his hair on IG
You guys really underestimate how much women love men with glorious hair. I get comments all the time about my long blonde mop
Iam 6,4'
and i fking hate it because iam stuck at dyel mode forever
I'm 6'4" and I'm not DYEL, stop being a pussy.
How much do you weight?
Stats routine diet help meee big brother
Yes.They like that hair on a 6'7 ripped aesthetic sick cunt
not a average 5'10 skinny shit cunt
I'm 6'4 220 lb. All I do is get commentary on how much time I obviously spend in the gym. Wtf are you even talking about?
wow someoen should hire this guy for female pornos we could make mil leons
I'm 215lbs but not gonna lie it took a long time (started skinnyfat 175lbs)
I did SS until I could bench and squat halfway decent numbers, then did Texas Method until 1/2/3/4. After that I started doing hypertrophy routines to gain some mass
Basically it was a lot of trial and error... and FOOD. SO much food. Manlets have it easy in that regard. I spend hundreds and hundreds a month.
This pic was a few months ago, even bigger and leaner now.
>being shorter than your half ton pickup
shiggy desu
me again, how much do you eat? I usually get ~2600kcal right now, cutting
fucking why bro, that's gross
It varies... I'm only eating 2100 calories right now, cutting hard. I was eating 3200 on a hard bulk. I basically just feel it out with a mirror. Also depends on how much cardio I do, how many days I'm in the gym and what my social life is like.
Right now, this is my exact diet every day except Saturday
>2 hard boiled eggs
>2 Rye toast
>2 tablespoons PB
>2 scoops whey
>1oz almonds
>2 cheese sticks
>6oz meat
>1 bag steamed broccoli
>2 rice cakes
>post workout 2 scoops
>post workout 1 can pineapple
>6oz meat
>1 bag steamed veg
>1 sweet potato
~2100 calories
When I bulk it looks similar but with way more carbs and protein
Ok, puritan
I live in one of the most tattooed cities in the US, shit is very normal here. I don't think I know a single person that doesn't have at least one, and I work in a STEM job.
Thx bro
it's good that because everyone else is doing it you should too. i guess body building already makes it obvious you derive self worth from others perception of you.
Yes, thats exactly what I said.
Its so funny, either you get a tattoo because you want to be edgy and different or you get one because they're trendy and "in". It couldn't possibly be because I like them.
Again, shit is very normal here. Its like asking why a Canadian likes hockey. Thats just how it is.
Now go tip your fedora somewhere else.
>those fucking traps
god damn my life
you're justifying having one by saying other people have them. that's not a justification and it makes you look insecure.
Ok, bro.
just work on your reason
especially manlets
He's in the navyor something.
Seattle here. Also gay. Post pics so I can hit on you too.