Is there a more demoralising feeling than being rejected by a girl and then laughed at / made fun of by her and others as a result?
Because it's demoralising.
Is there a more demoralising feeling than being rejected by a girl and then laughed at / made fun of by her and others as a result?
Because it's demoralising.
I've been rejected but I've never been laughed at.
How old were you both? legit question.
If she's so rude hat she laughs at you for your sexuality then she isn't worth it.
Yeah, your girlfriend starting a relationship with someone else behind your back and then leaving you.
Yes. Knowing that your own son grew up to be a failure.
dad please get off Veeky Forums this is embarrassing.
I'm 25, she's 22
at least you tried, time to move on
Disgraceful on her part, but then again people are shit. Don't stress it user.
Just do a progressive overload of rejection. Then it won't feel as heavy next time.
Also try asking grills out if they seem remotely attractive by your standards (looks, demeanor, wilks, ankle circumference, etcetc) before you care enough to be hurt by being rejected.
This. I've had both happen to me, getting laughed to my face is not that bad in comparison.
If she laughed at you she isn't worth it anyway.
Why the fuck would a girl laugh in your face? What a fucking bitch.
Trust me, OP, dating her would have been like dating a fucking child. You dodged a bullet and even though you might not realise it now, you'll realise it in the future.
This is what I do when I have a bad experience. I sit down, put aside my emotions and write what happened. I try to remember everything as best I can. Anything from my words, body language, feelings, to my environment. Just anything that could influence said situation. After that, I write down everything I did to end up at that place and time. Then I look at all the choices I made, everything I could have said or done differently, Things that I could have done better. You must realize, the only thing you can truly control is yourself. You can influence, but you cannot be in full control of everything.. I try to find the key things that would have made a real difference. Sometimes I end up with "It couldn't be helped", but there are still lessons to be learned. Any experience, good or bad, can make you grow as a person if you let it. Once I'm done, it never seems as bad as it did. It's simply another experience along the highway called life.
I have never approached a girl in my life, im 21.
I cannot even make eye contact for longer then a second
Just don't talk to girls. Problem solved champ.
evolutionary psychology bro. your hind brain is still the equivalent of a cave man which during the time when their were few mating possibilities sexual rejection meant reproductive failure for life. these emotional responses however are useless in an era of sexual abundance we have today. google roissy.
i got something better.
your fiance who has lived with you for three years starts a relationship with your best friend. and all of your mutual friends knows they are fucking each other, but decide not to tell you because its not their business. when said fiance finally dumps you, the best friend comes over and starts moving her shit in while you're busy packing all of your shit out on the same day
kill them
>her shit
hol up
just tell them to go fuck themselves. there's ugly people like you OP and then there's disgusting people like them.
you could also be an autistic little shit who did the dumbest thing ever. idk. I'm only getting one side of the story