*Screams in pillow*
*Screams in pillow*
I wonder if he does that when his husband goes in dry
At least theyre married so its ok in the lords eyes
Protip: it's not
So the reason gays wanted to marry wasnt so they could have sex?
>there are men who have inserted their warm dicks inside scooby's tight ass
let that sink in.
Scooby sure let it sink in
I thought that was a headcrab or some kind of flesh beast.
>implying he isn't a powerbottom
Please user I can only get so hard
They want to marry because they don't want to feel like deviant freaks. Which they are regardless.
>I'm a man with a warm dick that will never be inserted inside scooby's tight ass
I can't let that sink in
*sucking noises*
God proscribed the same punishment for wearing mixed fabrics (cotton polyester blend for example) as he did for homosexuality. That punishment is death. When I start seeing the Lord strike down kids in t shirts I will know he is also serious about gay sex. Let me know when that happens. Until then shove your stone age space wizard up your ass.
"tips fedora*
>tfw Scooby isn't pleased with your cocok sucking skills
I thought it was a former fatass holding up his skin flaps
>triggered faggot with HIV