Isn't it just building up loads of muscle in a short period of time?
Also how to do it?
Can it be done if you still have fat on you?
Pic related I've lost 50 pounds since late February but there is this god damn stubborn, little bit left that is still hanging around.
What is bulking and how to do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Thats not a little stubborn fat, thats 20% +. Cut to 10% bf, where you can see all your abs.
You build muscle more efficiently under 15%, so cut to 10%, bulk to 15% rinse and repeat.
Is there any chance of me being able to have visible muscle tone come late August?
I have 90 days to look as good as I possibly can given how I look in the two pics as of today.
Do I need to focus on wiping out what's left of the fat, building as much muscle as I can, or some kind of hybrid?
You could be lean by august if youre losing 1-2lbs a week. You wont be jacked but you wont be a soft squishy doughboy anymore. Unless you hop on a high dose tren and train 6 days a week the youll be summer ready by late august
Lose the fat first, then bulk. Lift while cutting too
It doesn't matter if I look buff or jacked or whatever, I just need to not look fat combined with having a bit of muscle tone, that's really all it will take to impress people.
What is high does tren?
What is summer ready?
You gotta understand I know all about fat loss but I'm a total noob when it comes to muscle growth other than "go the gym and lift"
The fat is taking fucking forever to go away I mean I lost 50 pounds and I still look like the two pics, I'm afraid I won't have enough time to bulk by the time the cutting is done.
Also I do make sure to lift I go every mon wed and fri
>I'm afraid I won't have enough time to bulk by the time the cutting is done.
How are you not going to have enough time? Are you going to die in the next three months? Just keep cutting and lifting and you'll be pretty low bf by August, then you can start bulking.
>Telling a guy that cant diet properly to do tren
You're just setting him up for failure an0n
I need to impress people during the critical time period of late August to mid September as part of the opening stages of the fall semester.
They'll be impressed by you not being a fat faggot. What is your height and weight rn?
6'4 tall
220 pounds
what do?
Get down to 180-190, my first semester in college I was 6'0 160 and everyone thought I was jacked. I wasn't even strong either, just a curl bro who never did legs. It's been a couple years now and I've bulked and cut a couple times between 215 and 180. You just have to be patient, it doesn't come overnight
I've been lifting 3 days a week since late February while simultaneously losing all the fat
I can curl 45 pounds, crunch 200, etc
The less weight I do the more reps I can do
Do I have muscle underneath the fat right now and if I lose the fat I will actually have visible muscle that other people can see?
How are your ohp, bench, squat, and deadlift?
>You build muscle more efficiently under 15%
how does this even work?
I don't know what ohp is, I haven't squatted or deadlifted yet, I do the chest exercise that you get from benching but not from laying down, I always use the machine where you sit down and lean back a little
I can do like 170 on it, less weight I do more reps I can do same as all others
Either this is bait and I'm falling for it, or you are absolutely clueless. If it's the second case I can help you. Ohp is overhead press. You literally peas a barbell over your head. Stop using machines now and actually lift fucking weights. look up starting strength and actually do what it says. If you want to use Dumbbells or machines save it for your accessories. If you do this you'll make it, if you fuck around you won't.
I'm not completely clueless and I know I've been building some kind of muscle because if not I wouldn't be able to do heavier and heavier weights
Is this what your talking about?
And hey for the bicep curls I actually use dumbells so I at least get that one right already
If you ever make it you'll realize how clueless you are right now. And yeah that book has what I'm talking about, everything in there is good except for his diet advice so ignore that.
Do you know what a protein sparing modified fast is?
Because that's what I've done to lose 50 pounds since late February and I'm worried that its run out of steam
I don't know how long I need to break from it to get my metabolism back up, or if I should even try to do it at all and instead start bulking
I just wanna maximize how good I look within the next 90 days
I'm guessing I cant get rid of all of the fat and build a bunch of muscle too can I?
Lose more weight. You can lose up to 2 pounds per week if you're cutting 1000 cals from your diet per day, so by August you should be able to achieve under 200.
That's what I've been thinking
Do I have muscle underneath the fat already?
And if not will I have it if I keep lifting and obey the starting strength book while losing the fat?
Yes do exactly that and you'll be fine
Can you give me a summary of what the book says?
read the sticky
What weight do I need to be at 6'4 tall to not be fat?