Socially known fact: men who are under 5'10" and lift are purely compensating.
Socially known fact: men who are under 5'10" and lift are purely compensating
What if I'm 5'11?
i bet he is/was a good wrestler tho
You really love this meme huh?
That's fine. 5'11" is basically six foot.
what if i'm 5'10 without shoes but 6'0 with shoes?
ugly and weak lanklets make these threads
>basically six foot.
what if my dick is 6"? is it basically 7"?
5'11" is king of manlets, which is like being the smartest person in special ed class.
5'11" with shoes on makes you that attractive 6foot, there's nothing that can help a small dick in that way where its subtle.
Or being 6 foot and still browsing here
everyone knows that youre supposed to add dick length to your height
It's been known that taller men are actually more insecure about their height that shorter men because all the cute girls are short. Any girl 5'6'' or taller are unattractive
>Any girl 5'6'' or taller are unattractive
This is what manlets actually believe.
Or you're insecure and projecting them on to other people?
You're just fat.
Actually at 6" it may as well be 7". Bitches don't know and 6 is plenty to make the poosy joocy
What about 4
Asking for a friend
>5'11" is king of manlets, which is like being the smartest person in special ed class.
What good will an extra 2 inches do for your height user?
would let manlet in pic fuck me real hard. face hair and pecs mmm yes
>mfw the manlet thread over on reddit
Socially known is not a thing
It will be ok, sport.
I'm 5'8 or 5'9, can I ever make it bros? I think I grew a little taller but my growth is completely ending now, I'm probably going to be stuck at 5'9 for life unless a miracle happens.
there's like 1% difference between 5'11'' and 6', and 15% difference between 6'' and 7'' dick you fucking retard, how is that even comparable
tfw I'm 5'11.8 and everyone believes I'm 6'
I agree with this in principle. But I've also learned you need to pick your poison; it's sometimes better to compensate and come off like a try-hard than to not compensate and really be fucked. It's like Joe Rogan wearing lifts for his octagon interviews when he has to stand right next to female fighters like Holly Holm who tower over him.
You could say "Wow, that's pathetic. At his age, he should get over it." But the alternative is 90% of people saying "Wow, he's so fucking short! What a peck!"
i wonder what the stats on the dudes around him are, they look huge i want to be that big
>reddit actually encourages manlets with their progress
>no insecure trolling
>mfw I would be happier there
>but Veeky Forums has brainwashed me into hating reddit
>so i'll stay here
apparently the black dude in the back left is 430lbs at 7'1
Manlets can't be champions.
kek our cbt frodo resident manlet is there under 'adraffy' with 300 upboats
holy fuck this guy is autistic.
He takes pictures of everything jesus
His arm was extended foreword, the calculation was incorrect.
that means he's even smaller because the phone is bigger lel
How many people on fit would call Floyd a Manlet to his face?
Found the manlet
who fucking cares
most girls are 5'6" or shorter
no need to dwell on shit that won't EVER change when there are so many thing you can do to improve yourself.
Yeah, he's obviously a manlet but he is not 4 feet tall
His hand is like a couple inches away from his shoulder. Plus his shoulder is around the same height as the dresser when he's a couple feet in front of it. The dresser is about half the height of the door. To my recollection big steel doors are 81 inches, which are bigger than a house door. Actually let me measure a house door right now... yeah 81 inches.
40.5 inches to shoulder height. If you give him another foot for his head it comes out to 52.5.
At best you can give him a couple inches.
He is between 4 feet, and 4'4.5
I think someone stole this dude's photo from his tumblr and posted it on here.
he has said many times he hates his height and it's a big insecurity of his.
No, the phone appears bigger because its closer, he appears smaller because he's on a different plane, (About 12 inches from the phone, making about a 1/4th to a half inch difference per phone.
It still seems as though he's got his arm at a 90 degree about a 45 degree from his shoulder he could be about 5,5 from my estimate, if you use the engineering center-line principle it could make sense, and some dressers are damn tall, 6,1 here though, just trying to flex my maths
So his best estimate is 4 foot 5 is what you're saying?
Really doesn't change much
As you can see the door knob to his left is well above his belly button
To his right i mean
This is from his instagram bencarr95
Im 5'7 and a light switch comes about to my belly button, while on him iy goes to his chest
Poor guy
im pretty sure he has his height probably posted somewhere on his tumblr or instagram
from memory i think he is 5'6
Well shit, your right, the mirror must of screwed me up or something,
5'5 here. no way he's a full foot shorter than me. Look where he comes up to on the door. He's probably around my height.
I thought the same but i think its thr angle
Why do you have such low light switches nigger?
> even if you are a sex symbol and movie star girls are weirded out if you are too small
I guess they differ, the door knob goes to my waist where my pants sit
All light switches around here come to my shoulder.
No. You can see how he's holding it. Straight up to where his hand comes above his shoulder. If it were at a 90 degree angle his hand would be by his bicep.
Now if you put your hand in a position to be above your shoulder while pretending to snap a picture that makes your phone only at the most 4 inches away from your body, which would barely make a difference to the size of the phone in relation to his body.
Also like I said, the dresser appears around half the size of the door if we take into account the different distances. Doors are apparently 81 inches (never knew that about house doors, only put in shop doors). Which would make the dresser 40.5 inches. My dresser is 36 inches with a lot bigger doors (though only four).
Even if we add something ridiculous like 9 inches to that dresser the guy is still only 5 foot 1.5. Though all the evidence is saying he's in the four foot range
He's about two hinges below that top hinge.
My hinges are smaller and go up to 68. 4 inches.
If you take off an inch of height and add an inch to the hinge you get his height of 57 inches. If you use the same measurements as mine you get 60 inches.
4'9 to 5 feet
Also doornob is 36 inches. Which comes out to just about the bottom of his boob when he's standing closer than it. That's about a forearm and a hand to the top of his head away. If we say his forearm is 10 inches and his hand 10 too for whatever reason, that gives him 56 inches of height. 4 foot 8
whats his height ?
Yeah. My original estimate was 4 4.5, so I think we have his actual height now. He's 4'5.
I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one. At the most he's 5 feet. At the least he's 4 feet.
Fun little game though. The next cbt should have a guess the height mini game where the people have to be honest.
you could also use his phone height again which makes him shorter at like 51 inches
oops lemme do the math really quick it's actually 54 inches i forgot it's 5.83 not 5 inches exactly
Yep, I bet he really cares, it's not like he's married to a model or anything lol
Shut it manlet
You sound a bit salty, that's OK, you'll find a girl one day :^)
apparently manlet shitposting has reached new heights. too bad the same can't be said about you :^)
So many teens in that thread hoping for growth spurts
just take hgh, I would have done it if I known
No, it really isnt
Just cringing at Veeky Forums trying to understand perspective and math, I seriously feel second-hand embarassment by reading your posts and the confidence you have in your retardation
>not realising short cute girls crave tall guy cock
Can confirm, I'm 5'7
why can't manlets take a joke?
fr*cking relax man
it's just a joke haha
Everyone is compensating when they improve
>what is a wide angle lens
>just a prank bro
>Being subject to slave emotions like shame
Liberate yourself loosers
>being this impresionable
Socially known fact: men who make threads on Veeky Forums "calling out" others on a physical attribute and claim that this relates to insecurity are, in fact, very insecure themselves.
Socially known fact: OP is a faggot for posting a bait thread instead of discussing actual fitness
Chill out there little fella, no need to get mad.
I would, what's he gonna do?
>I'm literally 5'10.
C-can I lift just because I want to?
R u wearing high heels or what?
fun fact
everyone that lifts is insecure in some way
Tall women = More woman
You're just jelly that a manlet such as yourself has no chance of satisfying an amazonian goddess
5'8 isn't even that short. Those are some colossal boys.
I'm a 5'10" manlet and i disagree. as long as they're in proportion and not a lanklet it's all G.
tfw 5'11" pheeew barely made it
He's just fine.
I'd gladly let him be my bf.
I'm 5'11'' and 3/4 of an inch, does that make me a manlet god?
When will you learn
It makes you an insecure faggot who measurse his height in quarter inches
6'1 here 95% of women will absolutely be shorter than I am that chart is shite
Really? I only started lifting because I can't play soccer anymore but heck if you say so OP