Has anyone ever taken 750mg+ of Dnp? I've been taking 500mg for two weeks and want to end the cycle with a bang.
Temp is a consistent 96,7-8.
Do you think I'll die if I up it?
I weigh 210lb at 11% BF, taking 300mg test E with 700 mast prop every week.
Dnp General
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I've taken those exact medications at 5'2 189 lbs. and 11% body fat. You'll be mostly fine.
What is your experience? You can't leave me hanging brah!
Curios as well.
>want to end the cycle with a bang.
So did she
bitch dead
I've done 750 mg.
It's hot as blazes and I could barely breathe or move. I just laid in bed all the time semi-conscious. Don't do it. Stick with 500 and wait a few more days to end the cycle. You won't lose more weigh by taking 750 for a shorter cycle. You'd be suffering for nothing.
No, that one is out of date. Newest one was updated in February.
Note that DrMusclePharma (DMP) is now on the scammers list. (Your old pastebin still shows him as a legit seller.)
He did an exit scam two months ago. I lost a good amount of money on that sonofabitch, and so did many others.
Dude why would you want to? If youre actually at 11% you could be shredded in another week if your diet is on point
That sucks. Just like YB. Have there been any more?
Are you serious lol? Do you know how diminishing returns work? Do you want to know why you've never gotten under 11%? Want to know why you're probably not even 11%? Fuck off.
how long until i can cycle DNP again? pastebin only tells me when if i have a side effect from it
same guy here, is there some thermogenic alternative i can do if i'm gonna have to wait forever?
If you run a cycle for 3 weeks, then you have to take three weeks off before running the next cycle, or so the literature says. The downtime has to match the cycle time.
whew i was worried it was gonna be like 6 months
ty so much!
To any of the Aussie people on here, AusJuice came through!
Now, I want to make it clear: I'm not shilling him. I've never used his product, not bought from him. He seems like a nice guy, but that means fucking dick when it comes to business. I'm simply letting you know there is now another option for domestic DNP.
I've done 1g ED for a week. I could get away with it because my body's apparently a freak of nature in that my internal temp doesn't rise on dpn at all, but I couldn't handle the sides. Basically I wanted to die and felt nauseous all the time. After I started vomiting like daily I decided to stop.
also I got pn
I get we're not flush with choices but that price isn't really acceptable.
I'm retarded though, don't do this
Yeah, I know hey. I posted the link straight from the email before I opened it. Looking at that price, I'm not surprised people didn't buy it from him before. Getting pinged by customs is almost worth it when the alternative is like double the price for half the dosage.
Australia, is there anything we CAN'T fuck up?
Are there any US vendors or are darknet vendors the only choice at the moment?
Im on 250mg ED for 7 days now. Sides are not too bad at this level. Feel hot, sweat a bit, feel tired. But i can do my normal sets of weight in the gym etc. I haven't lost that much weight. around 1-1,5kg which can be done natty in the same time span. I hope im holding onto some water weight
I don't even know any darknet sources. the most popular us vendors are clearnet. just use a secure email and you're fine.
People that were overweight and took DNP - what tips would you give someone for their first time using it? What was your daily dose? How much weight did you lose daily/weekly/overall?
I did 3x good old d-hacks dnp for 2 weeks. it's 250mg tabs which was overdosed to 300+
felt pretty bad. would not do it again
I used 250mg for two weeks. Also took Vit C, Vit E and an antihistamine, alongside fish oil, Vit D and Magnesium, although those latter three weren't related to DNP.
I lost about 2.5kg over the two weeks, give or take, and that was with five days of that eating below maintenance, but with bad food as I was visiting family.
Best bet at the moment looks to be Hive
Still way too much but a lot better.
No idea how legit they are however.
I did 250 when I was fat. The part you really need to learn, first, is to control your eating habits. Personally, I dropped 50lbs before using dnp to drop the remaining 20.
Managing cardio and eating at a deficit is the biggest part of being successful at losing weight with dnp.
If you're overweight, just fucking eat less. Losing weight is incredibly easy, you're just a fat fuck trying to find an excuse to swallow pesticides instead of stopping to stuff your fat face. Guess what, it's not going to work that way.
Stop being a lazy moron, you can lose weight in a healthy way without fucking up your skin, CNS, heart and eyes. The fatter you are, the easier it is.
t. Former fatty, now at 14% bodyfat
No other scammers that I'm aware of that weren't already identified in the pastebin above.
on 600mg/day atm, and nearly finished third week. Not wasting time with scales, all about the mirror and even with this dnp bloat and muscle depletion im look a lot better. Cant wait to be able to actually have energy and start properly lifting again...and sleeping again.
Anyone hear anything from 24dnp?
Ordered from them on thursday because I read so many good things about them but I haven't gotten any emails or anything since then.
Thankyou for saying what we're all thinking.
what are your guy's favorite/trusted sources?
dinitro. pricey, but he speaks english and isnt a dick
thank you how do i contact him, im on the anonspeech site
Dinitro (at AnonymousSpeech DOT com)
anytime man
how long does he take to respond to an email/ship and arrive and do you just ingest the powder or crush the crystal?
Normally you snort the powder or smoke the crystals but If you are feeling really risky, just inject it, that works a bit faster
Dunno but I've been waiting for my package to arrive. Any ausfags get theirs recently?