Daily reminder that someday, you'll have a qt3.14 gf who loves you.
Daily reminder that someday, you'll have a qt3.14 gf who loves you
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I was going to take my crush on a date today. I've prepared everything - I borrowed my dad's car, bought nice flowers, booked a hotel room and seats in expensive restaurant and bought two tickets for some romantic comedy. I drove to her house and rang the bell. Much to my surprise the one to open the door wasn't my oneitis, but Chad, completely naked eating a slice of pizza. His body was godlike - visible ABS, wide shoulders - he had better body than me, despite never setting his foot in a gym. Then I noticed a squashy sound coming from Chad's private areas and spotted my oneitis gagging on Chad's cock like on delicious candy. With tears in my eyes I shouted "WHY?!". She looked in my eyes and told me: "HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME". Chad only smirked, still eating his pizza.
I'm already 22 and rarely see cute girls at all, my dad works out regularly so he has a gym in the basement. Ive already given up hope OP
Never give up hope, user. I believe in you.
That implies that you didn't get a qt3.14 gf before you came to Veeky Forums and are now impressing her with her massive gains so that she won't ever leave you.
Fucking degenerate.
In my dreams....
"...her with YOUR massive gains..."
dont let your dreams be dreams
I hope so, lad. I really do
We're all gonna make it brehs
>tfw already huge
>tfw gorgeous qt 3.14 gf
>tfw face height frame
Already got it covered user
you're all a bunch of FUCKS
Thanks, you too
>lookin' pretty big there, son
I don't want one, though. I'm afraid of contentment
what about a qt3.14 bf tho
Don't be gay.
Even femanons want a qt3.14 gf.
i-is there really a nice qt3.14 gf who is bigger and outlifts me to give me the ole lickeroo
thanks fampai, hopefully a qt will appear once I hit 2/3/4/5. Have a pic of some strongmen
no i wont
Only if you stay natty.
Capatcha Select all cookies.
I had one and dropped her. Too much trouble. The boy I'm dating is pretty cute though.
>you will never be a qt girl
at least someday ill have one
Lol what, do you have ADD? Why'd you bring up your dad mid-sentence?
In the last thread like this I posted how I was going on a date with someone with only one picture on Okcupid and I was scared that she would be fat. Everybody said that she would be fat.
Well I went on a date with her today and she's not fat at all. She's accomplished a lot in her life and she's 5 years younger than me, she got her Bachelor's in two years and will get a Ph.D in one year, she basically had her whole career planned out when she started college. She has a nice personality and is very honest about herself, because frankly there's nothing to be ashamed about. She can be with someone better than me and she's very intelligent so I think she realizes that but she did agree to a second date. The only thing keeping me in the game is my Masters degree and career. Needless to say I really like her but I'm not sure if she likes me, we didn't hug or kiss at the end of the date. I'm trying not to get too attached in case this goes nowhere but I honestly see no flaws in her at all so it's hard.
ur gonna make it friend
Thanks user
sounds like she already knows she's the alpha
the fact you didn't even hug after the date kind of writes you off to perma beta boy
sorry senpai
He's saying he doesn't even leave the house to go to the gym. Next time instead of just reading something one word after the other, try to include context and actually think about it for a second or two, you might find that your comprehension difficulties are just from lack of trying and not actual retardation
oh man
please make it
do it for us user
we're all cheering for you
make Veeky Forums proud
yeah i fucked up, always go in for the hug at least
Time to turn the charm up user, when you're with her, don't get lost in the whole "is she too good for me? Does she hate me?" type of thoughts
Enjoy yourself, make her laugh, etc just be an enjoyable person to be around and I think you can make it
Hey, buddy.
Don't worry.
You have another 60+ years to find your qt.
It may take a while, but you'll find her.
It's going to happen.
We're all gonna make it.
Dam that is a good one.
DonĀ“t you fucking give up on me user, unless you are a migger than Kill yourself and all your nigger friends.
Millions of years of evolution, all that pain and death came down to you.
Go get some bitches
>Not training your qt.314 in to a giant amazon muscle girl and she'll be so impressed with her gains she'll dominate you with loving snu-snu every day.
all that awaits us all is death
that is the only guarantee in life
Wait, hugging is a sign of something?
I've hugged or been hugged by every single girl I've ever been on a date with. Even the ones I never contacted again after the first date.
Something like a dozen different girls at least have always hugged me at the end.
You mean to tell me that actually means something cos I just thought it was a friendly thing to do. How the fuck do you not get hugged? How the fuck do you not initiate a hug good bye. I'm so confused.
she said good bye and turned to her car, it was raining pretty hard, so I think she wanted to get out of the rain, at least that's the hope.
>you want some pizza bro?
the main issue is that if you don't kiss on the second date then you didn't have FACE FRAME HEIGHT
>He steals your oneitis first kiss and virginity
This. I've kissed all my dates on the second date which usually lead to more.
A few times the girl would be thirsty and we'd fuck on the first date. That maybe only happens about 50% of the time though
there's a nice kinda masc lez on ig who takes anavar but still qt, idk if I will find more :( rather have a bf~
I could get QT's before lifting desu, I just went though my extreme Autism phase ... they would literally start the conversation of for me and I would just say one thing and not continue it on like a faggot.
O god the fucking cringe.
There is one pretty hot girl who actually sat next to me this week, I though she had a bf and shit since she is so hot but apparently not, she was actually talking to some nigger who apparently looks for her during lunch.
We made some eye contact though out lunch and shit, of course me being a fagg I did nothing.
If she sits by me again, I will fucking say something, she is hot as shit, I'm not fucking this stuff up anymore.
>Tfw you could be cuddling with qt if you stop being such a faggot.
Now THIS is shitposting!
That's not Chad, that is Camum Von Moger, he's a competitive bodybuilder and he actually has narrow clavicles for his height.
So much for the height, face, frame theory.
>loves you
yeah, fuck you op but i need help
had a 8/10 come up to me tonight. she was drunk as hell and since i'm an uninterested virgin fuckdick i pretty much denied her by having nothing to talk about when she tried to come up with a conversation when it was damn obvious she was looking for sex.
my younger brother was going to pick me up anyways so it would have been pretty embarassing to let him drive us home but i'm having some second thoughts. what should i have done?
>she was drunk as hell
>Tfw Intoxication Fetish
You should have just fucked her you fucking massive faggot.
once you get it, talk to your receptionist to fill out the paperwork to get your free 1x gf.
Should be in your gym contract. if you've been tipping, ask for the premium "QT gf" paperwork and hopefully she'll give it to you, but that's reserved for 2/3/4/5+6 min mile+ sub 5% bodyfat
you have been tipping, right user?
lel. i get that this is what men dream of but when it actually happened i felt like i was cheating. just comes with experience i guess
>Are you sure you are not too drunk?
>Yes i'm sure
Guilt problem solved.
You both wan't to fuck, you are a guy and a girl what is the problem?
holy fuck I'm in love
Yeah that is a really cute dog.
dealing with a drunk bitch
Ahhahah. No. Im dead inside.
Worth it if she is hot enough
>Did I mention intoxication fetish
I'm sorry but this made me lol so hard.
yeah, next time i'll be driving. don't want to wake up my brother to get a lift just so i can keep him awake with bed sounds
I'm an asshole and incapable of connecting with anybody on an emotional level. I hope you're right but you probably aren't. Don't think I'm gonna make it.
>in the park walking my AESTHETIC LABRADOR, Vlad
>see slightly balding man in his 20s trying to talk to a girl his own HEIGHT
>trying to get HER number
>visibly sweating, blatantly ashkenazi
>I take a look at Vlad, he smiles with his STRAIGHT WHITE teeth, and I make my way over to them with my LEGS
>approach behind little one, my HEIGHT and FRAME blocks out the sun
>"so y-yea it seems it's gotten quite cloudy all of a sudden, but it's s-still hot, huh Stacy, haha..so, what are your plans for toni-"
>Stacy does not reply, and only stares at ME, muttering "HEIGHT, FRAME, FACE"
>the little one turns around, and grabs his own gyno infested chest in pain upon looking at my JAW and HAIRLINE, which I can only assume is barren of CHESTHAIR
>"w-who are you?"
>fear in his eyes, little one sweats even more, and loses balance due to his weak LEGS
>he takes off his shirt in an attempt to alleviate the sweating while writhing on the ground in weak agony, stuttering, "so Stacy, w-wanna go hang s-someti...Stacy?"
>on the ground, he looks at Stacy, who is now CUMMING
>without saying a word more, she steps on top of little one's balding head, who is now sobbing and sliding in his self induced sweat puddle
>I mount Stacy and plow her, while I maintain PERFECT eye contact with little one
>VLAD has already impregnated FORTY THREE dogs during this time
>"why do you try? I have EVERYTHING you LACK"
>little one is completely naked now, wheezing and coughing up INFERIOR BLOOD, and I decide to finish him off
>"Besides, you're ONLY 5'10"
>Stacy shrieks with laughter and cums simultaneously at this
>little one's eyes open widely, and with one last breath, his heart gives out
>I smile
>I take Vlad and Stacy to my TRUCK, and I touch my ADAMANT HAIRLINE with my vascular HANDS
>little one is quickly forgotten, especially by Stacy
>we drive to my CASTLE
>my crusade has only begun.
love this pasta but the other one
is better
Doing gods work mayne
wdgirls is bretty good but actually being there would be awful
Post pls?
sorry breh i don't have it
has already happened, was totally over-rated
Better that sitting at home playing TF2 all day.
Can mine be Trappy?
Fucking kek
Reminder that I'm ugly so I can never see a qt wanting anything to do with me.
It's what's on the inside that counts, user
Not going to lie I would not date an ugly girl
But a 8/10 would beat a 10/10 if I fall in "le love"
My gym crush wasn't at the gym today. Maybe next time I will lead her name.
I'm not sure I even want a qt anymore.
It's like, we fuck, and then what? Is she going to constantly entertain me? Only breifly until her pussy gets boring, which it will eventually like everything else.
Nothing is truly satisfactory in this world. All pleasure is transitory. But I keep chasing it anyway. Why? Is there anything else?
>It's like, we fuck, and then what? Is she going to constantly entertain me? Only breifly until her pussy gets boring, which it will eventually like everything else.
You can cuddle and sleep together
Yes she can entertain you.
>Nothing is truly satisfactory in this world. All pleasure is transitory. But I keep chasing it anyway. Why? Is there anything else?
This is what people that post on Veeky Forums believe,
>attempt splits
>stretch as wide as I can
>attempt to move my legs ONLY A LITTLE
>pull a muscle
This is painful to watch, I'm getting flash backs.
but i don't want a qt3.14 gf
i just want to be alone
>Veeky Forums the Post.
Fucc that hit me in the feelios.
Except I'm not that swole and have my own place. I have a date tonight fucc.
i look like someone crossbred a retarded neanderthal with quasimodo that got axed in the face. im also a dumb hs dropout, stuck doing a shitty job most wouldn't do. i clean and partition fish in a factory. you know with the conveyor belt and all
im also pretty sure im into dudes and i think gay guys have even higher standards than girls
i have come to terms with this and it's not so bad anymore. i know i won't ever marry a qt3.14
i play video games and go camping instead so its cool
im praying for you bros tho. good luck
you sound really depressed.
i miss having a qt3.14 bf to laugh and joke about shit. tell each other stories. sex with feelings and not just my pussy as a masturbatory sleeve. lay next to you naked. like just look at you and it's amazing you're here and we are sharing this time together.
take in all your details, your eyes your mouth. is your nose big? bushy eyebrows maybe. a little scar and you tell me how you got it. rest my face on your chest and I can smell the soap you used, are you wearing old spice deodorant? it doesn't matter, I love the way you smell and how nice and warm you feel. I'll touch your leg with my icy feet and you'll complain and I'll laugh. im just playing. are you hungry? i can cook some chicken and rice if you want. or we can be extra lazy and order pizza.
a qt3.14 bf to share ordinary events. it's not ordinary to me bc you're special. my schedule sucks but I'll make the time. if we're not together for long then lets enjoy it while it lasts. little treasured memories left to keep us searching for more again.
Boohoo faggot.
probably the day after I fucking shot myself in the head
and then she/he breaks your fucking heart and you cry into the mirror while curling 30 lbs at 2 am in an empty gym
I remember you breh and I am happy for you
I once went out with a qt that was way more accomplished than me, shit made me depressed. After 2 dates I just ghosted her and I guess she was relieved because I haven't received one call or msg after that
I hope you'll make it breh
objectively speaking... no
Name one form of pleasure that isnt transitory.
>searching for more again
Not depressed, just realistic. Haven't you realized that you're constantly chasing after something? Everyone is, it's part of the human condition. We don't have any choice in the matter.
You see this is some ol' bullshit. People act like you need to be in a relationship for this shit to happen, but I do this with every single one of my fuckbuddies, it's not like these situations are exclusive to relationships. People are always too rigid, they should just let go and allow how they feel to flow.
My opinion is build a lot of relationships with people you're attracted to and allow the rest to come naturally, you don't have to get attached to one person, but you can. And if you meet someone who overthinks shit, like somebody who would rather be with an abusive guy, puts sex on a pedestal, or some other shit then drop the bitch. I'm always surprised by how many good-hearted, amazing people I meet.
This post might not have any context but I felt like this thread is a good place for it.
>Name one form of pleasure that isnt transitory.
Sangsaric rebirth cycle
I'm far too insecure and pathetic to let women get close to me. But I'm Veeky Forums so they keep trying, then getting disappointed and hurt when I turn them away.
I was never that good at life, but I let it slip away from me for a few years and now I'm really, really trying to catch up.
But I'm just so broken.
I'm mid to late 20s now and I have no idea about my career or life goals.
I have so few experiences and I'm such a hollow person that doesn't do all the things regular people do that when I try to get better, be happy, talk to people I feel like an absolute fraud.
I can't talk for shit, but I can suck that up and push through it. But when I'm trying to socialise with people and get better I feel like an actual mentally retarded person who's mimicking the normies but obliviously not fooling anyone.
Thank you personal blog, I just needed to vent all this.
Everyone's insecure, user. Everyone worries about what other people are thinking of them.
You are great, just be yourself and friendships will come to you.
>I feel like an actual mentally retarded person who's mimicking the normies but obliviously not fooling anyone.
everyone feels like that duderino
chad and stacy are just a meme
literally everyone is a social autist, just some less than others
No one believes this, like no one believes size doesn't matter or true love exists.
Sadly, that will never be enough to stop her wanting to try out a BBC or 8 at some point, either with your permission or not