Cutting down alcohol a lot (been lifting for 8 months made decent gainz) but need to reduce bf%.
Do you make better gainz without alcohol or does alcohol simply put on more fat.
Cutting down alcohol a lot (been lifting for 8 months made decent gainz) but need to reduce bf%
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What the fuck do you think, OP
Alcohol is just empty calories m8
Alcohol fucks with your test. Say goodbye to your gainz
I know you'd lose more fat, but in terms of muscle gain I dunno.
Yeah but do you gain less muscle though?
What does that even mean
All calories can be used for energy can they not?
But I've been making good gainz consistently.
So if that's true I'd be making really fucking good gainz without it.
>Alcohol fucks with your test
Link to study?
op here. alcohol is high in sugar that is just going to go to fat. I do a lot of cardio (actually enjoy it). But even so I'm not pretending my current diet is great.
But you can use that fat for energy
op again.
I too would like to see something less bro-science about this.
Alcohol decreases testosterone and increases estrogen, so yes it will fuck with your gains
Causes dehydration too
Empty calories just means they have little to no nutritional value except for energy
"empty" calories means calories with no other nutritional value in terms of macros and micros
ie eating the same amount of calories of dark green veges vs alcohol, with the veges you get all the other good shit that comes in the same amount of calories
you could always just inject yourself with more test.
Empty calories means there's no nutritional benefit beyond the energy the food provides.
You made good gainz because you're a newfriend. Yes, you'll make better gainz without it, however the diminishing returns on your lifting will come much quicker if you continue to drink
>Research with animals has consistently demonstrated an association between both acute (i.e., one time, one occasion) and chronic (i.e., long-term) alcohol consumption and low testosterone.
Alcohol is it's own macronutrient on top of the sugar already found in the drinks
>Most studies of alcohol's effects on male reproduction have been conducted in rats because the rat model mimics the human male reproductive system.
Read the whole article, nigger
alcohol is going limit the liver. It considers alcohol, a defcon1 situation. so instead of using its resources towards adaptogenic responses, its forced deal with the alcohol and adapt later.
If you're working out and drinking its like slamming your car into reverse while driving.
yeah no this is typical masturbation not groundbreaking research.
>delusional alcoholic who will cling to anything to disprove science because he wants to drink guilt free, like a fatty eating food all day
There's 2 done with humans. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking research, it's research that leads to the conclusion
And yet I still have more gainz then you.
Literally lmaoing at your life.
Yeah, but if you roid just to keep up your alcohol habit, you're a certified faggot
read the sticky
Am I though? Still making more gains than you bb ;)