Do you have a hobby or interest that "conflicts" with your Veeky Forumsness? Do you just not have time anymore for it, or do people simply get surprised when they learn you stay at home watching cute anime schoolgirls do cute anime schoolgirl things?
Do you have a hobby or interest that "conflicts" with your Veeky Forumsness? Do you just not have time anymore for it...
no i'm either shitposting and eating or shitposting and lifting
Jesus christ are those the new starting 3?
>Rowlet best lifting bro
>having/doing anything that qualifies as a hobby/interest
Pick one and only one
literally popplio is cool though
I don't have hobbies, I spend too much time on the Internet
>tfw no pet owl to get swole with
I used to be a pretty good Magic player. Now I don't have time to test, I don't want to spend weekends playing tournaments, and even the nice people in the scene tend to be unhealthy and generally depressing to be around
>chinese cartoons
I take great delight in painting little soldiers and reading big books.
Not something women expect from a heavily tattooed tradesman who can deadlift 200 for reps. I hate it because i attract airhead whores and not smart nerdy ladies.
Pic related.
i sell drugs and ruin peoples lives
I bought the intro box at gencon but never actually followed through on painting the minis or reading the rules.
cars. got fucked up because i wanted to go for a spin before a storm hit. now i lose interest every time i start working out because i know i'm just ruining my back
This desu. I've always been into Pokemon but I rarely ever talk about it when someone brings it up, because as the discussion goes along I begin to realize the person I'm talking to is depressing the fuck out of me.
>deadlift 200 for reps
You probably attract airhead whores because you're dumb as a brick yourself if you think a 200 DL is worth anything. That's baby's first deadlift for most people.
I actually met some of my best friends over the years playing Magic but we live in different cities now and have very different lifestyles and not much to talk about
Weirdly a couple of the good local players I know but am not really close friends with are gym rats now and I suspect one is a Veeky Forumsizen
Im an ausfag. That's in KG.
>check yourself
I think it's kg not lbs
>amerifit can't metric system
lmao I don't wanna make fun of the guy but it took me a month of training to get there when I was 15
>assuming people use freedom units
You some kinda retard?
Used to play magic the gathering religiously. Haven't touched my cards in forever. Veeky Forums was my home. Now I don't even recognize it
Americlaps assuming every poster is also an americlap, whats new.
Stopping playing visual about when started lifting. Got into 40k last year. Not the best at painting, but getting better. Can't paint while lifting. Chalk flying around and hands get shakey.
Nintendo and other related games, Capcom, that kind of stuff, comics, anime, Touhou, figure collecting and weeb stuff like that.
We're on Veeky Forums, OP. We're all sperglord autists who watch anime or play vidya as hobbies.
What separates us from other boards is that some of our bodies look ok.
I originally was a /v/irgin, but now I'm a Veeky Forumsizen and don't game AS much.
However, when asked about my hobbies, I admit to being a video game nerd.
Unless I'm just trying to fuck. Then I just say I'm a workaholic that lifts in their free time.
Base colours look clean. Chuck a wash on then edge highlight and you will have something!
Myself and 2 mates who I use to play with got back into 40k independently from each other 10 years after we fell out of touch, bizzare. We do 40k shit every tuesday with, good chance to spin yarns and talk shit.
Its here
Painting is looking good for someone who's been doing it less than a year. Clean lines. Keep it up bruh. I still have my first above my painting desk haha
Is masturbation a hobby?
>not wanting to become like them anime characters
Though I never reveal full power level. Always got to stay entry level tier when it comes to conversing with strangers.
Yep, I hate Pokemon since Ruby/Sapphire, Pokemon just became completely random uggos after that
yes, aren't they glorious
not really since i try my best to balance. let your hobbies take over, and you'd be back to square one. though its funny to see pokemon here, despite the fact that its a game right up Veeky Forumss alley
>tfw still in elo hell on showdown
I think the cooler guys hide their power level, at least, the ones I've met. Those who flaunt it usually just end up making me feel depressed.
How do I into Joseph modo?
Not to mention they have shit taste
Make the emperor proud brother
>hacking (3DS) consoles
>playing vidya
sometimes I just fall back into my old habits and spend a whole weekend doing nerd stuff
doesn't fit with Veeky Forums at all
seal is worst, user. don't fool yourself