>"I got from 2.5 pl8 my first day in the gym to 4pl8 squat in 6 months on maxing every session fAm." edition
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>"I got from 2.5 pl8 my first day in the gym to 4pl8 squat in 6 months on maxing every session fAm." edition
you mean this isn't normal?
am i just some sort of god?
Biggest guys in my gym who are probably 95kg lean with huge legs squatting 130kg for reps and struggling im sure these autists in current body threads who weight 20kg lighter who look DYEL squat 370lb for reps.
1st for squats in roughly 6 hours, stll awake and shitposting on Veeky Forums
>when your English class is about interpreting terrible poetry
Just kill me now famalam
At least with the SSB I'd learn or die trying
step it up
>my 8x6 penis is not enough to please a woman can someone give me a recommendation on a bathmate
kek, the most i've ever seen anyone in my gym squat is 3 plates, someone actually did 4 once but he was a large fatty kinda guy. the guys doing 3 plates go full atg but they aren't small to say the least
Don't talk about it, be about it.
Step it up
Ill never understood how your wrists can handle the lowbar position. I literally cant do it without wraps
is that 2xbw yet?
He said those guys have huge legs, though. They're clearly doing something right that you aren't.
Can you summarize it? I hate rippletits voice
Yeah, using roids.
Here's the TL;DR version if don't have the attention span necessary to learn how to avoid pain when squatting.
The other video covers other important details though.
step it up
Imitate this, making sure to keep straight wrists, and you've got rip grip.
we aren't done with daily maxes vs SS
who should I trust? Rippetoe or jamie lewis
>who should I trust?
SS is daily maxing
Do what you think you'd enjoy the most. It doesn't really matter. The only thing that does is going to the gym, imho.
>tfw just meditated, stretched, and made some decaf coffee
Who comfy tonight?
I'm not gonna be comfy until I finish word vomiting all over this page, which will take me another hour, at least, because nothing makes sense.
>ripp grip memers
I feel you, English/Humanities essays are shit. I channel all my energy into those shits to get them done in an hour or two just throwing words everywhere.
>because nothing makes sense
english classes in a nutshell
>this same poster will be complaining about wrist/elbow/shoulder/biceps pain in a couple of weeks
This poetry is literally some of the worst poetry I've ever read. I showed some to my grandmother, who used to teach English in high school and she damn near had a heart attack. This essay is supposed to be 1-2 pages double spaced and I'm struggling to put words on the page because the poems are literally gibberish.
>Implying it takes anything remotely close to that long
just threw on the #2 guard and shaved my head lads
hair was really long but also out of control
i think this will be for the best
>doing english
Are you still at highschool?
>nth for all squats are beautiful
nn lads
>scroll down for video
If I was in high school then I wouldn't have any issues. I just finished up my freshman year of college and I'm taking summer courses. I need to take 3 English classes and I'm trying to knock two of them out this summer.
Ugh sounds terrible
I dropped that shit as fast as I could
>not parallel
that's no lift asshole
They're 6 week sessions, so they definitely could be a hell of a lot worse. I can't really drop this course because if I do I will get kicked out of my college, so I'm kinda fucked there. I just have to buckle down and deal with it. 5 more weeks left.
>3 required English courses
I'm so sorry fampai
>Have a fat friend that started out at 3 pl8 and hit 4 pl8 in a month
>He diddylifts 585 now
Sup rookie how's your first day in plg?
It's technically 2, the third one can be music or art instead. Not sure how good those would be either.
Fuck I'm so hype for my deload lel. I never thought I'd ever say that but I really need to shed the fatigue I accumulated from those paused deadlifts.
2x bw yet?
A while ago dummy
took you long enough chadshorts
Too busy fuckin bitches u know how dat go
anyone here /highbar/ ?
I haven't really been keeping up, why you deloading? Has the cut been hindering your performance that much?
I'm bulking my way to 200 on GOMAD + Large Pizza Pie a day until I hate how I look so much than I'm forced to cut. Really liking TM atm since adding 5lbs to my squat every squat day had begun to be unbearable on SS.
Because one work set per exercise per week is too much for him to handle without a deload.
You're supposed to deload after your 1+ week on 5/3/1, and I feel like I need it, considering I couldn't break my deadlift 5 rm off the floor for one rep.
Coming of SS, for deadlifts, it's definitely harder for me to recover. I'm 90% sure it's because my paused deadlifts were at too high of a percentage.
You'd have to cut if you didn't sit 3 weight classes below where you should be.
I also shaved my face smooth for the first time in a while
I'm hoping the ladies will love it
You've seen my body m8, you know that I need to.
My thumbs hurt from yesterday and I don't feel like bullying
Might just smoke a bowl and play some ds3
Jelly desu. This paper is killing me. Almost done though, I think. Have fun boardie
>eqipped lifting
>m-my thumbs hurt you guys I'm g-gonna go get high now
fucking pathetic
holy shit
Weird way to spell THICC tBh
Did I ever ask you why you tell me I lift equipped?
Good luck la
Why is your wilks score lower than a teenaged azn girl?
Thanks. I'm done for now, gonna edit it tomorrow morning and turn it in. This is literally the worst paper I've ever written in my life. Thank God it's only worth 5 points.
Do you think that this bitch is natty?
>huge legs squatting 130kg for reps and struggling
That's because it's a skill to make 130kg heavy enough to work your legs, just like it's a skill to move 220kg like it's nothing.
Isley u neber lern
I got 2pl8 squat about 3 months after starting with the bar. Today I hit 455x8 pretty cleanly. Feel free to ask questions/mire
> low bar
Your ugly ass good morning is no proper squat
why is the pic of her squatting 4pl8 captioned 100kg?
Are you at least 6'?
Not really
If you squat a lot you'll get good at squatting and get big legs
If you have a leg day which consists of leg press, hamstring curls, and whatever other leg machines are out there, then you'll get big legs but you'll suck at squatting
I'm 6'0. Can't even say my squat is attributable to my ROM
Nice bar path faggot
What's your training age now?
I got 3pl8 for reps in 3 months starting with the empty bar
Did SL and ate a lot
Now I'm at 395 for 5 reps, should be a lot heavier weight but I had a few training hiccups along the way
Happy for Joff his gf looks qt as fuck :')
I'm going to be going for a 1RM 3pl8 squat in a couple of days, since I got my 5rm up to 120kg, and strengthstandards says that = a 140kg 1rm. I'm hype af. What should I do between now and then to make sure I don't fuck up?
Post pics
>tfw your squat progresses slow
>all these people posting stories
>stupid interrupted lifting career
Get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, and eat a lot
Why are you attempting a 1rm btw?
>tfw got sick for nearly a year after first 6 months of lifting
To know if I can do it or not. Once I can squat at least 3 plates I think that's a good baseline of leg strength for me to move on to getting coached in oly lifting, which is what I'd really like to be doing. The only weightlifting club near me is pretty intimidating though because the guys put up huge numbers and I don't want to be too much of a rookie
bar sleeves in the new gym spin like crazy, making my bench press feel more like forearm exercise wtf. Anyone knows how to deal with this?
O okay
I'd continue with SS/SL/whateveryouredoing until the progress has stopped but if you've been grinding to get where you're at then it's probably a safe bet to move on to new programming
Also no one at the oly gym will care about your lifts they'll just be happy to have someone joining
Weightlifting is a very niche (and dying) sport
I'm really good at grinding out a DL 1rm
Should I use a grinder as an input into a program or a weight that is tough but moves alright
I'd say about 3 and a half years. I too had some hiccups along the way but in the end I think the strength comes back relatively quickly after an injury. I was out 8 weeks after a skull/tailbone fracture but in about 2 months after returning it was all good. I think the time from 4pl8 to 5pl8 is the hardest desu
I wasted a lot of time getting from 330 for 5x6 to 365 for 3x5, time that would've been much better spent with a new program
And then I got sick as fuck right before last fall semester's finals and then was traveling for the holidays so I missed an entire month in the gym
The strength loss was horrendous
I'll be 2 years in come December
My major hiccup is here and lately my training has been irregular since my sleep schedule is all fucked up
But I've got 8 am summer class everyday starting Tuesday so that should give some routine to my life
I know that feel lads
I keep getting sick and have sleep apnoea while working full time so struggle to recover well. Making progress but will stagnate some lifts for a frustrating amount of time.
I can even make my knees ache the next day from applying leg drive in the bench press - something isn't right with these fuckers .
Yeah I've decided to focus almost exclusively on my squat so I dropped deadlifting completely and have been bodybuilding my upper body
It's good to switch things up when you stagnate so you can regain some confidence
Yeah new programming is the best to break through plateaus. And gaining about 5 lbs Lel. I did a "go to rpe 9 every workout" program for about 3 months and made it a 535 squat (up from 500) but then recently got in on ph3 worth its massive volume and I'm up to aforementioned squat in about a months time lol
I managed to go with some consistency, but I think since my immune-system was in fucking high gear all the time my gains were compromised.
I'm doing Texas Method now and trying to eat "clean," I could stand to lose some weight
Thinking about switching to Cube once it peters out
That'll definitely do it
Hope you're in good health now