Tfw your new gf is worried that your dick is too big to fit inside her

>tfw your new gf is worried that your dick is too big to fit inside her

Who else /bigdick/ here?

6.8 length reporting in

how 2 decrease vascularity on benis?

Isn't vascularity just natural ribbing?

Any tips on lowering libido? I've tried jerking off more, jerking off less, that's all I could think of. Hard to not get erect, I wear a jockstrap and a pair of boxers over. It's just annoying as hell when I fucking sit down for a second and I go full sail.

yeah, but it actually starts to hurt if im hard as fuck and i clench while cumming

Can't decrease it breh

>find out she tells her friends
>break up
>suddenly they start texting me if I'm doing anything or if I'm busy

Too bad I made this up.

Anything below 7 inches is a dicklet

Clech both thighs as hard as you can for 30 seconds. Steals your red rocket fuel to get a phat pump on. You're welcome brah
>tfw size of pinkie finger when not erect
>mfw 7.25 erect

I am nearly 8 inches soft. Nothing turns me on more than walking around the locker room and having guys look at my dick. Some are noticeably jealous. Some get embarrassed and try to hide their boy dicks. Others get turned on, the probably aren't gay but seeing such a big alpha cock makes them a subservient beta.

there's no better feel then the look on a girls face when she sees your cock for the first time and her eyes light up

>hooking up with a random sloot at a party for the first time in life after transitioning from obese to dyel
>pulls down pants, eyes widen and she bites her lower lip
>"i don't think that's going to fit"

almost came just from that, best feeling

Its not fun. Sex needs a lot of foreplay.

>a few years ago
>managed to start dating one of those ultra christian types since she was super interested in me for some reason
>she's super sexual despite being a virgin
>figure i've really lucked out
>after a few weeks she's ready
>we're on my bed, she wants to see my dick
>she reaches into my pants and takes it out
>pulls her hand back suddenly and says "holy shit its big"
>she starts hyperventilating and saying shes not ready
>we go out for a few more days before a mutual breakup
>shes still a virgin even now
it's honestly only a little above average but i guess it was a flag pole in her mind.

I don't know what's cringier : the fact that you lie about your dick size on an anonymous board or the fact that guys like still believe they're special because a girl made a comment on his dick that she says to every guy she sucks off.

This is probably the only true story in this thread.

>tfw can only pound away in missionary position
>can't pound doggy balls deep because it hurts her when i go more than 3/4

Is my gf just a little bitch that can't endure a bit of pain?

it's okay famalam, not everyone can be above average

>People saying girls commented on their dick before they fucked

Probably just lion. Women won't just say omg you have a big dick before fucking. That like happens after sex.

The difference is user, the girl won't then laugh about the dick with her friends afterwards like every girl who's ever held your pe

Anyone else have low hanging/big balls too? Christ these fuckers are annoying.

>Being this gay

7 something inches reporting in

always struggle to fit without enough foreplay. having a big dick is not all its cracked up to be. some girls comment on it, but for the most part they dont say anything until it actually spreads their lips apart and slides in. when they do comment tho, its more on the girth, not the length. its also made it real hard to find a girl thats keen for anal. current gf does it, but she always ends up real sore for a few days, even tho she cums from it.

always thought my dick was rather small desu. guess i was wrong. go figure

Reminder that if you aren't at least 6 inches you will never EVER satisfy a woman.

How do I get over performance anxiety? I couldn't stay hard with a girl over the weekend.

I'm a gay sub bottom with a 6 inches dick, please explain to me why would I post out of jealousy ? I sincerely think you have to be a pretty pathetic person to lie on your dick size on an anonymous board.
Obviously, some guys do have an above average dick and post in those threads, but it's really funny how most of you don't realize how rare 7+ inches dicks actually are, and yet, every poster on Veeky Forums seems to pack 8 to 9 inches.
I guess dick size is heavily correlated with Veeky Forums use, I don't know, does that sound like a reasonable explanation to you ?

Experience, everything else you hear is bullshit.

Find a long term gf, and practice with her. Prepare to be cucked though, because she won't get satisfyied by you until you get over it.

Or more like the only people posting dick sizes in a "big dick thread" are people with above average sizes?

Yeah maybe that makes more sense you dumb faggot.

or maybe the people who are lucky enough to have a dick that's above 6.5 inches felt like sharing something?

just because someone talks about having an above-average dick size on the internet doesn't mean they're immediately lying

sure, there's a chance that they could be, but there's also the chance that they're speaking from experience and just deciding to share something in a thread that they can some-what relate to

i don't know about you, but I think you have to be a pretty pathetic person to get frustrated and upset over what some other people post on an anonymous image board, regardless or whether or not the stories are factual

>Have an 8 inch penis
>All the porn makes me feel small
>Realise my dick is probably in the Genuinelly desire a 10" curved cock

>Insecure dicklets detected


>the propensy to participe meme
Do you guys realize that this is only a thing in real experiments with an actual scientist measuring your actual dick ? It doesn't work on an anonymous website. The only reason you talk about this is because you think it gives you credit and make your roleplaying more believable to others, but it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about.
Even if you were right, you're stupidly overestimating the total number of posters + lurkers on Veeky Forums if you think you're likely to find more than 2 or 3 guys with a dick bigger than 7 inches and ready to post in a unique thread at a given moment.
Guys who actually have big dicks don't brag about it on internet anonymous boards, they don't care about their dicks because they lived with it their whole lives.

Op here, I made this thread because my gf and I were talking about this last night not just because I decided one day to roleplay having a big dick on the fitness section of an american anime website.

Stay mad

>guys who actually have big dicks don't brag about it
>guys who actually lift big weight don't brag about it
>guys who are actually successful don't brag about it

this is Veeky Forums
bragging is what people do on this board while others use that as motivation to push themselves to get better

how /new/

TFW dig bick and it's been put to use twice in the last five years.

This is both of you, right now. Such big guys, with big dicks and big self-confidence.

I know this feel
>7.5x6 so not small by any means
>all I want is a 11x7.5 monster cock
Feels bad man

8.0 master race reporting here.

Honestly, women love it until you start getting rough with it


eh, try 0

>7.5x7 6'7, 240lbs 10%
>Have extreme social anxiety
>Live in a country where girls never initiate and it's seen as super loose slut sign.

So how does she know?

Goddamn brah, are you me?
>6'8. 230pounds. 7'xIdunno
>Can't talk to grills for shit, not making it, in the getting laid department.
>Living in Canada of all places.

>7inch girth
no kidding? your dick must be a fucking can opener

stay mad

i've never had a girl say my dick isn't big, biggest she's had, sporadically comment on it throughout the relationship, ect...

exactly 6 inches on a good day. completely average. women will try and make you feel more like a man if you make her feel like a woman

I have fingered before and she is tight as hell, she knows this too, my dick's about 5.7 inched girth so she is nervous about it I guess

>You can obtain body of greek god but deep inside i am still a fat kid with issues.

My gf likes it when I hurt her.

>5'5 lil manlet with 8x5,5
>tfw it doesn't even look big to me
Do you also feel this?I didn't think it was big until a girl commented on how sex felt different because of the size.

Same here, she loves mine plus also my curve. Always thought I was below average. But 5'11"

Sure thing mate. Why don't you post a picture of it beside a ruler then?

Your dick size doesn't matter, don't listen to autists. Once a woman has decided to sleep with you she won't change her mind after seeing your dick.

The "omg girls love bbc" is a retarded meme. In reality it's just painful for the woman. If you're so retarded you can't see that, shove your first up the next girl you fuck and ask her if she likes it.

I've never failed to please a woman and my dick is only 4 inches hard. Just have good foreplay, turn her on, then go for at least 5 mins. Inb4 they all lied, I've never had a 1 night stand as I don't fuck ugly girls and they all want to fuck me again after.

>Your dick size doesn't matter, don't listen to autists. Once a woman has decided to sleep with you she won't change her mind after seeing your dick.

>gf loves me
>most of the times we have sex she tears
>almost always have blood on my dick
>penetration always hurts, especially in the beginning
>foreplay and excessive lube only help a bit

it ruined our relationship

I was meaning a smaller penis. I know that big dicks can hurt girls, that's what I was talking about in the BBC meme. Sorry for your experience bro, next time go for a girl with a bigger vag to help things out a big. Taller girls are usually a bit bigger down there.

Who here /NormalSizeButAestheticCock/?
Never gotten a compliment on size besides a couple "a bit above average" but almost every single girl I've fucked has said I have a really nice looking dick.

18.5cm and pretty thick, don't recall the precise circumference.
I guess women would be attracted if they knew, but thing is, they don't. And it took my wife a lot of time (years) to get used to it in my favorite position (when she is lying face down).
Oh, and I had sex with only one another girl besides her, since I am an autist.
Also, you can't just send dick pics to women on dating sites, since they are disgusted by that. They need to feel attracted first.

seriously tips please i need to know

Report frogposters.

dicklet detected

7.5x6 here

I also have a big scar on my cock. Which I think makes it look like a grizzled war veteran.

take speed or coke

who else /cockscar/ here?

> Long width-ways scar across the shaft and one on pubic triangle.
Still aesthetic uncut tho