Do you get girls (15-19) like big muscles?
Do you get girls (15-19) like big muscles?
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do you even english bro?
>Do you get girls (15-19) like big muscles?
>do you get girls like big muscles
Fuck. Meant to write 'younger girls'.
>that Fucking sentence
With that said, Some girls are like skinny boys, others love big muscle
Fucking ficki ficki sandnigger. GTFO of Europe
But who was phone?
do i get girls like big muscles?
well i don't have big muscles, so yes.
Those perfect teeth
As a teethlet myself, I appreciate people with good teeth and can't help but envy them. I agree, those are great teeth.
r8 my teeth
Very good, like little pearls. Would breed with/10
Cheekie is breeding material.
My lifes goal is to ruin your body for good.
Post more bby
Teenagers are stupid. If you're in your mid 20s you should be able to attract one easily - unless you're balding.
They like ottermode, but face is more important.
Jesus fucking Christ get a girl your own age cancerous nigger
brush and floss twice a day bb, nite
Shut up faggot
be the mother of my children pls
do you brush when you get up or have brekkie and then brush your teeth before leaving for work?
brekkie then brush immediately
Why? That's the prime age for females.
>mfw burgers can't tap prime teen pussy without going to jail
Go be a cuck somewhere else
>Do you get girls (15-19) like big muscles?
this is a meme now. ok I'm reall goin to bed nite lel
This actually goes for any woman who's younger than you actually, not just teenagers.
Most females can't get over their daddy complex even if they are 30+ or something.
show us your tits, slut
Why don't you man up and date a woman you're own age? My party days are over, I'm looking to settle down with a good guy. Man up and stop being so immature. Who cares if I'm 30 year old whore who's hit the wall.
Ill date you m'lady
Yes. All through high school I was a skinny beta faggot. First year in college I started lifting, gained about 10lbs in muscle, put those pics on my myspace page, and so many teen girls were friended. I got so much 14-16yo pussy at that time u till I turned 20 I decided to stop being hebe and go for girls my age. The. I released women don't give a shit about looks but money. Mfw I was a poor college freshmen working at Wendeys. Still would get hit on by high school girls even in my early 20s. Would always turn down cause didn't want the risk of getting caught. And yes I said MySpace this was 10 years ago
I care. There's a reason i dont buy used junk.
yes you get grils the same way as you get big muscles.
i heard brushing after brekkie is bad for your teeth because the acid in food will make your teeth temporary soft. so brushing after eating could dmg your teeth
Virgins have sex like shit. You haven't lived until you've banged a woman in her late twenties/early thirties. They're nuts.
OH FUCK that's a friend's ex
>Do you like prison wardens
First post best post.
This is true, especially if you're eating food with high acid content, e.g an orange or a glass of OJ. Brushing after this will cause real damage to the enamel protecting your teeth. Best to brush right after you wake up and right before you go to bed, as these are the times where you haven't eaten. Though, if you want, you only have to wait about 30 minutes after eating food to brush, to be safe.
Your friend dodged a bullet. The girl is a whore. Litteraly. She offers "girlfriend services" for money.
They're nuts and realize they have little to offer. If I want to have kids, to try with a girl in her late 20s is just unacceptable.
Let's say she's 27 to give you the most leeway possible - I'd need to know her for a couple of years before I'd feel comfortable marrying her, so now she's 29. Spend some time trying to get your first kid out and she's 30, probably half way through 30, before you pop out your first kid. Now you're fucked - your second kid is going to come from a woman over 30 and is going to have a significantly higher chance of having mental disabilities.
Fuck that shit. You have choices that are:
1. Have an only child (fuck that, self-centered fucks)
2. Have a second child with a higher chance of mental disabilities (fuck that even more, kids are hard enough, I'm not going to roll the dice on ruining my life and, let's be honest, the life of my first kid)
Well all that I know about her is that she's a whore from West Virginia with more tits than brains. I'm not from that area, and he dated her a long time ago. I was just surprised to see a picture of her floating around the internet. Not surprised that her only option to make money is to sell her body.
Nigga, who the fuck is talking about kids. Calm your autism.
You do realise that risks start going up around mid 40's right? Not early 30's.
Having kids before 25 is for plebs who stop studying after their first higher education degree.
>a picture
She litteraly sells nudes. Like a camwhore.
This. I am a 27 year old lawyer.
> no kids
You're in the perfect gap now. First kid between 25 and 30 is perfect to balance everything.
Nah bruh, he has to earn that cash money till he's 32, and get kids around that age with his young wifey, and his wifey should approximately be around 25-27 at that time.
Mmm if he manages to stay fit, that could be a plan I guess. Otherwise the age gap might show with the beginning of aging.
What a gross looking slut 2/10 would not bang
She is sort of cute, if she didnt have such big tits it would be alot better but she is definetly bangable bro
>if she didnt have such big tits it would be alot better
I... Dude what
>if she didnt have such big tits it would be alot better
I dont like big tits, problem?
Smaller tits makes girls look more feminine and cute
damn, she literally just got those huge tatas, average af face.
And i'm very soft rating white girls.
why is it that every time white girls have huge tits the rest of them is just subpar? i'm talking beyond just butterface, it's like a fucking DnD game where they specced into being a titcow and didn't put anything into having a decent ass or figure
yeah, if you're low test fag. HAHHAHAHAHAH
>smaller tits are more feminine
Get out Ireland.
if you think about it. the average white girl have shit body anyway.
In her case is just more aparent cuz she have cow tits.
>not loving all sizes
>>smaller tits are more feminine
It makes them look cuter
Big tits reminds me of trannies or fat chicks
this guy gets it. big tits == saggy pancake bullshit after about 30.
smaller = perky = ages way, way, way better.
I can accept all sizes, last gf had a D-cup but i prefer smaller
>reminds me of tranny
dude, if girls reminds you of trannies at all, your chance of being a closeted fag is huge.
Smaller tits don't remind you of boys or men then?
You can like what you like, don't make up retarded reasons/justifications for it
I don't like absurdly huge tits, they sag like fucking crazy
This is about the present user. I'm not looking for a wife
>tfw love huge tatas
>tfw met my gf one week after the redo her boob job for something smaller
>tfw sometimes i wish they were big as fuck
Not at all, what i have in mind when i think of small breasts dont come close to boys.
Trannies often have big tits due to surgery and i dont find trannies attractive. When i hear someone say "X has big tits" or whatever i usually think of fat chicks because those are arguments they usually make why guys should like them etcetc
Pic very related
I mean, that's fine. But her literal only redeeming quality is her boobs. Everything else is subpar or average
showing my age here, but dating past 30 is kind of scary, because a chick in a push-up bra can be pretty deceptive. when you take that bra off of her, and they just 'flop', it's over.
I guess it's like a chick finding out a dude has a micro-penis?
Im with you bro
If you manage to drag home a girl using a push up and find out she has way smaller tits than she led to believe i wouldnt mind at all
Bringing a girl home and pulling off her bra only to have her tits land on your toes however is not fine
Its even worse on their back, looks like the tits melted or are trying to escape in opposite direction
>mid 40's
Yea, that's when it gets really bad. Do you really, honestly believe the PC drivel that comes out about how 30 is the new 20? Between 30 and 35, a woman's risk of having a kid with downs increases from 1 in 959 to 1 in 338. Those are shit odds for fucking up your life.
Agreed, her quality is subpar so she is lucky to have dem tits since (obviously) most guys like big tits
I might prefer smaller to bigger but generally i dont give a shit about tits since its mostly about face
Pic related (and she has tits aswell so you can agree with me)
Yeah sure, but the guy seemed to say that right past 30 suddenly your child going to be all fucked. There's still a bit of a margin there.
As I said, best age is between 25 and 30, 32 to have the last one if you're pushing it and want 3 kids.
Must be nice but shit at the same time to live with that.
Sure you get plenty of attention, but then you start wondering if there's a guy that'll want you for, well, you, and not your tits.
I guess it depends what kind of person you are.
Pic related, a very good friend of mine with whom I sleep often tells me that she wouldn't want to get rid of them if qhe could. But then again, she's a massive slut (slept with more than 30 guys) so that's a bad example.
Well i think most girls have to consider that guys only want them for their..."assets"
Guys like sex and guys like sex with girls they consider pretty, i think this is the number 1 relationship killer is the lack of sex because most guys dont want to/cant deal with that
This begs the question, if you like a girl for her big tits does that mean you dont like her as a person? How do you define identity in this?
More than 30 is a slut? How many to be a man slut?
That's a good question actually.
Funnily enough, last pic and another friend I let on tinder. I saw them, zdded them on fb and snapchat since they had posted theirs on the app. I probably would have never done it if they didn't have big tits.
Would I be friend with both if they didn't have their tits, which make it so goddamn enjoyable in bed? Probably not.
I guess it's rather simple in a way, but since it's sexual, it makes it look weird.
Imagine the firl without her tits. Would she still be interesting? Would you still hang out with her? It's just a case of "he/she's pretty/funny/smart/good to have a chat with, so I put up with this or that bullshit". Except in that case, it's just a case of sex, which makes it more brutal, more "honest". You like someone for their physical appearance. Do they have more to offer than their appearance?
Locks and keys user, locks and keys.
Although to be fair, this raises the question:
If men were as picky as women, what would happen?
I'd say it depends on how you do it. One of my housemates was getting with girls fairly often in clubs, about 1 or 2 per week. But we all wanted one thing, that he gets a gf and settle down. The myth of Chad just doesn''t appeal to us I guess.
I'd say the term man slut wouldn't be appropriate. Rather desperate man.
If you get gorgeous, respectable women, without having to tryhard, in a decent amount of time, fair enough.
If you get 5 ravesluts a day, you'll just look like you're trying to plug a whole (no pun intended) in my eyes.
Maybe I'm wrong, but many female friends said we were pretty mature on that subject with my other friends. I guess we all went beyond the "bang sluts" HS/Uni stage of life.
>Do they have more to offer than their appearance?
Good point, guess that really hits spot on
Youre right, many times we guys put up with bullshit simply because a girl is pretty. If she werent we simply not stick around
I guess you could get sad about this but also raises further questions if youd rather be rejected for your personality or accepted for your looks. I think take their own looks for granted many times and overvalue their personalities