How do I get my new gymbuddy to stop exaggerating how tired he is while working out?

How do I get my new gymbuddy to stop exaggerating how tired he is while working out?
>constantly saying shit like "i'm feeling it"
>"ooh thats gon sting in the morn"
>makes a point out of wheezing and drying sweat from his brow inbetween sets
>he's not even out of shape
>he doesn't do any of that shit while we're doing activities outside of the gym like hiking
>nigga stop pretending who do you think you're impressing

Also gym peeves general i guess

>i'm feeling it"
>"ooh thats gon sting in the morn"

Your gymbro sounds hilarious

That's exactly what I was thinking, I don't know what OP is complaining about...

You just sound like a petty fag desu

op autism ?

it was funny at first kinda, but i'm getting tired of him pretending to claw himself across the gym floor on the search for water like he's in the desert
he often pretends to faint out of exhaustion and lay himself across my lap

Lol your friend is trying to make things less boring
You're probably too serious op

Dude, you're honestly making me want to meet your gym-buddy, he sounds like a cool funny guy.

>lay himself across my lap

kek I think you have bigger problems

N-no homo

>he often pretends to faint out of exhaustion and lay himself across my lap
nigga you gay

Lifting can be pretty monotone and dull, good to have some color in it

>lay himself across my lap

he's trying to hit on you dude, learn to take a hint

fucking retard

it sounds like he has a crush on u but he has autism

>and lay himself across my lap


That dude legitimately sounds hilarious, lighten up OP.

>he often pretends to faint out of exhaustion and lay himself across my lap
He's gay, man. He wants to fuck you.

Why the fuck is everyone saying the lap thing is gay?
You can't imagine doing that with your best friend as a joke?

B-but that implies that any of us autists have a best friend.



thats adorable

you should ruffle his hair next time he does that

please tell us what other cute shit he does OP

Everyone here is just desperate for human interaction, don't listen to them. I would just stop talking to him entirely, sounds like a case of arrested development

OP here, I just came back from the fair (ironically, with him)

he literally just does this shit at the gym. if we hang out normally he's a pretty chill guy, and he can run up hills and shit when we hike, but when we hit the gym he starts wheezing and yelling and flailing about to make sure EVERYONE KNOWS HOW TIRED HE IS WHOO WHEE

he once did that thing runners do after races where you pour your entire waterbottle on your face. after finishing squats. i honestly just wish he was less melodramatic

Obviously you won't come with him to the wet t-shirt contests, so he has to come up with other ways to show off his gains.
Open your eyes, op


Sounds like he's just having a bit of a giggle.

He's tryna suck your dick you clueless faggot.


Yeah, dick water.

your bro sounds pretty great op, i'd train with him
would YEAHH BUDDAY with

>Cringelord: "How do I stop feeling insecure around my alpha friends?"

>gym has 1 DL platform
>two guys hogging it doing 400+ pound 10+ rep sets
>smashing plates and fucking screaming at the top of their lungs
don't wanna sound like a vagina but... come on

All the replies in this thread make me feel like tons of you faggots are really lonely, because OP's friend sounds autistic and annoying as fuck.

You sound like a very sad beta who probably never talks to anyone at parties. If you even go to them.

he's just a faggot, and so are you

Nailed it. That's why I don't go to the gym with weirdo unfunny gym bros. because I'm a sad beta who probably doesn't talk to anyone at parties, if I even go to any.

Came to say this. You think Ronnie Coleman got swole just because of dat dere Celltech? The screaming and whooping is half the work, you dolt.