Is German volume training a meme?

Is German volume training a meme?
I'm a skeleton doing SL5x5 atm and seeing good strength gains, but I'm more interested in making it out of lanklet town and into massville. How has it worked for you guys

Other urls found in this thread:

>worries a routine is a meme
>does stronglifts

What do you recommend I do then

stronglifts until you get stuck then go into something like UL, Push Pull or PPL split
As i understand GVT is best for roiders

Gvt is for highly adapted athletes/weightlifters/powerlifter who want to move up a weight class. It will fucking reck you m8

You should do SS over SL

thanks for the help
why is SS better?

Do all pro's beginner routine if you care more about size than strength.

because sl was made by a dumb shit who wanted to sell a phone app

Somebody explain to me why everybody seems to think GVT can only be done if you're on steroids.
Despite its name, GVT isn't really that high volume. Your average bro-split or even most people's PPL routines have way more volume.

You can easily do GVT as a natural.

>I'm more interested in making it out of lanklet town and into massville

You can't really do GVT without being on massive amounts of gear. I mean, feel free to have a go at it and then see how many days you'll need to recover, if you can even complete a session.

what's a good ppl split?

>GVT isn't really that high volume.
10x10 is a ton of volume if done with the main compound exercises. you can't compare the volume from legs curls and leg extensions with squats.

>why is SS better?
better starting weights, better progression, more balanced program... there's simply no reason to do SL when SS exists. that doesn't mean SL is bad, it just serves no purpose since SS does exactly the same thing, just better.

also, SS is made by an actual strength coach while SL is made by a marketing guy who shamelessly copies rip's stuff.

But MUSCLE gain is also a function of resistance training volume you imbecile.

It's supposed to be done with 60% of your 1RM. It's a ridiculously light weight. Not saying it isn't a tough workout (short rest periods), but it just doesn't take much of a toll compared to a lot of other things.

If you do barbell bench presses, incline dumbbell presses and dips, 3 sets of each, going close to failure on all sets, I'd say that's a hell of a lot harder to recover from.

you're both right, but his point is much more valid than yours for a beginner. a beginner doesn't need a ton of volume to grow and they quickly reach a point where more volume doesn't mean more gains. on the other hand, beginners almost always undereat and don't grow as fast as they could have with proper nutrition.

Something like this
It isn't actually a routine but a way of organising your exercises. It is super flexible but I would advice doing heavy compounds at the start of each session.
Trappy fags and strength fags will tell you it isn't good but a lot of people have made solid gains (aesthetic and strength) on it

Muscle weighs weight. In order to put on muscle mass, you have to eat first and foremost. Pretty much any sort of sensible training will change your body composition towards a favourable one. If anything, sweating over a couple sets of power cleans vs rows is childish.

You can have the best program in the world. If you don't eat, benching and squatting won't magically grow you muscle. Understand that. You have to eat to put on weight, and weight train to change your body composition.

Try it and see

If you do 10x10 squats at 60% that's a hell of a lot harder to recover from that the same volume spread over different exercises

kek stop trying to sound smart you gay retard

>more balanced program

SL is slower but at least it won't leave you as a deformed freak if you decide to stop at the intermediate level

SL gives you a foundation that will allow you to keep going, while looking aesthetic throughout the whole process
SS creates imbalances that will need to be corrected

Seen GVT done by friend it can be done shitloads of volume little rest though he was struggling like fuck. So it is doable natty.

You guys are starting to sound like the DYELs that tell people off for lifting heavy 5-6 days a week on compounds.

It is not for beginners though OP stick to SS/SL for now milk that for much as possible and then consider other programs.

memeing too hard lad.

captcha pizzas

>falling for the SS is a meme is a meme meme

>Trappy fags and strength fags will tell you it isn't good

lmao a prime example of why anything that faggot says that doesn't come directly from a textbook should be ignored

you should always start with heavy compounds, they strain your CNS system far more than accessories and other lifts and you simply will not be able to perform as well if you start doing diddlys or The Press half way through your workout than if you start off by doing them.

pretty sure trappy has promoted fullbody workouts/compounds in the past tho? Dunno

h-how does SS make you look deformed

>Seen GVT done by friend it can be done shitloads of volume little rest though he was struggling like fuck. So it is doable natty.


Was he progressing in any lift? Highly doubt it.
It is tiring to see "I want to put on muscle how should I train" threads every day by weak skeletons. It is not that they are solving the problem the wrong way, they are trying to solve the wrong problem.
Thanks for your amazing response though, it really added to the thread. You must be heterosexual and intelligent.

And that's how you know a guy doesn't lift

>I've never been to a gym before
>I'm not completely sure what the difference between a dumbbell and a barbell is
>My flight back to /r9k/ takes off in an hour, I'm just on a layover in Veeky Forums

Not that I disagree with your overall point, but I would suspect a person doing GVT might be much more interested in progressing arm circumference than their lifts.

Stronglifts is fine but I much preferred SS after trying it the second time around, the low volume let's you lift as much as you can without worrying if you can keep it up over 5 sets. SS just felt like the perfect amount of volume for linear progression. Plus it has a book.

Just keep lifting for more than a couple months and eat more. Add accessories. Don't do a meme roider program.

I'd stick to SL right now.

GVT works, I'm sure, but the worry is form and injury. Since the idea is to work almost to failure, the concern is the lifter throwing/tearing something trying to stick a rep.

Right now, do SL then as you learn your form and if you plateau, try GVT for a run (IIRC, 6-8 weeks) and be super smart about the number you try to lift. You might think going 70% for 12 sets is easy, it's not.

If you're a skeleton, that means you're a novice.

Why, WHY are you trying to hop onto volume training meant to break plateaus and offer progression to lifters who are years ahead of you?

>falling for the SS is a meme is a meme meme

It has absurd leg volume compared to the upper body.
Technically it wouldn't be a problem, assuming that you do every exercise with perfect form.
But nobody, especially beginners who the routine is targeted to, has perfect form at all times.

And since wrong squatting form will still work out your quads 100%, a typical beginner on SS will end up with enormous upper legs, and nothing else to show for their exercise.

It's no fault of a program if the people doing it fuck it up.

If you do SS correctly, then you'll look proportionate. Most people don't do it correctly, but it doesn't matter, because most of them quit before they see any real development anyway. And that's true of any program with any exercises with any rep range.

It's only a good program when done absolutely 100% perfectly, while SL will still produce more desireable results even if you manage to fuck up form on every single lift.

And considering that they're both aimed at people who don't know the difference between a barbell and a dumbbell, that makes SL the better choice.

I fail to see how you're coming to this conclusion.

SL is essentially SS with 5 worksets across instead of 3, and rows subbed in for powercleans.

That means you've got 2 extra sets on each exercise to over fatigue yourself, fuck up your technique, and snap up your shit. Plus barbell rows, which nobody knows how to do right anyway (especially novices) and are thus entirely pointless.

SS also has quite specific progression instructions and hugely detailed info on what to do if you get stuck, fuck up, or have to miss sessions. It also doesn't pretend that you can make progress on it forever and provides ample info on determining when is the best time to move on.

SL on the other hand was clearly devised by someone who knows literally dick all about lifting as it maintains it's based on Reg Park's beginner routine (which is actually more similar to SS than it is to anything else), and implies linear progress workout to workout lasts forever.

I'm not saying a complete novice won't make progress on SL, because they will. A complete novice will make progress on quite literally any program you give them as long as they do it. However, they won't make progress anywhere near as long on SL as they will if they do SS with the same commitment.

>captcha 'select all the food'

I found the BIG difference wich makes SS better is the power clean.

>introduces to oly lifts in case you want to follow that path at the intermediate level
>works power wich helps with every lift on the program, wich SL neglects completely
>extra work on the lower back wich is the most important thing to train if you don't wanna snap your shit up

SL is an oversimplification of the SS program, done by a clueless amateur

>OP wants mass
>Retards advise 3x5 SS over 5x5 SL
This board is trash

>It has absurd leg volume compared to the upper body.
Let's see
3x5 squats vs 3x5 (bench) press every day: tie
1x5 DLs or 5x3 PCs every other workout vs nothing: lower body gets a bit more volume, but you also work upper back and grip
Accessories: Dips or LTEs, Chinups/Pullups, Curls: upper body

Where is the absurdly higher leg volume, must have missed it

>works power wich helps with every lift on the program
>extra work on the lower back wich is the most important thing to train if you don't wanna snap your shit up
ayy lmao
do you even lift?

>have been training for 6 weeks

lel u r retart

Sorry about your diagnosis of accute retardation.

Yes, higher rep ranges are good for hypertrophy - specifically sarcoplasmic hypertrophy - in ADVANCED LIFTERS.

Novices don't NEED to do high volume work to gain mass because their bodies will adapt to literally any applied stress. If you fucking use an eliptical with any kind of intensity for an hour each day every week, your bench will improve if you're a total beginnger.

The advantage of being a novice is that you don't need to do anything even remotely complex to make gains. In fact, complicating the shit out of training will be COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to a novice because it won't be adding the amount of weight they can adapt to as quickly. This is why pretty much every gym on earth has a DYEL Squad who show up every day and never make any gains due to fuckarounditis.

If you follow SS and you eat /properly/ you'll gain a ton of muscle. Same with SL, but you'll stall out much faster. Clearly they don't teach this shit at the Academy of Advanced Broscience.

>why is SS better?

Because trappy says so :^)
So now everyone believes it

>making good gains
>moving on to something else
I tried it and it didn't do shit for me. Here's what very few of you fuckers understand. IF SOMETHING IS WORKING FOR YOU THEN FUCK WHAT EVERYONE ELSE THINKS

i've been on coolcicada PPL for a month and i saw more results than i did on 3 months of stronglifts