Can you recommend me any android app for measuring progress?
Can you recommend me any android app for measuring progress?
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SL 5x5
Where can I lick this girl's asshole?
The asshole is usually located around the ass, which is at the center of the back portion of the body.
Would you like a map?
You can use Google sheets
>not going full rainman
>making it
Choose one
my fitness pal desu
>Botnet sheets
Nice try NSA
FitNotes is best, simple no bs
I use calorie camp for food and fitnotes for lifts
No complaints so far
I would go to jail for her.
If you know what I mean
>how to spot autistic gentooman
I'd like to measure my dick progressing up her colon.
Yes I'd like one.
your eyes and a fucking mirror you autistic sperg
Enjoy, friend
Get in line bitch
Chads don't wait in lines, fat fucker.
>you need to be le fedora man to see google for what it obviously is
So anuses are located in Madagascar? Is that why all their population is black and their president always keeps the accesses shut down?
chad is the one who calls you out for trying to push in, while you timidly say s-sorry and go to the back
This guy gets it. Chads are not uncivilized jocks. They are the assertive well mannered men that women find atractive.
Oh boy, I was about to post the same
>their president always keeps the accesses shut down
I wonder how many will get it...
Well this is summer Veeky Forums on 2016. Probably only you and me.
Takes some setting up but has a database with basic lifts and allows you to add a lift to the database based on time:distance or sets:reps