what do yall think about cycling?
What do yall think about cycling?
There's already a fraud general thread. They talk about cycling there.
best way to become shredded
best way to crush your balls
running is better
not even joking, by the way, cycling is linked to testicular cancer and impotence
It's a better option than blast & cruise in terms of health but if you want to get serious with bodybuilding you'll probably need to be on year round.
wait so bicycling being synonymous with roids is some kind of meme here?
People "cycle" roids. As in on again, off again.
I love but a good bike is too expensive, and winters are 50% of the year
It's good cardio, I like it.
I do it year round. My city is nice enough to have some pretty extensive bicycle paths, so during the warmer months I ride a lot. When it gets cold I use a stationary bike.
Just to get this out of the way:
"The principal study citing a possible ED - cycling link is the Schwarzer study
- AUA Abstract 952. This is adose-response survey study comparing the responses
of cyclists and swimmers. The study found cyclists were twice as likely to
suffer severe impotence than swimmers. Unfortunately, the report did not adjust
the results for the fact the swimmers were on average 10 years younger than the
cyclists, nor did the abstract detail the margin of error in the survey, which
would push the impotency rates between the cyclists and swimmers into a
statistical tie. In political terms, It's too close to call.. when compared to
the general male population, cyclists were half as likely to suffer severe
impotence and 1/3 as likely to suffer any form of impotence. The conclusion he
drew from the study is that cycling may not be as beneficial as swimming at
mitigating or eliminating impotence. Also he concluded, at a minimum cycling
does not expose riders to a higher risk of impotence."
Cycling does not cause impotence. It is not normal to feel pain or numbness in your genitals while riding a bike. If you do, you need to stop immediately. Have your bike fitted to you by a bike shop or do some extensive messing around with fit on your own. There;s loads of resources on how to do this all over the internet. I suggest youtube videos!
Some anecdotal evidence: I'm 25, been riding consistently for about 5 years, averaging a little less than 100 miles per week. I have never had any dick problems. It's not something to worry about at a casual level.
Please ride bikes!
Good cardio, great for leg strength and conditioning.
Oh, and follow traffic laws, keep your head on a swivel, and wear a helmet.
>wear a helmet
Glad I'm dutch.
...so getting your head smashed in wouldnt really make a difference for you?
I'm not a cuck, nobody here wears helmets and if you do you'll get laughed at.
Caring about what other people think makes you a cuck more than protecting your head. I get the sense you ride your bike 12mph on the 10mph speed limit walking path. Try doing a real ride with 40mph descents, 3ft from cars.
It can give you massive legs and I enjoy it but the ball crushing is pretty shitty so try not to cycle too much
If you're going that fast and get hit by anything you're pretty much dead regardless so the helmet won't do much for you.
>forced posture fucks your lungs
>fucks your spine
>fucks your coccyx
>fucks your tests
>fucks your pudendal nerve even faster than all of the above
so, basically, you are buying a ticket to impotence, infertility and incontinence later in your life
>in the end you get meh legs and dyel upper body
Helmets don't really protect you, yes they do if you have an accident, but you have about the same chance of getting into an accident while riding your bycicle as you have riding your car or walking down the street and those 2 don't wear helmets. In fact Cars give you a lot more respect if you're not wearing a helmet because they see you as a lot more fragile.
Wearing helmets has never been shown to decrease accidents involving cyclists.
TL;DR: Wearing helmets is a meme
I can see the first one, but you can just get a different type of bike that doesn't force your posture like that.
Coming from a motorcycle bro, where your damn helmet
>Wearing helmets has never been shown to decrease accidents involving cyclists.
of course not you fucking idiot its supposed to protect you in the event of one
Isn't walking good cardio as well in fat burning wise? I mostly walk during the winter times since cycling isn't optional here unless you want studded tires and want to feel -20 celsius breeze on your balls and body all over.
Need to fix my bikes gears, gonna cost me $$$ again, but I need my fucking cardio for cutting T_T
It's nice and I prefer it over running but that's because I have shit form when I run (I basically slap my feet down while running) so I put a lot of strain on my knees and hips.
I like riding my bike, but constantly having to worry about death by cars is annoying
running is high impact and it fucks up my lower back. swimming is where it's at.