I'm 6'8" and I hate it. It's just enough tall to be kind of a freak, but not tall enough to be exceptionally tall

I'm 6'8" and I hate it. It's just enough tall to be kind of a freak, but not tall enough to be exceptionally tall.

Anyone /midget/ here? Make me feel better.

more than 6ยด3, of course you a freak.
kill yourself.


Lol fag I'm 6' 7" just make some gains don't be an autist, play basketball, and it will help you fuck short girls, or tall girls who want a tall man

If by "midget" you actually mean "being yourself" then yeah... this is pretty "plausible." These insecurities are proof that manlets/lankets are no different wherever they come from (all can excel), and as far as their being humans, it just means that lifting can be found anywhere.... Remember, we are all One Human Family...when we became divided (?) only God knows. I hope we recognize we are all One... even if we realize it right before the world ends... If for just one minute, we all look at each other and realize we are looking at mirrors - that we are staring at ourselves, all of us God - that would be a moment worth all eternity. Don't let Rulers pretend you are different from each other, because, besides minor interests and different physical attributes, we are all ONE... that Oneness, and that conscious knowing of it,... that is God. It is quite beautiful. I hope these dragons (all dragons) live great lives, despite the illusory borders that surround them.

Being a massive tank can help take attention away from your ugly face

I'm loving this pasta so far

I'm actually making gains, but I'm ugly as shit. When I was the most buff in my life, people were just scared more of me. Having clean shaven head (I'm balding) doesn't help.

>be 5'7
>get mistaken for a girl a lot
>used to get beat up in middle school

I'd rather be 6'8 and a "freak"

Pics man, hair does suck but you can work with it

Nah, I'm not posting my face on illegal korean frog trading forum. But I don't mind the hair that much, it's really convenient, and I think I have a good head shape for clean shave. I still have a lot of hair on the top, but the combination of people not actually seeing the top of my head (due to the height), and light usually being streight over my head, it makes me look straight constanza mode.

I didn't have much time for lifting due to finishing my college degree, but I'm beginning again this week (haven't been in the gym for three months).

Midget checking in, proportional dwarf at 4'6" but I don't really give a fuck
Feel better OP

Enjoy being tall. I'm even taller than you are, at 7'1", and I'm a woman.

Wanna go and fill the planet with tall kids?

5'10" mater race here. King of gainz.

5'15" master race

I feel like if you're 6'8 every girl is short

Man that kid is so dutch
That typical dutch face

I'm 5'9" and I hate it.

Holy shit, if you're not lying, that's amazing. What's your physique? Must look weird either way, huh?

I'm 6'2 and fell like a manlet

Are you a skelly/fatass?

If so, go and start lifting and eating. Hell, do gear if you've got the mind for it.

6'8" is mighty impressive if you've got the build to go with it.

You don't even need to be that good looking in the face. As long as you're not deformed, if you're built like a Greek god, you'll impress everyone in the room the minute you walk in, without them paying attention to your face.

TL;DR - Play to your strengths.

6'4 here. 90% of chicks are short. Im cool with that though. Gf is 5'3

My body is kinda deformed. Cut upper body and fat ass. But I think when I get big enough quads and upper body, it won't matter. I'm still finishing my final state exams in college, so not really time for liftin for another month (maybe two times a week), but after that, I have three months when I can work out every day. I've been going to gym a lot from september to march, but because of bachelor's thesis, I haven't been there since the end of march, so lot of gains lost.

You're in skinnyfat territory, the worst place for any guy to be in and much like my "when you enter a room" thing above, it's really noticeable on a guy your height.

At least a manlet can fade into the background and not be noticed.

You also aren't "deformed", you just have a shit diet and exercise routine. Sort it out. And start now.

7'8" here, lmao'ing at your midget asses, might as well kill yourselves fucking freaks

I even have visible abs, but the ass is still fat. I guess it's the genetics, that it's the first place where I store fat. I was cutting pretty hard from the september to march, around 1800 calories, lost 20kg (120kg to 100kg), and the ass didn't go away even a little bit.

Man, that's what I call being tall. I'd love that.

6'6" here. I feel you. Ignore the manlets who glamourize being tall, they'll never understand our pain.

??? Post body / ass

what the fuck man

This is honestly awful b8

7'8"? I want to have your children!

>Id rather die burned than drowned.




>mfw 203cm
>never learned to jump

Can't even dunk family.

im 6'2

i've only met 2 girls my height in person my whole life

Manlet here. Tall enough to get mired (but not tall at all) and short enough to get no girls. :^)

im 6'4 and 1/2 inch

I wish I were one inch shorter, being 6'8 if you are not getting rich off it would suck balls, I have a hard time finding clothes and fitting into cars and airplane seats and shit like that, it's not too bad but im on the edge (nobody carries size 15 shoes etc..) I am taller than everyone but I'd still be taller than everyone if i were an inch shorter, I buy shoes with thin soles on purpose...

the world is not designed for people 6'8, I feel for you OP

>I'd rather be 6'8 and a "freak"

if you really knew how disabling it can be you wouldn't

I have friends whose cars I cannot ride in

how big is your penis?

Im 6'8 bro
I love it.are you a lanky bugger though?

I'm moving to bongland next month. Can't wait to hear shit like "lanky bugga" every day.

I disagree. The fat mullet kid is dutch looking.
>tfw Dutch but have such an atypical face it's hard to say what I am.

I'm 6'5" and I have literally none of these problems

>I'm 6'5" and I have literally none of these problems

really? what size shoe do you wear?

have you flown in the window seat of an airliner lately?

Have you tried to sit in a Chrysler Crossfire or Mazda Miata?

you are telling me you have no trouble finding shirts that fit but were not cut for fat people and thus baggy as hell?

>It's just enough tall to be kind of a freak, but not tall enough to be exceptionally tall
The hell are you talking about? If you're tall enough to be kind of a freak you're also exceptionally tall.
In any case, 6'8" is definitely exceptionally tall and being even taller would just make you more of a freak.

I know a guy at my college from denmark who is legit 7'2, they gave him a full basketball scholarship and flew him over here, he got here a week early and we had to teach him what traveling and checking the ball were behind the dorm

he didn't even know how to play, they just made him do a fitness test and figured they would stick him under the net for rebounds



Being an inch shorter than him, I wanna have his kids.

If you can't tell, I want to fill the world with tall people.