>prom night
>everyone rejected you
>you go anyway because it's the last time you'll ever see your school friends again
>you're late
>the atmosphere is tense as you stand outside
>you're about to enter the fire escape double door by yourself
>you can hear the party inside
>the limousines outside lit by the night sky
>you wipe the tear from your cheek
>your hand reaches for the handle on the door
>a gentle push forces the fire exit apart
>the dim light from the crack of the door begins to glow
>the light becomes more intense and you're temporarily blinded
>by the time your vision is regained the door is wide open
>you see everyone with their dates
>they stop dancing
>the music dims
>the crowd parts
>a path is created revealing the back of most gorgeous lady you've ever seen
>your heart skips a beat
>sweat drips off your brow
>she turns around and beckons you towards her
>as you approach her the DJ plays this song:
>all eyes are on you
>its your big day
>you meet with the lady
>she pulls down her dress sleeve to hide the injection mark on her arm
>she's angelic
>he hair comes down to the bottom of her neck and smell her sweet sweaty scent
>her soft calloused hands grasp onto yours
>you dance away the night snuggled in her 24" arms
>her 40" quads lead the dance
>pic related
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Other urls found in this thread:
>Meanwhile Chad is at home fucking Stacy while eating pizza
>yfw he skipped squat day to fuck spic Stacy
trappy chan, please grow up
you "on" yet?
How the hell can you PR to that veiled and tinny music?
kek, i dont know m8
good job tho
i see you still have that werid misgroove thing going on, although nowhere near as bad
i benched 155 in dec what do you think
small dose for now
its only cause its playing out laptop where the webcam is
I bet nobody here even went to prom teebs
I benched 67.5kg fir 3x8 today
I'm really catching up on ur bench. I've got your squat and binch right in the bag
>benches 1 plate
>has anyones squat binch or deadlift in any bags
90kg I bench
>weird missgroove
Elaborate pls.
so havent broke 2plates hence 1 plate
>boasting about 90kg
r u autistic
You bench literally less than 2 pl8 for 1RM and most likely touch n go rather than paused and you think you're catching up to a 180 bench?
kek are you?
r u also autistic
Being trolled
>tfw modifying my programming
first time i actually do this
its interesting
look at the bar path
its a hell of alot worse on the 155 tho
seems like it was fast as fuck but that bar path would be a make or break factor is added just a bit more weight
yeah ive fixed it a fair bit on lower weights, its that mid point where it drifts back and i turn it into a tricep extension, need to keep forearms more vertical
just make sure you don't get stuck in the endless loop of trying new shit at the expense of progression
>last bench set
>tell myself if I get all the reps I'll ask her out
>smash bench set
>never ask her out
literally just adding some benching on a day thats currently
Whenever this "drift back" happens to me, I have to take two weeks off to let my brachioradialis heal.
How I wish I could just brush it off as inefficient set lel
and replacing leg press with front sq
were you just yoloing a 1rm?
going to be testing squat and dead?
someone i know had just hit it and i thought fuck it , it was my goal for september so i was shocked
literally did
i thought my 1rm was around 170
not the other two no, just bench was feeling good
Should I get a gf?
I'm not unattractive, I get a lot of mires' and 'hints' but I am a sperg.
Sometimes I think about my personality and feel like I don't deserve a gf.
Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be happy.
Is bench the most roider friendly lift?
Not even trying to sound condescending or anything, just seems like people instantly add kilos to their bench after roiding.
Shut up, get a girl, grow up, repeat, die any time. There you go, life.
It reponds well to retarded bro lifting (aka tons of volume and pump sets). So, yes.
Not saying gbro has a shit routine, meant that in general and as to why BB have big benches.
its either the bench or the squat imo
ive been doing a high pressing frequency and a lot of overload/tricep work too, plus gaining 9kg will help
You shouldn't get one just to have one. You'll end up miserable. There's no rush, get with someone that you actually want to be with.
Do u guys hang out on the rest of fit, or just this general, pretty comfy in here and seems like the percentage of non dyels is alot higher
currently following pic related, greg nuckols advanced offseason
Used to hang out in the rest of fit, but that lessened gradually and now I just check the catalogue, find the plg thread, and here I am.
Getting a gf for the sake of getting a gf is never a good idea lad
Sounds shit. Can I add come first at IPF worlds in t-there?
There's just 1 girl tho, but you're right in that I don't see the point.
But then there's this 1 girl tho.....
I'm really untrained for deadlifts lmao
Seriously have a hard time repping 2pl8 but can still max out fine. My work capacity is shot.
This 3 day deadlift program is gonna kill me but worth it.
>unemployed for 3 months
>applying here and there, few interviews, most places don't even reply
>gf is getting angry and tells me to try harder
jesus fucking christ it's not like pushing a barbell off your chest or pulling it from the floor that you can "just try harder". fucking shit is pissing me off.
Go back to education
You should probably just stop complaining and try harder.
Iktfb, I've applied to like 10 places in the past 3 weeks and I've only heard back from 1, but that email was in my spam folder so I got to it 9 days after it was sent. I really hope they'll respond to my email soon, because I'm so pissed that happened. I got another one too, but I don't really count it since its extremely temporary, like one day every couple of weeks.
Just buckshot out a ton of applications.
Apply a ton of places and you're bound to get something.
Don't be picky. Get a job to get by, then start looking at things you want to make a career.
Sorry but when you were gone we collectively agreed to ban you. Please delete your post then leave immediately.
That girl is at least a good 6 inches taller than him.
Tell me one discovery you made this week lads.
I only applied to one place and got the job after the interview. Guess I got lucky.
trip on chadlex
Idk senpai.
Sometimes the loneliness becomes overbearing but I don't know what I'd do with one anyways. I definetly feel like I'm missing out on something in life without having somebody to share it with but until then I'll drink my feels away and chill with buds.
Fun styles of training:
Chaos and pain, Westside, jailhouse strong method, any strongman program
Autistic ways to train:
RTS, TSA, Sheiko
Omega ways to train:
Candito, 28 free
>b-but muh progress
Nice meme words you really memed on my meme
highbar is a lot easier for ME to find my groove in then lowbar, never trued it before
You don't need to deadlift 3 times a week
There's literally no reason to deadlift more than once a week
>progress isn't fun
It took 2 replies to get the most autistic response possible but we got there
It's fun.
>become more efficient
>improve work capacity
>move volume makes you stronger
Just work harder is key
Finishing training with a burnout set or two is lots of fun
>come in to bench
>feels easy as fuck
>first set is piss
>some guy comes to the bench next to me
>lays back and benches more than than me without warming up or anything
>fail rest of bench sets
Every time lol
>>fail rest of bench sets
hmm sounds like you should do sheiko
lmao @ filename
stay weak
Did you see what weights he's using?
Way too much is made about "efficiency" too. This is powerlifting not weightlifting
Good lad
It's me lol. I am struggling with 2pl8 but still max out fine. Work capacity is shot from lack of deadlifting.
It's greg nuckols 3 day novice diddy program, supposedly suppose to allow you to learn form because it's just singles.
Literally 15 singles a day lol
Autistic silent nerd every day
>On prom 2 days ago
All suited up, buff as fuck in tight shirt, thanks to based sumo deadlifts had one od the best asses that night including girls. Everyone slapped me kek.
After I got drunk danced like crazy mofo, managed to fuck a 6/10 in bathroom stall and lose my virginity.
Didnt stop there, my friend came up to me and said:which girl you wanna fuck tonight( jokes on him I already did)
Pointed at 8/10 hot fit qt with big tits. Managed to dance with her and had fun but couldnt kiss her I sensed she was little embarassed bcuz she has never seen in her life and we dont know each other...
All in all good night, day after hsngover like crazy got tons of frienf requests thank god I wont see majority of them in future.
We are all going to make it, thankd zyzzz brah for changing my life.
What the fuck
Get the fuck out of here
Underage reported
wrong thread Tbh
What's up brehs, week 4 finished, now moving onto w5. This week should be quite comfy, only thing I'm nervous about is that I want to hit a triple with 242.5kg squat on day 4
is this a public program or are you sharing what you are paying for?
it's Project Momentum, it's a public program everyone could apply to last january
its the mike t
>lets just try to kill them, if they make it through its bound to work, should be laugh
Do you work or go to school?
I'm asking because I'm attempting PM too, but I've got like 56 hours of work and a long drive next week and am seriously doubting the possibility of finishing week 2 intact
yeah I'm a uni student, I personally find the time to do that quite easily, also because after around 6-7 hours of studying I start losing focus. But shiet 56 hours in a week is brutal, I guess it depends if you can get enough sleep and food, also the stronger you are, the longer it takes /the more taxing it is
coaches who are stupid and who you should at all costs avoid and never ever listen to:
Jonnie Candito
Mike T
Greg Cuckols
4) Boris Sheiko
No he's on my list of good coaches
Coaches you should listen to:
Boris V. Sheiko
Bryce Lewis
Marty (you guys know him as Marcel)
why mike t? PM was just and experiment and this was told before signing up
and who do you recommend?
So I just made the Kodiak cakes pancake mix and added two scoops of whey to get more protein and they came out dry as fuck. How do I remedy that? Add an egg?
I don't Mike T
He doesn't even have any records anymore
He doesn't listen of the criticism he gets either (which is well warranted and would make him stronger but he doesn't listen because he's a close minded Neanderthal)
Look above for a list of approved coaches
wow cardio really is just a meme. I only just started doing it and my hips are already fucked up. I think it's the joint but idk, it hurts and grinds on the outside of my hip where it connects. how do i know if it's a muscle or a problem with the joint? rip gains. I'm thinking no deadlifts at all and only light squats? maybe no squats as well :( guess ill do some hypertrophy while I recover. Is it time to see a chiropractor?
Tried to go in for some more deads. Did a 85% double and called it quits. Felt rough as fuck.
What do you have against Greg Cuckolds?
I could never get them to taste good when I added whey. Honestly just use milk instead if water and add an egg or two, there's already a shit ton of protein in them.
>Marty (you guys know him as Marcel)
>tfw you will never be able to listen to him again
he doesnt coach tho
>i don't mike t
i do mike t
>He doesn't even have any records anymore
you love this one dont you
why is that even relevant tho
bobo and marty dont either
>He doesn't listen of the criticism
Tbh i dont like rpe but what are your criticisms?
you didnt do it drunk without a warm up again did you
w e w
>he doesnt coach tho
If you have any questions you can search the archive and he probably has answered it already
You could also message him on fb
Sticking to highbar for a while will be really good for me.
if he is a novice in the deadlift then 3 times a week is much better than one.
He needs to learn proper form and that means lots and lots of practice, deadlifting once a week doesn't leave much room for practice.
>bobo and marty dont either
Marty has utter shit genetics but got strong on pure intelligence
So that's why he's better to listen to then someone talented and doesn't know the pain in stalling
Layne Norton brought up a good point about how he wastes a fuck ton of energy doing stupid meme shit on his deadlift
It's no wonder he lost the deadlift record for his weight class and now gets btfo by people multiple weight classes down pulling more than him
>You could also message him on fb
kek im sure he would love if people started doing that seeing as people just started using him as coach that done it for free
see the
>is marcel here
>not if its for a form check