>Nah breh cant squat cuz knee problems
Nah breh cant squat cuz knee problems
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh knees
i wish people would at least use a better excuse, like, it hurts their lower back, since that's 1000x more likely to happen then their knee hurting.
>I'm such a man's man that I completely ignore and belittle other people's potential future injuries
Even then, its pretty unlikely if you dont do it like a retard.
>Can't squat because ankles
>Can't fix because it's from surgery at birth
>Everyone calls me out on the one thing I can't do
People really like to remind me that hack squats aren't real squats when they don't even do any lifts themselves. Feels bad man,
You uneducated dyel...
Squats are rehabilitative to knees, when properly executed.
Stronger knee stabilizers & ligaments = healthier knees.
If anything just slower progression to allow full recovery between training sessions
At least it aint smith machine nonsense
>caring that other people don't squat
>doing a lift that'll make you a woman
But nah I've had a menisectomy and ACL reconstruction so I rarely squat. Legs get enough of a workout in Martial Arts and Cardio.
I know this.
My buddy that is close to 3.5pl8 bench avoided squats for years because "his ankle isn't flexible enough".
Same excuse found on some newbies who did half squats and went on their toes.
When will this stop?
>I can't do deadlifts because it hurts my back afterwards
>>Nah breh cant squat cuz knee problems
>but your squats are all wrong, you need to keep your back perfectly straight, and stop resing in between reps, you have to go up down up don as fast as possible
>i know i can't squat anymore, but seriously i know these things
So wtf do I do (am not op). I really can't squat because of my shitty immobile ankles. I've tried half-assedly doing some stretching for a few weeks at a time, but always give up because I don't seem to make any progress.
I can do squats when facing downward a hill, so I know it's my ankles.
Got my friend to lift with me but he won't squat or do legs at all, except calves. His excuses are paper thin. How can I save him?
i would scold him, seriously. Confront him with his shit excuses.
Have you tried squat shoes?
Squatting seems to have fixed my knee problem.
How do I squat if dont have any fucking flexibility familia from sitting toĆ³ much for years you cucks?
It feels so weird to squat
Let me ask guys, I've been going to the gym for 5 months and haven't been doing deadlifts or squats.
I do have an old knee injury (hit by a car), but I'm literally going into physical therapy for it tomorrow. My doctor said I can do dumbbell squats and Romanian deadlift.
I think I'm afraid of them at this point for 2 reasons. One is my Dad keeps telling me
>Squats and deadlifts will fuck up your knees and back!!
and the other is I've just never done one and I think I won't have proper form. I think I understand how to lift from the legs at this point from picking up 30 pound dumbbells for curls and some good Youtube form videos will help hammer it out.
I-I might squat and DL soon...
Dont worry about the RDL for sure. Its done with legs only slightly bent and shouldnt really involve your knees as the primary movers are glutes hams and lower back.
>Squats and deadlifts will fuck up your knees and back!!
your dad is a retard
Honestly, if someone can't squat or deadlift because of inuury, I believe them. I've heard fat guys say, I can't squat because my legs already big and i don't wanna build them, I've heard "even if I don't squat I don't lose my leg strength". But if someone says it hurts or injures them I'm sympathetic cause I've had a couple minor issues squatting.
>Squats and deadlifts will fuck up your knees and back!!
You know what will fuck your knees and back up? Weak knees and back
Any tips for making sure I'm all legs and no back with a deadlift? I have some dumbbells at my house I can practice form with to make sure I'm not using my back at all
He taught me how to bench wrong, my gym bro helped me out and I watched this video from this funny black dude to really get my form down
Retract that fucking scapula boys
>I dont want to use my back with the best back building exercise there is
You fucking retard, what people mean when they say "dont lift with your back" is dont uncurl yourself from a rounded compromised position to lift the weight.
What you are supposed to do, is hold a STATIC CONTRACTION in your back, and proceed to lift with your glutes, hamstrings and quads.
dont listen to your dad dude... Do deadlifts and squats.
Oh okay, thanks. I'm kind of embarrassed I didn't know that, I've been at the gym for 5 months now so it's good I learn these things
My friend has shitty knees but still wants to strengthen his lower back / legs, what exercise should he do instead?
I think he could do stiff legged deadlifts pretty safely, they dont rely on the extension of your leg to lift.
Start off just doing bodyweight and kettlebell squats. Even just 3x10 every other day is fine.
After a few weeks you can start loading weight on the bar and doing actual squats.
One of my clients only has half of a meniscus in his left knee. There are SOME excuses.
I have do relatively light weight high rack pulls. He likes them. Doesn't put any unnecessary stress on his knee.
>One is my Dad keeps telling me
It's always the dad.........
So many nebies come in armed only with what their dads told them, and either times have changed/their dads forgot, but the info they have is BS.
>behind the neck OHP
>rolling shoulder shrugs
>squatting is bad for you
>DL isn't useful so don't do it
>pec fly machine
>you dont need to touch chest on bench.
>fucked up left knee 3 weeks ago when plates started to slide off one side doing light 2pl8 squats
>knee hurts for week
>do heavy squats, hear light popping
>knee feels all better
Squats with good form are like fucking magic. Any time I do something to fuck my knees, heavy squats put everything back into place and makes my knees feel better.
what kind of stretches
It's not unlikely, at all. Yeah, pretty much anyone can squat without knee pain for their first year or two, but a lot of people will develop knee pain if they continue to squat consistently because the average gym goer
-Doesn't know how to squat correctly
-Doesn't have the mobility to squat correctly
-Doesn't know that they are squatting incorrectly until they are made aware of the fact by joint pain
Not to mention that pre existing knee injuries are a pretty common thing in athletes, which happen to make up a huge portion of the people who care about squatting big weight.
>Start getting knee pain and back pain
>Can't handle squatting
>Realize I needed to stretch more, especially hammies due to me commuting by bike and sitting so much
>mfw pain is mostly gone and can do squats again
holy shit same thing happened to me except random gym bruv next to me caught it. hadn't slept for 32 hours and forgot to put on clamps.
I have a hip flexor injury. It doesn't stop me from squatting, but it does cause slight pain, which discourages me from squatting.
>doing an exercise wrong is bad for you
What's the twist, M Night Famalam?
Of course squatting wrong will hurt your knees and back. However, squatting right will not only rehab knee and back injuries, it transforms your body from a sack of smashed mechano parts into a well oiled industrial cunt smasher, reverses impotence and makes you good at fighting.
(nb: athletes tend to have knee injuries because their knees aren't strong enough to withstand the repeated sub maximal stress they experience. This would be fixed by increasing that maximal load. By not being a fucking faggot and actually fucking squatting.)