Where my dark haired bros at? Fucking beta blondes getting cucked by us. You mad?
Blonde Hair On Men = Lower Testosterone
not on the body retard. Just interferes with facial masculinization
Why do you people always have to divide people into 2 boxes. In or out.
Poisonous thinking.
blonde betas detected. Lol you ever wonder why women say they like "tall, dark and handsome men?" Get fucked
Best me.
>mfw I'm tall and dark haired but last woman to call me handsome was grandma
this doesn't apply to black ppl
>high testerone is good
testosterone isn't manliness in chemical form
Lotus lad, you're from quebec, right?
Sisqo get out of here getting swole won't save your career.
Ah, well I'll be passing through there in october. I was gonna ask about good restaurants or bars to check out
Your opinion is irrelevent
So let me guess, some blond, blue eyed Chad cucked you the fuck out and now you come to Veeky Forums to blow off steam and try to convince yourself the opposite is true.
How close famalam?
blonde chad is the same endocrinally as brunette chad, his face is just more pretty boy
you got a source for that buddy
He doesn't he is just a fat dirt head that's upset the blonde chads fuck all the hottest girls
kek, this guy isn't even that good looking.
his head is tiny and brick shaped, squinty beta eyes and kind of pudgy looking.
Women love the blond hair + tan surfer look.
this guy looks like a fucking bum, my sides are in fucking orbit
there is a 100% chance my girl would laugh at this dude as she blew past the street corner he was panhandling at in her maserati
you limp wristed pussy, he could beat you til your own mother wouldn't love you
there is 100% chance he wouldn't be interested in your ugly bitch since he literally bangs celebrities and models everyday irl.
Los Chilitos
Kings's Chinese Food (takeout)
Midori (Sushi)
Mission & Inglewood have the best restaurants
Commonwealth basement
Bespoke (gangster crowd, be a somebody)
Kraft (franchises microbrewery pub/club)
All of these are on 10th Ave which makes bar hopping easy. Bespoke is directly across the street from Commonwealth.
Have fun :)
Somehow, I doubt it, you vitriolic little vermin
she would be throating his dick in a minute
you would have to wait your turn, make sure to get your mouth nice and wet
Thank you demolition man
Lotus looks best with blond hair IMO
Damn, london here, ex bf is blonde and very feminine. My hair is dark AF and i'm kinda masculine.
Blond boys are adorable tho
what SOHC4 bike has a hydraulic clutch? if thats a 550 with a H-clutch das cool mang. not stock colour tho, and the top clamp looks like shit imo. 6/10 bike.
yo Veeky Forums I was thinking dye ing my hair blonde this summer.
yes or no
maybe dubs decide
Depends on your face
Unless you really, really want to, in which case go for it
I-I really do
>tfw genetics mix of southern Europe and Mediterranean
Is this dude the model for some clothing companies? Pretty sure Ive bought a few flannels hes worn.
>Depends on your face
I actually never thought about that
I was more going for the yolo dye blonde desu senpai
JUST DO IT style yknow
Yet he'd still stomp you out and fill the vulvae of all the women in your family with his thick creamy seed, then force you to clean his giant throbbing cock with your tongue, you dusky shitskin maggot.
t. Aryan shitlord who benches more then you deadlift
Maybe if you want to look like a delinquent...
I'm dark and then if I sit outside in the sun for a few minutes I turn blonde. What am I?
Hi, my name is.
lotus what brand of hair dye did you use i don't wanna buy girl dye but maybe you did
Blond is the Chaddest hair color
Bishes love my blonde hair to a degree where they almost fetishize it. Especially latinas.
You're just jealous you'll never be true Aryan master race
yeah man go for it then. if you don't like it you can always dye it something else. once you bleach it, any color will show up on that bitch.
>super saiyan
myth debunked.
Are you still a virgin
Someones mad they have pleb tier hair/genes. Stay mad nerd
There's a 100% chance that her vag, mouth, and ass have already had that Viking looking surfer dude.
>And she can't wait to do it again
ur a cool nigga for typing that all out
G-ginger master race checking in
Made it
>Yet he'd still stomp you out and fill the vulvae of all the women in your family with his thick creamy seed, then force you to clean his giant throbbing cock with your tongue, you dusky shitskin maggot.
>t. Aryan shitlord who benches more then you deadlift
are all aryans closeted homosexuals?
Man you're salty
How did she know?
That picture creeps me out.
Yeah, I guess this guy might have low test !
>mfw normies think picrelated is natty
100% hightest natty
Lol. Stallone is Demolition Man...
This. Never going back to black. Gonna get more length in-between dying though for healthier hair...
L'Oreal Feria Absolute Platinum Very Platinum. 50 minute application. Pic Related.
Anytime man. Post when you are in town, could show you around, get a good training session in at the gym.
>doing hair blond like a basic bitch
>posting a dude with his hair bleached
LMAO you fucking enwfag this dude has dark brown hair you can find his before pics if you look hard enough
good looking dude but he'd look better with dark features. he just looks feminine
yeah keep telling urself that slim shady
posting a dude that literally injects 1+ gram of test a week. Go fucking kill yourself
>tfw Swedish blond masterrace
Hey mofos, they are all injecting juice in the WWE/UFC, but he's one of the biggest/freakiest. So when everyone is geared, he's still one of the best !
Pic related : Teen Brock Lesnar before roids and shits.
Y'all just mad because we have more fun.
>be non aryan
>not killing yourself
yeah and dolf got his fucking ass handed to him from a wop from the bronx what now?
180cm 90kg 10% Aryan Viking god here with 20cm veiny thick cock. Don't know about my testosterone but how can I care. My life can't be better and im always the most top alpha anywhere I go. I'm miring myself.
Would you fuck my bussy senpai
> rug hanging on wall
dmitriy proszę
Dat chin though
Never knew you needed a big chin to be chad alpha thumblecork
Is this why blonde traps and femboys are always the cutest on the market?
When they were filming, Dolph struck Stallone so hard he nearly stopped his heart.
isnt it annoying to dye your hair every month
Blacks are already so dark the contrast makes it look cool. It is the same with white tattoos on blacks. They just look alot better then white on white, goes the other way around too black ink on white looks better then black tats on blacks.
As a blonde blue eyed German I'm amused.
Most of the world prefers this phenotype. Even shitskins themselves have racist views, just have a look at India, Japan, all Asia, Arab.......lighter skin is prefered.
I'll tell your master you ran from the plantation and shitpost on 4chinz
looks like someone got cucked by the master race
Post a picture of yourself
people will say this is because of colonialism, but if you look at pre-colonial india, persia, china, japan etc...it's always been true.
Daily reminder blacks had blonde hair and blue eyes way before whites. Solomon Islands natives were the Africans that went to the coast before Homo sapiens migrated to Europe. Also the gene that causes blonde hair and blue eyes in blacks is only recessive NOT A MUTATION and has no relation/correlation to blue eyes and blonde hair in whites.
>tfw blonde hair blue eyed
>also have thin face so no square-jaw chad mode
>also have some jew nose
>look decent from the front but have the shittiest profile ever, look like an ugly 15 year old
more like there is a 100% chance your girl would be blowing this dude as you drive past in your prius
white skin, black hair master race reporting in. you blonde cucks will never be Superman mode
lmao you'd get cucked in seconds if this guy wanted your ugly-ass gf
First thing that came to my mind.
Oh fuck my sides, come on lotus, make a video cosplaying this shit
I've golden hair, my test levels are next to 920 ng/dL and I don't have any problems fucking beta brown guys (and sometimes their fiancée)
no homo
So, you're not just a tripfaggot but also a nigger?
Thank you for letting me know
/me adds a new filter
Acute perception of the obvious. Bubbalet detected..
dark haird betas get rekt
Even the manliest of men, a cold blooded killer with a kill streak of 7 million, wanted blonde hair and blue eyes
The masterrace
>/me adds a new filter
*unsheathes katana*