So, I'm reading this book, and it says that you can get rid of the subcutaneous fat, only the viceral fat.
Is it true?
Can you really get rid of the fat?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm reading a book that says that losing subcutaneous fat is almost impossible because it will come back no matter what, because of the low leptin.
So, I'm reading this book, and it says that OP is a faggot
Is it true?
I'm serious. Stop it.
(i'm gay, yes)
that's stupid
>because of the low leptin
you can shock those. Check out Engineering the Alpha. Good book backed by actual science.
Hormones do come into play and leptin is a huge thing. It can be manipulated.
I'm reading Fat Chance
yeah that isn't true. thats a compensating book. id put that book down.
Is it, tho? The guy is a scientist.
Robert Lustig.
>"viva Las Vagus!"
>taking this fucking retarded shit seriously
he's a pediatrician...
He's published a lot of stuff
>Robert Lustig
So has Pamela Anderson.
So has Ben Bernanke
Scientific stuff
Ben Bernanke is an economist and has published books and has ran the fed. But yet he still ruined America.
Stop looking for excuses. you can lose the weight
>Ben Bernanke is an economist and has published books and has ran the fed. But yet he still ruined America.
But this guy is a scientist.
>Stop looking for excuses. you can lose the weight
That's not an excuse.
>But this guy is a scientist.
So? many scientists have been wrong.
So how do I lose it?
But then how do people get down to 8% bf with visible striations? Their subcutaneous fat is so low that their skin seems paper thin. How does you book account for that?
keep working out and eat at a deficit.
>"I'm reading this on a book, is it true?"
>proceeds to deny every fact that points out the book is pure faggotry
Gym rats?
What fact?
>Gym rats?
so there is a way to do it?
Apparently, yes.
so then the book is wrong
Read it's from the book
so its saying that you can lose weight if you keep working out?
I don't get it is gym rat a bad thing?
>I don't get it is gym rat a bad thing?
I guess it is mostly because that is unlikely to happen.
because hes catering to people who refuse to change their lifestyle. hes giving them excuses
>because hes catering to people who refuse to change their lifestyle
But it recommends lifestyle interventions.
He does that to the kids in his clinic.
I found about him here:
I asked if he was a quack once, nobody responded.
so what is it then? one or the other? cant be both.
>one or the other? cant be both.
What are our choices again?
>Gym rats?
Yes, they exercise and eat clean. And lose subcutaneous fat as a result. So the book is wrong.
>Yes, they exercise and eat clean.
The book tells you to do the same.
Also, cut fructose.
Yeah so the book is wrong when it says you can't lose subcutaneous fat. Sounds like the free sticky is better than your book.