>That guy who where's basketball shorts to the gym
That guy who where's basketball shorts to the gym
>That guy who always makes these threads
>That guy who brings 3 pairs of shoes to the gym
>scrawny white people in gym
Niggers rapping in the gym
Allah Akbar
>that guy who forgot to say allah akbar between sets
I never understood what is actually wrong with this?
boogie is trying his best
Nothing, welcome to Veeky Forums
God fucking damnit I am so goddamn sick of seeing this shitty fucking thread every time I go on fit, who the fuck cares what other people wear to the gym you fat fuck
>that guy who took a shit on small child, then proceeded to drive to the gym, lift only 50% of his 1rep max and tickle his nipples between sets.
>that guy doing OHP in the squat rack
You make this thread one more time and I'm gonna personally go to your house, reck u up and burned it to ashes.
Please Mods, if you do exist permab& this spammer
I bet you wear headphones to the gym or actually bring a water bottle
>that guy who walks back and forth, back and forth, across the gym to two logistically illogical machines, at 30% 1 rep max. and he's a manlet.
True story. want to kill this little fuck.
>the guy who puts his car keys on a bench he's not going to use
>That old lady who wears a turtle neck to the gym and complains to the owner that the gym is cold.
yeah. too bad hes a spineless faggot and his best is as impotent as his dormant penis
>that 45 year old milf with great tits, who raises her eye brow with sexual approval; tempting you to abandon your gf.
what's wrong with that?
Don't tell em you're mad at someone else gym habbits
>that qt who always mires and makes eye contact like 5-6 times a night but have never spoken to other than "y-you using this?"
Hey bro, op here. I think they already banned the original guy spamming this, so I decided to take up the mantle. Here's my favorite dogger for the road.
Where the fuck am I supposed to do them friend-o?
>That guy who wipes his ass
>not much time left until this obese excuse for a human dies of a heart attack
I want to admire your dedication to shitpostint except it's a complete waste of time
are you implying a dog wipes its ass?
Just clean it you retard
Weighted Dips
That guy who WHERE'S a squat belt
headphones and water are ok but basketball shorts let me know that you have autism
>but OP was making a meme!
no not really
It's funny cause that's what your pasty white ass looks like.
>that guy who has warm-up sets
I whondered if anyone would notice, I mess up like half these posts anyways.
Been whaiting for your post bro
Yes because this happens to you
what is wrong with bball shorts
Or I could do it wherever the fuck I please
You're probably a DYEL who spends all day shitposting and judges gymbros for wearing shorts. Go do some calve raises.
> nailed it.
Doing OHP in a rack is perfectly acceptable unless you go to a great gym that actually has platforms that can be configured as needed. That probably makes up.... 1 in 5 gyms? Elsewhere, you gotta do whatchu gotta do.
Shit, son, I wear my swimming trunks to the gym, bike rides, jogging, and even the gym for some squats.
So do you faggots wear different shorts or sweet pants? These threads are retarded.
>that guy who actually cares what other people at the gym are wearing
If it doesn't interfere with your routine, why the fuck do you care?
>the guy doing curls and drops his phone and his headphones unplug then suddenly CRAWWWLINGG IN MY SKIIINNNN THESE WOUNDS THEY WILLL NOT HEALLL
Just plop them on the floor and take the bench. Works every time
Everyone on here who feels this way is too chickenshit to answer. They wouldn't say shit if they had a mouth full of it.
>that guy going out of his way to scream as he does each rep
With every rep, guy on bench press exhales out "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU". Has headphones in, don't know if he's on those preworkout drugs or whatever.
That's why u use wireless Bluetooth headphones. Comfortable and never fall. Also they don't get fucking caught in he way while lifting. Shit used to be so annoying
>that guy that wears rugby shorts but doesnt play rugby
>scrawny white people in gym
You love using the shower at the gym.
>scrawny white people in gym
>scrawny white people in gym
>scrawny white people iin gym
>scrawny white people in gym
>scrawny whiite people in gym
>white people
You mean just people. White people are the only people.
>mfw niggers are the weakest race
>scrawny white people in gym
That guy who hits the hooks during his bench press.
That guy who wearing headphones with the wires dangling all in front of his shirt instead of INSIDE his shirt and through the neck. Fucking rookie.
fuck, that brings my piss to a boil.
I am actually OHPing in the bench rack, true story AMA
Yeah, because I'm the milf
>scrawny white virgins in the gym