Yo Veeky Forums, I used to be a regular on this board but ghosted because of medical school. I finished that shit so now I'm back. Post any medical questions you have and I'll answer them
Ask a recent MD grad anything
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So i was working in the garden and clearing out poison ivy. i was wearing gloves and a shirt but im still covered in it. i guess i touched my dick cause now my balls and part of the shaft have a poison ivy rash on them. Its also all over my neck. i went to the doctor and got prednisone. how long until my dick gets better?
how much did you study per day
was it hard to graduate from med shcool
Normally, a course of corticosteroids following a bad allergic dermatitis is around ~2-ish weeks. Where I did my hospital rotations was not where poison ivy grows so I'm just going off what I learned in school. Try not to rub your balls on poison ivy often since chronic corticosteroids can fuck your shit up
whats it like to be a pill pusher well knowing that a well thought out diet/exercice is the best preventive care.
Perfect timing actually
>last Wednesday take a nap
>wake with a fever
>throw up in the middle of the night
>fever gone, only lasted like 12 hours
>since then stomach hurts every time I eat
>threw up from 2 (TWO) beers last night
>messy near diarrhea shit every day
This is killing muh gains
I studied around ~8 hours a day. But I was what you call a "gunner" and was at the top of my class. Other friends would study less and be okay with being in the middle. And it's not the graduating part that is hard, it's the hell that comes with taking standardized exams. Those suck dick. Speaking of sucking dick, girls that hear you're gonna be a doctor do that pretty easily, so that makes it worth it.
ok thanks. thats what i figured. i got poison ivy 3 weeks ago, was on prednisone for 12 days and most of the stuff cleared up. looks like i didnt learn my lesson and im back on it again.
Whats so bad about corticosteroids?
Well I'm looking at making ~300k after my residency starting, so I guess it looks pretty good? I can prescribed you something to treat your hypertension, having so much salt isn't good for your cardiovascular system.
Eh, well it's first off a steroid. So all the shit you read about in /cheaters/ threads about anabolics, mostly. But in summary, thins your skin, suppresses your immune system, and pretty substantial vision problems.
how long does it take to cure a broken heart? whats the best way to do it?
>gf of 2 years left me 3 months ago
>she still texts me about random shit probably once a week
>im too nice to completely ignore her but i dont carry on the convo
>i just answer a question or say 1 sentence to end it
>the breakup seemingly came out of no where
>i was still madly in love with her
>we lived together, had pets together, did everything together
block that bitch. I'm a fucking doctor, not your mother. lol, this guy.
stop talking to her
Where do you live? And what did you eat the day before everything started? If you had soft cheese, or seafood, it'll help me narrow it down.
lmao. cause money and random bjs solve everything.
Central Florida. I had a subway sandwich, chicken teriyaki with provolone and chips. I think I just had toast for breakfast, definitely no seafood.
op i have a bad acid reflux
i should be using ppis and i know its mechanism
my question is do ppis have any effect on protein metabolism ?
i know it down regulates hcl therefor gastric pepsin.
is pancreatic pepsin enough to digest proteins? ?
My ex has a new bf and I only found out stumbling across her whatsapp pic. She looks happier than she ever was with me. End me now.
That would solve all of my problems 2bh
No, it doesn't. But it sure helps. Plus the whole "saving people every day thing" does have it's merits. To be honest, very few jobs provide the financial stability, prestige and moral fulfillment that medicine provides. But if you want to consider me a "pill-pusher" then whatever. I'll be seeing you in a few years, any ways.
I fucked two hookers raw. What are the chances I have AIDS? I haven't shown nay symptoms of having any other std.
Subway? Well it could be a range of things from staph A enterotoxin infection (which happens like 4 hours after consumption) to E.coli, which is practically everywhere. If it doesn't resolve within a week, I'd go to a clinic where they can prescribe you some antibiotics.
Oh shit, I like this guy already.
kinda wish she'd get a new man so i knew it was completely over. just got a text from her 2 minutes ago.
"are you doing ok in life still? you know i still miss you. i had 2 dreams about you last week."
Well GERD is typically associated with, beyond the obvious shit like alcohol and smoking, with too much protein consumption. That being said, you have an OVERPRODUCTION of gastrin, so PPI's lower it to normal levels. So theoretically (unless they're overmedicating you), you have a functional metabolism. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If anything, be careful with how much protein you're consuming. It may be too much (despite what bros here say).
went 2 emerge with chest pains a month ago they put me on tecta and sent me to a cardiologist. tecta hasnt helped and cardiologist confirmed its not heart related through ultrasound and stress test why does my chest still hurt brah. not brought on by exercise or eating it just seems to come and go randomly. Is this just something I have to deal with now? or can i fix this?
stop derailing the thread. She's keeping you on the backburner like a cuck. I know you love her and shit but you more so love the idea of her now. We want what we can't have. However, since you insist on being so heartbroken, that comes with its risks too. Check out Takotsubo's cardiomyopathy
I'd rather have gunners as my doctor than middle people. Or do you think there's no discernible difference between the top of the class and the middle of the class when it comes to doing doctor stuff?
Also what does being at the top of your class in med school even do? Will better hospitals pick you for residency?
AIDS is exceedingly rare in heterosexual contact. However it's pretty obvious you live a high-risk lifestyle so if you haven't gotten anything life-threatening yet, you will. Wrap your shit up man, your momma didn't think dropping you so many times would make you that fucking retarded.
Either get back together with her now or cut her off for good. Don't go wistfully thinking you'll have a chance somewhere down the road again because you'll only get crushed harder when you're single and she's not.
Whats the best way to beat a caffeine addiction, should I just gradually ween off? I honestly feel like shit if I don't consume about 1500mg a day.
There is an honorary fraternity called "Order of the Omega" which is like the Dean's List. That increases your chances of landing a dope residency. But beyond that, some of the best potential physicians, but not the best test-takers are friends of mine. Know what they call the lowest member of our class when we graduated? A doctor.
How to permanently cure neck/back pain most likely induced by car accident. How to permanently cure golfer's elbow
Thanks bro. My tricking days are over, anyways.
what's the most sought after place for residency
I'm sorry, I don't really know caffeine addiction that well besides my own. Typically hydration helps. When you're craving a cup of coffee, cold water works for me.
It depends on the specialty. Most are associated with UW, UCSF and the obvious Ivy Leagues.
Permanently? Nothing. Temporarily? Rest. Acutely? NSAID's and alternating hot compress and ice pad, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. When our bodies are injured they let us know, listen to your body.
Describe the chest pain, how long it lasts for. And also a direct family history of medical problems.
That's not what I wanted to hear. Fuck you doc
physical therapy for the rest of your life
Kek. Stay mad manlet
Lol, my first disgruntled patient as a doctor. I will cherish this moment for the rest of my life. Enjoy snap city, bitch.
You're a little fanny flustered with my bantz doc. That post was a social experiment
Im undergrad
Pls post any advice you have about studying and test taking
also since i work in a hospital already im clueless on what to do volunteering
This is how I know you're full of shit. Corticosteroid aren't the same as roids, and do not have the side effects of /fraud/.
Why does my left elbow joint click when I move my hand up to my shoulder
See if there are scribe positions in your area. It's much more educational than being a bitch volunteer. And yeah, establish good study habits, a lot of us struggled at first with the sudden "drinking from the fire hose" feeling you get in first semester of med school
Its dull runs up the centre of my chest into my neck and jaw and lasts from a few minutes to sometimes the majority of my day.Sometimes I can make it go away by changing my position, laying on my back seems to make it bad. My father had CHF and a heart attack at 60 but no other medical conditions. I do have anxiety I'm not on any medications but I do worry a lot about my health, and about work, and about what people think of me. I was looking into costochondritis or stress related chest pains but self diagnosis is what landed me in the ER in the first place i was thinking angina or something at that time but i believe thats ruled out
I'm not saying they are, holmes. Chronic steroid use can cause SIMILAR symptoms, not all the same. But whatever, I don't need to prove anything to you or your google diploma
how old are you
All right my nigga, this is a dick question. I'm a 26 yo virgin and a girl blew me for the first time recently but I kept losing my boner and then getting it back. I couldn't cum either. I've been fapping to porn exclusively for 10 years and sometimes I'll lose my rod while doing that too. Is my dick broken? What should I do? She wants to fuck soon but I'm afraid it'll be the same thing. Help me brah.
I did not really learn much about performance problems but I'll try and take a crack at it. Boners are due to your parasympathetic system, so if you develop anxiety, that switches your brain into the sympathetic tract, therefore diverting the neurohormones to something like running away from a bear. If anything I would try to not be so nervous, also don't masturbate so much. She should be understanding if you're a virgin.
I'm in my second year. I have no background in microbio and it is kicking my fucking ass. Wtf do I do??
Also what's your STEP1 prep advice
Given your age, family history and work up you've received, I really doubt it's cardiac in nature. You probably do have costochondritis, as that happens in young men pretty frequently. If you don't have any other symptoms I wouldn't stress too much and next time it flares up, take an NSAID. If you get jaw pain, shortness of breath, clamminess, then definitely opt for a more in depth cardiac work-up
Duddddeeeeee. SketchyMicro and Picmonic saved my fucking life! Also, use First Aid every fucking day. That shit's cash. I would check out the UFAP study method, that's what I did and I was very happy with my results.
How bad are eggs?
thanks doc
Nice thank you, it's good to know I'm on the right track because I'm doing those things so far. I'm just one of those students who freaks out 99% of the time. I'll check out UFAP tho, haven't heard of this
Are you talking about dietarily? The myth of elevated blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol has been shown to have a very low correlation. Eggs are awesome, don't eat too many though or your farts smell terrible. Medically speaking, of course.
what do you recommend as potent fatigue remedies for a stage 3 cancer patient. i just started aggro chemo and its a struggle to even get out of bed, and its driving me crazy.
Yeah and sketchy just came out with sketchypharm which was dope too.
Shit as much as I would LOVE to give you advice, I would strongly suggest you call up your attending oncologist since I know nothing about your treatment. Fight the good fight buddy, we're all here for you.
What are the risks/benefits of xy androgen insensitive hypogonadic females using progestogen?
cut all the shit , accept she died for you
it hurts but the sooner the better
my gf is afraid of the pill and what it will do to her, how can I convince her that it's safe?
Take her to planned parenthood and let them do the work for you. The pill is great but it does come with its side-effects (impossible to predict if she'll get any).
I have a stomach issue.
When I wake up im nauseous and my stoamch in pain. Unless I eat its there. It ruins my appetite at the same time which is funny.
After a few hours of not eating it comes back. if i ignore it i instantly get stoamch growling and gas build up. I have to fart or it just fuckin groans all day, and extremely loud. it doesnt stop there, it begins to hurt and some days I have to leave class to force the bathroom and release gas or go eat something then release.
This is every day. This started like 2 years ago and I have not been the same since. I had blood in my stool initially, but htat hasnt happened in months now although it was happening every day before
If I have low test, what are the side effects of the treatment?
What is the exact maximum amount of tren I can shoot into my body without having my heart explode in the sauna?
Oooooh I like this question. Are you saying you are phenotypically female?
Eh not many. I'd opt for test therapy man. Your life will improve pretty dramatically
lol zyzz for life, brah. All right, I'm out guys. I'll pop in every couple of days
Oh yeah I'd definitely get it
What was your major and GPA
OP when did you decide to become a doctor? what did you do to work towards it?
I already work as a transporter for a hospital, so im looking for other volunteering ops
what generally did you use/do to study?
Any more step 1 advice? Planning on taking it in 4 months and I'm tripping. What was your score?
Any more advice? Take NBME's every weekend, if you can. And I did well, I don't disclose my score, even anonymously
I don't know man, I did what worked for me. And don't work as a transporter. You'll learn nothing that way.
Okay doc I have a serious question. I'm 5'5" and my growth plates are still open. What are the pros and cons of taking HGH?
Dad was a doc, grew into it. Did all the usual shit: research, volunteer, work in a hospital, etc. etc.
double major physio and molecular biology. 3.4. 31 MCAT. Nothing special, bro
here you go m8
Undergrad student here majoring in Biochem.
Current 3.5 GPA
Any pointers to make me more valuable on med school applications?
Pros? You'll be taller than 5'5". Which despite what this board says, is not that big of a deal.
Cons? Are you saying buying the HGH from canada and shit to take? If that's the case you could shut down the basophiles of your pituitary, most severely. Besides that, visceromegaly (including heart and GI organ enlargement), hypertension, cancer.
But you'd be taller, so idk, do it?
Switch to being an english major. Honestly go talk to your pre-med advisor, they're normally a good resource. I was a pretty average undergrad student so I'm not the best to ask for that
What's the app you guys use to figure out what's wrong with patients? My GP looks like he's googling my shit on his phone and spitting out some WebMD answer.
I heard that doctors give very low doses to teens below 5'3" tho to help with the height
English major? I've heard of the humanities majors being valued in med schools. Did you do any extracurriculars, volunteering, etc?
doc i have this strange rash just behind my ears that seems to "scale up" like a scab. doctors have given me medicine for it but it doesn't go away. should i just see a dermatologist? it feels dry to the touch and i only seem to get these on my head
probably medscape or epocrates
Yeah I worked in two labs and had an independent research gig. I also played intramurals. But beyond all of that, I'm a really good bullshitter.
Yes, generally GH is good for somebody your age. However, I would strongly suggest being careful with overdosing. Just be smart about it, it should be fine man. Most of the problems start when people use HGH post-puberty.
What medication? It might be a fungal infection. Are you vaccinated?
yes, I am vaccinated afaik. i was given this triamcinolone acetonide cream usp, 0.1%. think the doctor once said it is a mild dermatitis. am i just stuck with this shit
What did you match into?
The method's name is U Fap? Noice
He died of Dnp overdose.
How did you get into md with a 3.4 ?
How many schools did you apply to?
Are low carbohydrate diets really that bad for you, or is it just fat people giving excuses for not trying?