2 years of weight lifting
Starting Weight: 190 @ unknown bf%
End Weight: 190 @ 15.5% body fat
2 years of weight lifting
Starting Weight: 190 @ unknown bf%
End Weight: 190 @ 15.5% body fat
Other urls found in this thread:
user why lift so casually at the beginning? If you are lazy and/or don't like lifting you're suppposed ro start out hard and slowly taper off to casual lifting
that pic does not look like 2 years of lifting.
This is why i started roiding. Fuck stayin natty
post lifts OP
time to cut soon
1 more pic
what was your weight change?
SS meme claims another victim.
Should have made the pictures bigger.
jesus fuck is this what I have waiting for me in 2 years of natty lifting?
I mean he looks better, but after 2 years...
I've posted this before but here you go if you need some motivation. Almost two years, 230-167. S:350 B:235 D:430
You can look like this easy in 8 months. Don't what OP was doing, but it surely wasnt lifting seriously
>natty lifting isn't a meme meme
110 to 83 kgs
damn son
Damn, very nice work!
how long?
One year and about three months.
Had some p shitty rutines in between, but oh well.
>>dude, looking huge bro, incredible progress, truly impressive!!!! Yo, i was wondering if you would ever be interested in doing some flexin on your webcam? if you have a paypal account i could send u some $$ for your time, u can use it to help out with purchasing supps and stuff. Just let me know if you are interested or not. thanks dude, and again, great progress, hit me back. Later
I'm new. :^)
What do S, B, and D stand for?
How long did it take and whats your goal weight?
Nice progress btw
Maybe you guys are all beta faggots who can't put on muscle, but I've seen more gainz in the 3 months I've been lifting than in OP's "two years" of progress.
Looking good, nice gainz. You should probably ditch the "Yes, I'm an accountant!" glasses though. This is you: youtube.com
Gz! Keep up the good work, user.
Cheers senpai
5 months and probably around 75
lost 10 kg in 3 months.
it was my first bulk and i was still noobish at it.
gonna go for losing 3 more kg and then slow bulk
Congrats OP you managed to make 0 prorgess in 2 years.
5'9" manlet
165 pounds
Been lifting a year and some change. Started out at 245, 6ft., cut down to 180, now back to bulking, up at 205 @6ft1.5". I never saw my abs tho, so I just started training them, as well as started going heavier on chest and doing more chest exercises. Pls halp
Before: I wouldn't even look at you
Now: I'd consider fucking you, if you didn't have a micropeen
Tell me your diet? Did you just eat whatever you found or some serious protein foods? Cuz i have same body like yours in before pic.
8 months?! more like 3 months!!
left pic was September 2014, the right was a month ago
i'm currently torn between cutting for summer,getting rid of that extra fat and getting stronger for the next weightlifting season that starts in September.
is a cut the only way to fix that "dent" (see arrow)?
This is nice, now i have to beat my gf to force her to go gym, thanks.
arrow = saddlebags = fat.
also your legs are lacking imho.
cut more and work legs.
>legs lacking
always thought my legs were my strong point, maybe the rear view is not quite convincing
also, i can't work legs any more: i'm backsquatting twice a week and frontsquatting twice a week in addition to my weightlifting routine that includes heavy clean&jerks and snatches and all variations of the olympic lifts.
hnnnng nailed it
Been pretty on and off, both good protein rich food and some shitty food .
What worked for me was letting my fear of getting fat go, i was measuring my kcal intake for about 6 months and didin't see much progress or change but these last almost 6 months have been just eating alot more than i used to and it seems to be working.
Post pic of back pussy with panties
Great progress.
noob u lost muscle mass
6ft 175 lbs. Finally on my lean bulk doing a PPLxULx split with more focus on my chest.
O:135 B:175 S:275 DL:325
That chest is lagging
your nipples are going away
>2 years
how do I know if I'll fuck up like op
it's reverse gyno
Much rather small nipple than gyno
plus they are sensitive as fuck which can be good.
Fuck you're hot
saddlebags are a pain to go away. lose more fat, work legs.
takes a while but it'll work.
will make new pics with regular angles when cut is finished
This is some reddit shit right here
idc as long as I'm giving teen sloots the dink
Still a long way to go
Man,I always want to post but I know you're all going to jump on me for having tattoos.
Currently 210lbs (6ft) and carefully bulking until I break 1/2/3/4.
Jesus fuck haha that's after 2 years !?,
Fix your routine, this is what happens when the sticky is not read
1st - 195 lbs
2nd - 163 lbs
3rd - 150 lbs
fetal alcohol syndrome.. sorry bra
nice progress tho
Put your hand down you fucking retard it's like you don't understand what a camera phone is and every time you're totally confused as to what is going on holy fuck
sheeeeeeiiiiittt, hardcore props my man
almost 4 years lmao started when i was 15. wasnt consistent whole way through
OP here. this was me in between these two progress photos when I was cut down around 175, 6'0.
I'm looking forward to my next cut.
I dont have any pictures atm, but i started out at around 280lbs a few months ago, then started my apprenticeship as a chef and i recently noticed that i lost 45lbs these past few months. After seeing that i decided to set some rules for myself so that i can get a healtier diet, and after that start lifting and working out. I cut down all my soda and snack intake to once a week (saturdays), and if i do eat snacks during the week its only frozen fruits and berries, i also only eat one hot meal a day plus small meals inbetween. I dont really know what to say, i feel ALOT better, like another person entirely, people treat me differently my friends compliment me on my appearance, its great.
I'm really feeling like this is it, like i'm actually gonna lose all this fat and become a normal person again
>11 months
Made a skelly progress thread before i saw this one
Someone tell me he is doing wrong at something. I am pretty much in his starting point and that progress over 2 years discouraged me.
I think hes doing everything wrong senpai
he's clearly a retard
What a fucking retard....