Can I get an azn qt 3.14 gf teaching English in Japan or Taiwan? Any brehs here do this?
Can I get an azn qt 3.14 gf teaching English in Japan or Taiwan? Any brehs here do this?
flash them your passport. given that you dont come from a shit hole they will suck your dink
Maybe. I came to japan with my jp qt. You can easy bang a gaijin hunter but actually having a relationship would be more difficult.
absolutely in Taiwan. Check my IP nigga.
Please elaborate, do they look down on you for having a low job? Or do they just want dat American citizenship and white pee pee
I dont teach English I wouldnt know.. Im in a different industry. But if you got game.. you should have no problem.. especially in the clubs.. jsut be careful of shallow people with fragile egos wanting to fight you for taking their woman.. they dont fight one on one its usually 8 on 1.. so if yo cross someone .. knock em out before they reach for the cellphone. TRUTH.
get a 60 day visitor visa. for everything else.. and your ???
What industry? And I'm sure I could knock out 8 Taiwan skellys
If Japan, looks are everything because 90% of them have the exact same personality. As long as you're not autistic and know some of the language, it's easy as. Dunno about Taiwan, never been
Do you actually give a shit about learning the language and adapting to the culture and adopting Japanese values and way of life? Or are you just looking to come here and fuck women? Because if so that makes you no better than a filthy turkish migrant.
I've refreshed this thread for like the entire 3 hours it's been up just fucking post qt azns pls i want to cry a lot
You can drown in all the pussy you want.
I hope yourw white though
Yes, I genuinely love the culture, language, and food. I'm more interested in Taiwan
Am white, I want a waifu tho too
Then asia is a paradise.
can you not get girls in the united states or whatever? moving halfway around the world for pussy? jesus dude
Guy in China here. Idk about Japan or Taiwan, but here the amount of pussy I got easily went up by 5 times. If you are 6ft+, fit, not autistic, you can get some top tier girls, real talk. I'm dating a model rn
I don't think there's any rungs lower than "Gaijin english teacher" in Japanese society, aside maybe brazilian and flip immigrants.
Everyone will rightly assume you can't speak Japanese for shit, will know that you have a low-paying dead end job, and you will forever live as an unintegrated tourist.
Foreigners living in Japan can have lives of celebrities if they have actual jobs, but the English Teacher is pretty much the hallmark of "I wanted to live here but I literally have no marketable skills".
pic not related i hope
Taiwan is basically Japan 15-20 years ago, m8.
what the fuck does she model, acne creams?
There's so many threads about people doing this sort of thing that you won't stand out among the crowd.
Best case scenario is you get some ugly chick like
As someone who is white and has a chinese gf. I have been all across china countless times and lived in china with her for 3 years.
If you live in asia especially hong kong or taiwan you can easily get an asia qt but expect her to treat you as a novelty or as a wallet. Very rare few are serious when they date you and the best way to make sure of that ia if q. They are already qealthy and 2. They take you to mwet their parents.
As for an easy way to meet them in a weatern country? Alright mate im about to let you in on a secret. Wechat.
Fucking wechat.
Most asian qts are dying of loneliness in their new cou tries and will latch into you as long as you talk to them, and the best way is through wechat. Use the scanner to see thise nearby and just fuckin talk to them. If they reapond they will mkst likely go on one date to see you.
I used this method while at my uni campus in Sydney and dated many many asians before i found my wife through the same method.
I dunno what other English teachers are doing but I go to baseball games and onsen with my native teachers, go drinking with my martial arts m8s and made friends with random uni students. Lived here for a year and recontracted because I love it.
I mainly came over to get experience as I'm doing a teaching degree and my gf is Japanese and wanted to see her grandma while she still could.
>As someone who is white and has a chinese gf. I have been all across china countless times and lived in china with her for 3 years.
>If you live in asia especially hong kong or taiwan you can easily get an asia qt but expect her to treat you as a novelty or as a wallet. Very rare few are serious when they date you and the best way to make sure of that ia if q. They are already qealthy and 2. They take you to mwet their parents.
>As for an easy way to meet them in a weatern country? Alright mate im about to let you in on a secret. Wechat.
>Fucking wechat.
>Most asian qts are dying of loneliness in their new cou tries and will latch into you as long as you talk to them, and the best way is through wechat. Use the scanner to see thise nearby and just fuckin talk to them. If they reapond they will mkst likely go on one date to see you.
>I used this method while at my uni campus in Sydney and dated many many asians before i found my wife through the same method.
Example here.
Fucking talk to all of them until one seriously replies. Just a numbers game.
Just be all random xd and ask about how they like the country say you are bored just wanting to chat and shit.
Simple and works a lot.
Spend a year in Shanghai for study and internship. If you are a 5/10 in your home country, your gonna get 5/10 Chinese girls, it's just that there are a shitton 5/10 Chinese girls more.
a billion of them
They carry knives you buffoon. You're not Ip man
You know Japanese though, right?
Like 90% of people making threads like these on every board know no Japanese (or next to nothing) and think that their English is going to be of any help.
Why do half of these girls not open their mouth when they talk ?
Asian women are literally meme tier, only betas date them.
I'm a beta so what
I'm half black and half white and when I was traveling in Taiwan with my Taiwanese gf, she was hotter by a few points than 99% of the white guys' Taiwanese gfs that I saw on the streets. What I generally noticed is that foreigners date girls on the same level as them (or below) even in Asia, it's like they are still afraid to pursue the hot girls despite their newly acquired exotic status.
Also, Muay Thay
This. This is you.
speak the language
look white
have some cash
easy azn gf
Lol @ people saying to fight the locals in their country
Enjoy your time in an Asian shithole jail
My chinese friend in Canada is always in wechat at uni. He told me if I go on there I could get any chinese chick i want. However the chinese chicks in my engineering classes aren't too impressive lmfao.
I have wechat and its literally fake accounts
that would explain why assholes advertise it on here all the time. I wonder if its sending data to china or something once you download it
Look cute, be white, speak the language and it's easy. Or alternatively be tall and buff and speak exclusively English for gaijin hunter bitches - I have a feeling they'll jump cocks easier though. Being language teacher is going to be a minus for long term prospects, it's not a profession that's looked up to. Won't stop you from getting laid though
Becuse they know they have fucking ugly teeth, same reason why the hide their giggles behind hands.
Wechat is the #1 social app in China, you asspies. If you want to communicate with Chinese girls, you get Wechat and scan each others QR code, it's really simple shit. It's not a fucking dating or hookup app. Don't be a faggot and search for girls in the area through the app instead of actually meeting girls in real life and THEN getting their number.
gee thanks for the tip chang, should I give you my credit card number now or is it easier for you to scan it once I download your malware?
>I'm too beta to talk to white women
>maybe I'll be cool in Japan
Literally LMAOing @ ur life breh
Thanks Bob, before I use that Western shill garbage Facebook, should I give you my McDonald's gift card now?
Wyatt are software dev salaries like in Taiwan and jp? if imagine they stuck in jp.
Alright guys, OP here, I'm fairly attractive and have no problem scoring white girls, I play a d1 sport at uni, anyways I grew up in an Asian part of California and have developed a love for Asian girls and things I can't shake, so it isn't a matter of looks, I was also wondering if I became a teacher in general after that job and take her back to the states or teach at uni there? Would this get a top teir waif?
Once again the manlets and uggos of Veeky Forums arise to give some retarded anecdotal advice.
I'm 6'2" with a good face and good body, and I'm white. If you are a good-looking Euro or American you will absolutely slay in Asia, particularly in Thailand, South Korea, China and Japan. The girls in the other countries are not really worth it, even Thailand is kinda pushing it but there are some 10/10s there for sure. Oh and Vietnam aint bad either.
All you do is download Tinder and whatever app is most popular in the country (in Thailand it was called Zoom or something, I forgot; Vietnamese/Japanese/Chinese all use Tinder). You will experience something amazing my friend: the life of a hot girl. Literally every swipe is a match if you're an attractive white dude. Get over there and get to it.
>tfw black reading this thread
So there is no chance if you are an educated black man
That's an oxymoron
>educated black man
>latino here
>know its only a matter of time ill be considered white like the italians before me
>mfw no matter what blacks do they will always be black.
It must suck to be the shit species.
>know its only a matter of time ill be considered white like the italians before me
Delusions are not healthy.
Stay mad white famalam we are coming and we will be at your thanksgiving dinners.
What app is this?
The best part is that you won't even be able to tell as long as your little sister doesn't spill the beans.
> captcha: holly route
>we will be at your thanksgiving dinners
Anthropophagy is not a Thanksgiving custom.
Every sentence a cut. The editing was more irritating than that Taiwanese guy.
trips confirm
Are you my brother? If you think you are, did you go on Saturday morning?
Have you found a waifu yet?
Standards are that low in China. Seems like anyone can be a model.
>Open your eyes for the next Faiz
She got a whole buncha razor burns on her ass. Needs to let the natural butt peach fuzz grow.
You realize that that is an ugly asian? Just because they're Asian doesn't make them all hot.
And if that is the model, I would like people who disagree with me to look at American models with no makeup. Or basically every celebrity.
>Elliot as the child
every time
didn't even notice that
I keked
Lel I mean she's alright but not a model nigga.
there seems to be a black on jap fetish in japan. So you could probably score some qt3.14s.
Question is, who does that black on jap fetish apply to? Who is consuming this porn? Men or Women? If it's men you may be able to do some cuckold shit.
hmmm sounds good to me your latina women and your food are excellent.
This guy is a moron.
Yes, attack Asians on their own turf, have fun in prison because no matter what happens, they will side with the Azns.
I lived in Korea for a year, lest violent place in the world. Sure, some guys get jelly or act stupid, but almost always it's just words. My friend did pinch some guy in the face for punching him, so experience may vary, but generally speaking, this is a bad idea.
90% of japanese are scared of niggers. To the extent they'll cross the street or, if forced to walk by, mutter "abunakatta" (that was dangerous)
>be me, whitey
>go to sponsored singles mixer thing
>see black girl sitting by herself, lost in her phone
>Go up, say hi, ask why she's sitting here by herself, not talking to anybody
>She says there isn't anybody here she wants to meet
>I notice she is literally the only black person in the room, of either gender
>flat out ask her, "Is it because there are no black guys here?"
>she looks embarassed, smiles, looks down, says "...yeah..."
>Tell her she should give interracial dating a try, you never know. Explain I had an Asian girlfriend for a year once
>She says "Yeah, but that's different. EVERYBODY likes Asian girls."
Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.
I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)
I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%
When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!
I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in Japan!
The girl in that second video has some fucked up teeth. Like it looks like she's been brushing with a wooden stick and coffee grounds.
Then what drives the black guys fucking jap girls fetish? Fear?
The sane dude has another video interviewing japanese people about why their teeth are shit if you're interested. The tl;dr is it's just not considered a big deal here. Also orthodontic work (see: braces) isn't covered under national health care so it's quite an expensive procedure.
What manufacturer? Tonka?
No idea. Probably cucks being cucks regardless of race. There was a black dude walked past while I wss waiting for the bus yesterday being typically black and noisy and everyone was freaking out. They're really uncommon outside of okinawa, roppongi and harajuku.
Nah you have just as much of a chance there as a white guy. But you can't be ugly. People go for exotic when it's good looking exotic. Make sure your skin is clesr, teeth clean, etc. And you'll get laid over there.