Will a ketogenic diet kill stage 4 cancer?

Will a ketogenic diet kill stage 4 cancer? My dad has stage 4 nasopharyngeal cancer, taking radiation and chemo soon, but I wanna know how effective diet is to this whole ordeal.

Please respond, thanks.

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it "might" help at best if he has a less healthy diet

That looks fucking delicious Jesus Christ senpai I need that meat in me

Ok. I was always under the impression that eating a lot of meat and dairy is one of the causes of cancer though. But the doctors are recommending a high-protein, low-carb diet for him, part of which INCLUDES animal protein (beef, chicken, eggs, milk) etc... So I don't understand.

Having ketones in your body certainly helps against certain forms of cancer. However don't expect for it to be a magic bullet. He needs to change his entire lifestyle. High % CBD also seems to help against cancer if taken regularly.

Probably because they don't want literally all of his muscle mass and organs to atrophy you fucking mong

different cancers do different things. some cancer thrives if its given a high carb diet

Cut out the dairy altogether
Increase his fruit and vegetable intake by abounds
Just make sure the meat is cooked well and hes not overdoing it, and I think he could manage it

Nah, low carb is one of the best diets all around because you can stick to it easily after the induction phase of the first 3 weeks. Also ketones are very effective against certain cancers. Because cancer mainly lives from glucose and basically dies if your body runs on ketones

Diet doesn't really matter once it's at that stage desu

Right now it's upto his genetics and how they respond to the cancer and how well his body responds to the medication and treatments.

I understand that. It's just that there's so much conflicting information online, that it's hard to tell what's truth and what isn't, that's all. I want to see my dad survive this, and I want to make sure he gets proper nutrition.

As in, no need to cut out the meat, I dont think






if anything it will make everything worse. he needs to go vegan. animal fats and protein feed the cancerous tissue and strains the immune system

Nigger he already has cancer, he cant get double-cancer from meat.

back to /b/

a good balance of protein, fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals will do more good than any meme diet.

this website should help you maintain a balanced diet:

Also radiation and chemo is fucking worse than cancer be prepared for that. my dad had throat and basically said fuck it instead of taking chemo/operations he just changed his lifestyle to a more natural one and survived.

How about he eats what oncologists tell him to instead of what the de-facto closet homo subsection of a Kyrgyz Falconry discussion forum believes.

The idea behind keto btw is that the cancer can't digest ketone bodies well but your body can. At least it's on wiki

>got cancer already
>noway I can get more cancer, or make cancerous growth worse

That's not how this works, user

>The idea behind keto btw is that the cancer can't digest ketone bodies well but your body can. At least it's on wiki

Ahh yes, sounds just as believable as all the rest of the """science""" behind the keto meme diet.

OP here. Fuck you.

hey i wasn't laughing at your dad having cancer, that sucks, and it's nice of you to be on here trying to help him get better -- i was laughing at your question because i don't believe in meme fad diets.

Do the keto thing and be strict about it. Also look into Cannabis oil, CBD. You can order that online.

>coming to Veeky Forums for health advice
Your dad will die that way.


OP here. Thank you. The doctors are gonna give him some THC pills for his appetite, but maybe the oil is more effective?

I've read that colostrum is often given to cancer patients to boost the immune system? Is there any validity to that?

I'm not an expert but if I remember correctly it has a lot to do with sugar and cancer cells. No sugar, hard time for cancer cells.

THC will just make him high, CBD is actually the anti-cancer component. You can buy a high % paste/oil and take a few drops under the tongue.

Whatever ideas you get: discuss it with your dad's doctors first. They know more about this subject than neckbeard autists on 4chin



>Instead, the cancer cells fueled their growth by swallowing up enormous amounts of glucose (blood sugar) and breaking it down without oxygen. The result made no sense. Oxygen-fueled reactions are a much more efficient way of turning food into energy, and there was plenty of oxygen available for the cancer cells to use. But when Warburg tested additional tumors, including ones from humans, he saw the same effect every time. The cancer cells were ravenous for glucose.


Like I said, I'm not an expert but I am on keto for over two years now and I feel great. If your dad considers this diet please do your research before you fuck up your liver like some other idiots trying to cut for summer and have no idea what the body needs.

That applefag guy did a vegan diet to try cure his cancer and his doctors said it literally sped up his cancer and killed him even faster. Applefag said he regretted going down the vegan path.

Did you just nonironically post that link?

tl;dr: it can't hurt to try it alongside chemo

umm of course it can?

cant get all your protein from plant based sources though, doctors and nutritionists are different.
A vegan diet can reverse some damage so he might live longer than expected, but overall the damage is already done.

I'm sorry user, my mum just recently got diagnosed on a form of bowel cancer...

Cancer cells can only metabolize glucose. A ketogenic diet will starve them to an extent.


Keto wont stop those cells from multiplying op, im sorry

if it's natural it must be good!

just following world leading nutritionists research.

Not at all
Cancer is cell mutation gone wrong, basically a cluster of cells that keep splitting infinitely

If he sees increases in health on a keto diet it's cause his previous diet was worse

I know there was this chemical extracted from cannabis that would temporarily stop or slow down this endless reproduction but I'm not sure if it's for cancer all around the board or specific forms and stages plus it's controversial cause weed so it's hard to get

Nice meme

>eating a lot of meat and dairy
Yes but people underestimate what a lot is

A lot as in the dosage you'd expect from a morbid or even extreme obese person, the type of people they talk about in fat stories

Then listen to your fucking doctors you retard. I swear to god, if you're stupid enough to listen to a bunch of underage DYELs on here then I hope you get cancer too.

The problem with these studies is the behavior of eating meat is so tied to eating an unhealthy diet (e.g. fried food, french fries, hamburgers) as opposed to eating green leafy vegetables and exercising.

It's harder to buy the line he's selling when it's so one-sided and their response was that that's just what the science, as a whole, shows. Throughout his videos, he does mention studies on occasion that show results outside the "animal bad" camp but he then goes on to show either the flaws of the study or that even though "animal not bad in this case, plant does the same thing better."

Op here.

Im willing to use any and all resources available to make sure my dad recovers. Even if it means being desperate enough to post here. The fact that you dont know me personally, yet you wish the same fate for me as my dad, shows your lack of maturity and empathy. Please jump into a wood chipper.

Your doctors have told you what will help diet wise: lots of fats and proteins. Presumably you're to add in fibrous, nutritious veggies as well. Beyond that, there's nothing else there to be done diet wise. Somebody already brought up THC oils, which are probably memes but might help, and probably won't hurt. Accrual marijuana is probably better for the pain dulling effects. Aside from that, there isn't much more you can do. I highly recommend getting your dad on some sort of strength training program to help preserve his lean muscle mass because he will lose a ton from treatment.

But seriously man, I just don't want you to listen to fags on here telling you to get your dad on a vegan fruit diet, or to inject some SARM into him or something. You should really stick with scientifically supported advice, even if you're desperate.

Apparently a strict keto diet can kill cancer. But literally not a single carb. Make sure the foods he eats have zero carbs if you want this to work. Remember stuff like milk is still carb-laden.


I feel for you and your dad bro. goodluck to you both.

Thank you.

Listen, taking advice from a fitness board on the internet is one thing. Taking advice from a fitness board on Veeky Forums is another. You've already shown you know jack shit about cancer from what you've posted and I can definitely say that the broscience on here is not coming from qualified doctors. You're doctors have a treatment plan for your father, you've already said they've given you a diet for him. Stick to that shit because they're the guys who know what the fuck they're talking about. You want your Dad to be healthy? Listen to the fucking doctors.

No it won't, stage 4 means it has gone metastatic. Ensure your dad eats enough food since losing your appetite is common on chemo et al and stop coming to Veeky Forums for medical advice, no one here is an oncologist.

I hope your dad pulls through.

So this.

If he's doing chemo it's going to be hard for him to keep stuff down. Godspeed OP, hope things work out OK.

>Doctors recommend it.
>Lmao it's just maymay. IIFYM is better, trust me, I'm a food scientist.


Just listen to the doctors and stop being a retard.

But calling a diet with actual science behind it, as well as what OP's doctors are recommending isn't? Fuck off.

>american """healthcare"""

OP didn't say he was American.

he told me behind your back

Guess what your mother and I did behind yours.

too far man

sorry user

Not but these magic beans in my possession will. Just send $5000 my way...

*doesn't forgive you*

Asking for health advice regarding cancer on Veeky Forums is probably not the best idea.

You might as well ask how much he should squat so he can give his cancer a one way bus ticket to snapcity

I'm sorry user, I know how rough this is. My uncle went a cancer diagnosis when I was younger.

Keto can absolutely hel!. The thing is, when the chemo hits its really hard for you body to absorb protein from most sources - the only 100% bioavailable protein is if he gets it from you daily. At least, tht's what helped my uncle get through his cancer.


The best source is your own protein because your body had already broken it down into its constituent amino acids so your dad can easily digest them

>for muh energeez
The original and only meme diet.

Everything that has been posted here, minus the sarcastic posts, has been
helpful. Its sad that people have such ugliness inside.

Forgive me though if I dont readily entrust my faith in doctors 100%. I trust, but I try to verify too.

One thing to keep in mind is, cancer prevention and cancer treatment are very different modes of living. For example, antioxidants seem to be good for cancer prevention but bad for cancer treatment (presumably, antioxidants reduce the efficacy of chemo/etc.). Don't conflate the two.


No. If you understand science you will know this is bullshit.

Doctors are businessmen, animal products raise IGF-1 levels which will grow the tumor more.

A vegan diet with a lot of broccoli is the only sane option.

>Doctors are businessmen, animal products raise IGF-1 levels which will grow the tumor more.
The present study provides evidence that reducing the dietary carbohydrate:protein ratio attenuates the development of mammary tumors

>A vegan diet with a lot of broccoli is the only sane option.
The consumption of raw broccoli caused a significant 27% increase in DNA damage in colonocytes

Are you literally retarded?

What about IGF-1 ? Aka the cancer hormone?
He can still get the ratio he wants on a vegan diet
Broccoli has anti cancer chemicals.

"Despite the elevation of IGF-I in the HPMC group, the rate of tumor incidence was significantly lower."

Cancer patients often get killed by cachexia, muscle atrophy. You might seriously try getting him grey market research chemicals like Ostarine as well.

Great article, user. Just read it in full. Big eye opener.

>Because cancer mainly lives from glucose and basically dies if your body runs on ketones

Ketone bodies promote cancer growth


Cancer cells love glucose and arise in the presence of it. If you cut out the carbs (glucose) from your diet, you cut off a major catalyst to cancer. That's not to say that other lesser catalysts don't exist. But you will, theoretically, reduce your odds of getting cancer as result. What about that process are you doubtful of?

If there is one thing I've learned in this thread, it's that it seems that everything can kill you. Everything. Cancer scientists have the patience of saints to keep up their research without despairing.

Here's the guide of the American Institute for Cancer Research for people with cancer


"Be wary of easy answers. It is human nature to look for quick fixes that solve health problems, but cancer is complex."

>AICR Recommends:
>Eat mostly foods of plant origin.
>Eat at least five portions/servings of a variety
of non-starchy vegetables and fruits every day.
Examples of a serving: 1 cup raw or cooked
vegetables or 1 medium apple
>Eat whole grains and/or legumes (beans and
lentils) with every meal.
>Evidence suggests that dietary patterns emphasizing plant-based foods promote health and may reduce cancer risk for survivors. A practical way to do this is to make a habit of filling at least 2/3 of your plate with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, while apportioning 1/3 or less of your plate to poultry, fish, lean meats, and low-fat dairy and plant-based proteins
>Be moderately physically active for at least 30
minutes every day, and as you become more fit, work toward 60 minutes.
>Limit Consumption of Red and ProcessedMeats
>Try to go meatless several times a week. Opt for meatless meals such as a vegetable stir-fry, hearty bean soups, or black bean burritos.

Basically the same kind of diet you'd eat to prevent/treat heart disease or diabetes. Lots of unprocessed plant foods, less meat/dairy/eggs, more vegetarian meals, be more lean, exercise daily.

He may not make it, but that'll give the best chance.

Not totally true. Cancer cells can use a lot of things as fuel, including ketone bodies and cholesterol. The advantage of foods that provide glucose is that, atleast for unprocessed foods, they also provide compounds that help kill cancer cells and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body. Cutting out soda and hot dog buns is a great idea, cutting out sweet potatoes, oats, and berries just does more harm.


IGF-1 promotes cancer, that's like the 1+1=2 of the medical literrature.


recommending animal products to cancer patients is retarded.


Also, even if you cut carbs out of your diet, you'd still have glucose in your blood because your other cells still need glucose and your body will still make glucose from protein. The no glucose = no cancer logic is a bit like saying "if you just drain all the blood from your body, you'll cut off the cancer cells' food supply and be cancer free"

hi sir, what do you think about the abominations in this thread who suggested IGF-1 raising animal foods to a cancer patient ?
do you think that they are egg/milk/beef board shills?

they're just insanely stupid.
But I'm wondering where the hell he'd get any protein/calories from that diet. He'll be weak as hell from chemo and not getting enough cals

I literally just read an article about a guy using a ketogenic when he had a brain tumor. He was also on chemotherapy and all that, but apparently people with brain tumors have a cert low chance of survival, and at best they often can only extend their lives by 15 months.

The ketogenic diet he put himself on was pretty hardcore. I'm talking insect flour and animal organs like hearts and brains.

But the science behind it is that "our cells usually get their energy from glucose, which comes from carbs. But when these aren't available, the liver breaks down fat into fatty acids and chemicals ketones which our cells can burn for energy instead. Cancerous cells are particularly glucose hungry and, unlike other cells, don't have the ability to switch fuel sources. " so basically you're starving the cancer cells.

Unfortunately I can't link the article because it's a paid subscription magazine. It's awesome, called new scientist.

The guy's name is Andrew Scarborough maybe you could just Google his name. Either way he's still alive now after 3 years when usually the prognosis is 15 months.

>do you think that they are egg/milk/beef board shills?

Not shills, just misguided. Most of them probably either aren't that familiar with this kind of nutrition science or they can't help but project their diet and preferences when giving diet advice

>But the science behind it is that "our cells usually get their energy from glucose, which comes from carbs. But when these aren't available, the liver breaks down fat into fatty acids and chemicals ketones which our cells can burn for energy instead. Cancerous cells are particularly glucose hungry and, unlike other cells, don't have the ability to switch fuel sources. " so basically you're starving the cancer cells.

The idea is fundementally flawed, already pointed out in the thread. Sometimes you see articles where people claim to have used the power of prayer to cure cancer. It's bullshit.

LGD is my anticachexia durg of choise

Low carb literally lowers life span. Modern nutritionists/scientists are leaning towards getting most of your food from plant based diets. If your fats are over 30% of your cals you're doing it so wrong. Also lol at your health if you're eating more than the recommended intake for saturated fat and cholesterol. Lol if you're not eating an abundance of fruits and veggues for getting all your micros. If you take a multi you're a fuckin noob getting fucked by the industry. Let alone any supplement besides b12, vit D

I never said what you said I said. But you did repeat what I said as your own idea. Good job.