Does walking hurt gains?
Does walking hurt gains?
Walking helps gains, especially after a metabollically demanding workout.
Light cardio is never a bad thing as the fact it doesn't inhibit recovery significantly. Also what said is true.
walking is literally the only form of cardio that WONT hurt your gains and performance in the gym
sprinting/running/jogging/any form of high intensity cardio/ will ruin your performance in the gym
when youre natty you can only be good at one thing, cardio or lifting. pick 1.
you cant be amazing at cardio (HIIT etc) and be amazing at lifting, your lower body lifts will go to shit, it's as simple as that.
this man speaks the truth
and /thread
Well programmed sprints are a great addition to training. Once a week for four weeks then slowly building up frequency to maximum three times a week is a great way to do it.
Plus, if you sprint half an hour or so before squats you can increase explosiveness out of the hole.
This is 3 or so sprints at various distances at sub-maximal output except for like once a month shooting for times on something like 100m. Slowly building sprints is fine.
Running/jogging sucks though
wrong AND dyel AND sour grapes about having shit cardio
walking is one of the most basic human locomotions, it's not going to "hurt" your """"""gains"""""" you shitposting retard, maybe if you stopped worrying about "hurting your gains" and actually just lifted you wouldn't be so weak and shitty to the point where walking fucks you up
Starting to realize this. Was running before and had no energy for anything else. Yesterday decided the was nothing better to do so I walked 5 miles to the gym, had a pizza for lunch on the way, worked out for an hour then walked 6 miles back the long way. Felt fucking fantastic and woke up well rested this morning. May make it a regular thing while the weather is nice.
It absolutely will. If my heart rate gets above 53 BPMs I IMMEDIATELY stop what I'm doing and lay down, ceasing all voluntary muscle movements. Don't wanna lose them gainz
good morning Chad
This. Go do another couple set of 15 pound curls while laying down if the thought of cardio bothers you so much OP you fat lazy piece of shit.
>implying pizza isn't a fantastic pre workout meal
>grilled chicken and loads of cheese for muh protons
>enough carbs to keep you going all day
>digested just enough not to like by the time I'm at the gym
>not even hungry again until late night
It's like you hate gains.
>had a pizza for lunch
>had a pizza
>a pizza
I hope that's vernacular for a slice because to me that's a whole fucking pizza. In any case
>this is why your fat
I also just had a whole pizza myself and its not even a third of my calories because I'm a properly grown male, not some 5'7 manlet bitch
>properly grown
You sound wise, everyone should listen to you.
Oh lol no by properly grown I meant being 6'4 with a wide frame. I don't expect you to understand.
>6 feet 180 lbs. 13% bf
Stay booty blasted familio.
It's just a small pizza. In total about 1200 calories. Combine that with walking a collective 11 miles plus the workout and I'm actually at a deficit.
>I'm a fat cuck who can't eat pizza or count macros so neither can you
ok Chad
Kekikus maximus
that's right, why won't you fucking LEARN
roasted φam
hmm was searching for this pic for a while.
perfect body desu baka senpai
>wide frame
fatty talk fatty
Kill yourself, I'm serious.
ab veins don't lie boy
Melisa mendiny in her prime (2002). Femart I believe.
Scooby goes on long bike rides all the time and does cardio erry day.