ITT: Share your sex stories and tips
Did getting fit help you smash pussy?
ITT: Share your sex stories and tips
Did getting fit help you smash pussy?
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I fucked a girl once, right in the vagina.
It was hella sweet.
>too bad i can't cum, so in order to avoid relationship issues i have to pretend the cramps i get in my thighs for jackhammering dat thicc booty for too long are moans of ecstacy, then i run to the bathroom, wash my tool and hide the dry condom
She suspects nothing , built myself a legendary reputation and get all that cardio for free
I have problems with the cummings sometimes too. It'll feel absolutely amazing the whole time, but I just won't have an orgasm. Kind of annoying.
*I* feel hotter in bed which erases a lot of the anxiety/insecurity I had when I was a lardball
So I guess yeah removing that concern freed me to really lay into her with my furious-4
Yes it did. It made me realize most women are whores and easily seduced aswell.
>hook up with a girl
>10/10 body, great eyes - I have a thing for eyes, pretty face
>Want to smash again, but she told me that she has a boyfriend AFTER we hooked up
How should i play this? I really wanna smash it again
Are you on antidepressents?
One time after drinking with my cousin he admitted this issue while he was taking them. His solution was a cock ring. Which was hilarious because he's a total crybaby and I couldn't imagine him sticking metal through his helmet.
It would have all been too much info if it wasn't so fucking funny.
Someone who cums too quickly here. What do I do pls.
Yea. Relationship with my gf has never been better. We've been dating for 8 years and living together for 6. We have been fucking once or twice a day for 3 months almost now. She is really attracted to me after cutting. Bulked for about a year. Went from 155 to 210. My diet was as good as could be and now I'm at 176 with 10%bf. We fucked in the bathroom yesterday. I carry her by placing my arms under her thighs and thrust away as I put her up against a wall. She came after about 10 minutes then we 69 laying on the floor. Good thing my bathroom is big and I have a nice rug to lay on in there. After that she got on all 4 and thrusted backwards slowly while I sat back watching. She came again not too long after then while I was still sitting she rode me till she couldn't cum anymore. I can always tell because she gets really tired and starts to slow down alot. So I picked her up and fucked her til I came pinned against the wall again. Shit was fun. She's been talking about getting a sex swing but idk wtf that shits for when I can pick her up. Anyone here try one?
Reread last sentence. Then take action
If u know ur Guna get laid later that day master bate once or twice before. Make sure u cum. You will be more desensitized when you fuck the girl and will last longer.
Read Sex God Method a few months ago
Changed my life
Use your lips while giving her head brehs.
Also, slow and deliberate movements almost always feel better for her than frantic/fast paced movements, either in sex or oral.
u smashed a ho, she done being a ho with u.
pump and dump bro. You had your turn.
It should probably be noted that this is a risky move and may result in an erection too weak to penetrate vagina for some
t. very embarrassed young user
Whether you do or don't smash again I would try to find a way to let her bf know about it and tell him she didn't tell you until after. Guy probably deserves better than user cummys inside his whore of a gf
This is true. I have alot of testosterone so I get strong ass erections even after coming I can maintain an erection for another hour if I'm still fucking .
Delayed ejaculation. ED is up next
>ED is up next
One can only hope, no more roasties to waste time with
This is a nice post. I remember when I enjoyed sex.
>girl doing something during sex
I take it your girl isn't Asian.
have a memory bank filled with stuff like math equations, family members etc... which will stop you from finishing
Actaully getting fit caused me to have a dry spell thats currently lasted an entire year.
Ive always been active in sports but started training more seriously in the gym about one and a half years ago.
When i started i had a gf but she left after six months
Since we broke up she moved on and found a new guy after a week (standard move on time for girls i think) and i havent been with a girl since
Ayyy morning fitfam, got a good one for my bros, also coincidentally the first blatant mire I ever got regarding physique
>arrange date at bar+restaurant down the road from my place with Tinder qt
>arrive, oh shit she’s actually as cute as her pics
>we’re laughing having a good time, she’s keeping up 1:1 on drinks
>she weighs 100 pounds and is female so you know this wont end well
>4 or 5 drinks in, she’s plastered, lives an hour away so I tell her she’s welcome to crash at my place down the street
>get her home, pretty quickly turns to making out
>I’d been lifting for about 8 months at the time, made okay gains physically but even moreso regarding confidence
>take my clothes off first with the lights still on for a change
>her: “ have a really good body”
>i’m buzzed from the drinks + just received my first real female acknowledgement of gains
>on cloud9, lets do this shit
>she strips, dim the lights,
>notbad.jpg, thinking I wouldn’t mind seeing her again
>next morning we eat breakfast and I see her out, tell her i’ll call soon to do something again
>go back to bedroom to make the bed and go back to sleep
>mfw there are dark brown stains ALL. FUCKING. OVER. my white down comforter and sheets
>hardly my first sexual encounter so I’m familiar with their being some blood etc if the girl is on the rag
>that’s not blood
>throw away all of my linens and comforter, never call her again
I recounted the evening to my best friend and ever since then she has been referred to only by her nickname, “sheets”.
Bonus: This old pic is from roughly that timeframe (Jan 2014). Hardly impressive to anyone here, but gives you an idea of how low the bar is or what little gains you need to get some mires out there in the dating world.
>Hardly impressive to anyone here
Looks solid IMO bro, kind of gives a guy hope of finding a girl after all the cutting is done
Do you know what a cock ring is mate?
glad I got to the end of the story, you look pretty small there
'preciate it my man. I, like most people who stay with for 2+ years, only see all the imperfections in that pic. Though I do recall when it was taken that I thought I was pretty lean just because abs sort of visible. My how body dysmorphia and Veeky Forums standards have changed that!
I wish i had taken pics of myself when i was younger, or rather kept them
Bad breakups caused all photos to remain with exes and they prolly deleted em all
Its good to look back sometimes friend, helps you realize how far youve come
Are you retarded or just pretending?
>drink at girls house with about 15 people
>I'm sick and drinking by myself and watching The Cosby Show
>an hour later some girl starts crying and drunkenly ask me to fuck her
>I check the channel guide to see how many episodes of The Cosby Show are left
>2 episodes
>I tell her to wait after The Cosby Show
>I was joking because she was really drunk and I thought she was being dumb
>she cries so now I feel bad and we start to hook up
>I tell her to suck my dick
>she breaks down crying saying that she doesn't know how to suck did
>try to fuck her and I couldn't get it in
>after and hour I get up and grab my beers and hop out the window to get my bike and go home
>as I'm out the window and turn around and say
>"If anyone ask, I have a baby dick"
>rode home drunk and with blueballs on my 10 speed bike while drinking my Natty Ice
I'm looking into it now. Can you summarise the books into key points or at least the points that really stuck to you?
That's a shame. I'm lucky that someone tipped me off to the usefulness of taking almost daily progress pics early on. Even when bulking and feeling fat, still take them. Give or take 5 or 6 days, at any given time I can see where I was precisely 6 months ago, 12 months, 2 years, etc. Also extremely helpful when it comes to seeing how your body changes other than lb's on a scale during bulk/cut cycle.
10/10, would recommend.
Pic related, exactly 365 days ago. Weighing about 140lbs here, 7 or 8% BF. Thought I was on some Brad Pitt fight club shit, just finished my first years celebratory cut. I was happy as fuck to be that lean, but hadn't yet learned how to sustain it for months on end. Ended up putting on way too much fat over the next 9 month bulk, most of it in the first 3 months due to diet-rebound. Lesson learned.
sometimes i ask my gf to eat my ass just to humiliate her, i dont particularly like it but idk, after i put her in the standing fucking position and she just goes crazy
Kek when i had my first time sophomore year in hs i thought about deriving the product rule and definition of a limit to stop myself from cumming. The girl was a dime too so couldnt let the reputation down
user i feel thy pain.
>talk to qt on dating app
>look her up online
>she's fucking adorable
>find vids of her on youtube
>so fucking cute
>she stops responding to me
This really stings brehs.
>get fit
>attend a party with friends
>meet a qt azn :3
>become facebook friends
>don't talk to her for 3 months
>messages me "hi user :3"
>"y-you too"
>go out for coffee and end up at her place
>start kissing
>take off shirt
>"wow user, you have some good muscles"
>initiate sexytimes routine
>she just lays there and I can't go in all the way without slamming her cervix
Is the qt azn gf a myth? Should I keep looking?
>she just lays there
I've had this experience with non-asian women. Some people are just really bad at sex.
Also, if were hitting her cervix, she's either just too small or not actually turned on.
She is rather petite.
She thinks I am ridiculously strong because I can pick her up.
You're banging the wrong girls m80, I had a Korean girl for a few months who would rock the fuck out of her hips.
>meet qt
>she is already kind of seeing a guy but it's not a relationship, he has a gf back home
>she is attracted to me, we've made out but not fucked
>he doesn't like her having anything to do with me but idgaf
>she says she often tries to leave him but they always get back together
>is now trying to friendzone me because it's too much for her to deal with, says I'm too good for her
How do I steal this fuccboi's girl? I don't want to be the cuck
didn't you smell something was weird while you were sleeping or in the morning?
Don't be a tryhard.
>wanting a girl that says the "too good for me" line
You're an idiot.
That is being a tryhard.
No lol nit asian. Well we got a good relationship and she asks me about what I like when we fuck. I tell her positions and what rythm I enjoy. She was a virgin when we started dating and was really bad at sex. First time she came in about 5 minutes and we had to stop because it was too painful. I honestly think we started fucking really good at about 2 years of being together. Just took time and she was willing to learn.
>be good looking
dude, dried blood on sheets is always shit brown.... How can you be this stupid. She was probably a virgin
I never had sex but I guess I would think about how I despise the girl and everybody around me
Dam I had a good laugh at that
>as I'm out the window and turn around and say
>"If anyone ask, I have a baby dick"
You fucking whyyyyy dude just why.
he said he knew what menstrual blood looked like from before and that it was not menstrual blood.
>I’d been lifting for about 8 months at the time, made okay gains physically
I love the more subtle hidden baits
Pound her at her place and wait till her boyfriend walks in.
Finish and throw your condom on the ground while beta boy watchs.
Walk out while laughing.
Oh man i can imagine this happening to me after enough beers. densest object and unstoppable bitches collide
>leaving the condom behind
TAKE it with you
Posted this story a few days ago
>walk to gas station near house to pick up cigs
>see at sitting at bus stop
>say hey
>she smiles and says hey
>go to gas station, buy smokes
>walk back to house, she's still waiting for the bus
>stop and ask her if she smokes
>she's French, of course she smokes
>her bus comes right as we light our cigs
>ask her for her number before she goes
>she says she's not in a rush and she doesn't get on the bus
>she goes on a walk with me
>we smoke cigs
>after a few she gives me her number and we part ways
>she texts me her name to find her on fb
>she asks to see me the next day
>she comes over and we make out and sleep next to each other
>go to work and come back, invite her to a bar
>she comes
>we head home at 12 and fugg
She's super into me with is nice
>5'6 and blonde with grey/green eyes and a tan
>skinny waist and wide hips
Idk brehs it's pretty fast but I'm starting to catch feels
>furious 4
You found a whore, nice bro.
>smoking cigarettes
into the trash
>tfw smoking fetish
Good video imo. Seriously though, the reason you cum so fast is because you're so concerned with cumming too fast that that's all your mind focuses on. Focus on what you're doing. Enjoy yourself.
For me personally, I find the faster I fuck a girl, the longer I last. Also, if you're getting close, swap positions and maybe give her oral for a few seconds while you cool down. It's really easy not to cum too fast when you quit worrying about it. Now I have the issue where I can only cum from a bj. Sucks.
Where do I meet girls Veeky Forums?
I'm not completely autistic but I definitely need to work on my rapport and getting over my fear of escalation but I'm stuck in a complete rut at the moment because I just don't know where to begin.
You know what to do...
Dubs do double trips do triple. Few sets as possible.
I've started lifting in mid February.
I weighed 79-80 kg and now I am 85.5-86.5kg.
Most of it is fat but I got some visible muscle gains, even got complimented. But I did get some belly fat.
I just hate that fat and not being able to see my abs, is it that much worse to get progress on a lower bf? maybe not as low as yours there.
I'm still a noob: bp 65kg, deads 90kg, 40kg ohp
I might start taking more pictures, but I feel like a faggot and need to figure out a setup
You're a psychopath. No need to hide the fact that you can't cum.
fuck you, you're exactly like my best friend. He literally has qts fall into his lap and he is too wishy washy to keep on.
He literally met 3 girls on the train that he later made out with/fucked
>Did getting fit help you smash pussy?
Yeah, but I've "blossomed" too and become more attractive all-round. I wasn't bad looking before, but now everyone's like "X thinks you're hot" all the time, even get "you could get any girl you want" from females which I find a little awkward
This girl only wants to please me almost to the point of being clingy
I think I lucked out
shut up
white knight detected.
I've masturbated furiously with a death grip for so many years, along with doing kegals, that it takes at least 20 minutes for me to cum with a women. For most this is to much, and I get funny looks afterwards, and tend to hear, "Are you gay user?"
Why so salty user?
I thought I explained myself clearly in my post
chicks don't dig that shit, breh
Hahahaha what the fuck man, I thought I was the only weird one, I can only cum when I get jacked off real hard (I mean supersonic fast), my cock gets sore and burnt before I cum.
Well obviously those bitches have never had a good fucking before. I've been with a guy whose had lots of sex in his short 24 year lifespan and sometimes we'd go for 20-30 minutes and others only 5-10 minutes. Usually it was on the higher end of the spectrum though and I know its because he was the farthest thing from a virgin possible.
Sex was great btw, 10/10
Didn't smell anything at the time, mind you I had those drinks in me and sex doesn't always smell like potpourri to begin with.
Yeeah I don't think so on the virgin bit. And as mentioned, I've been with girls in long term relationships where sex on her period wasn't unusual, sometimes resulting in some stains. This wasn't those.
Not sure what you are perceiving as bait m8?
If you've gained 12-15 pounds since February your bulking caloric target is too high. At most you should aim to add 2 pounds a month, best case scenario half of which will be pure lean muscle. This puts you on course to gain 12lb's of lean muscle and 12 pounds of fat your first year lifting, which is widely considered the natty max. 9/10 of the time when newbs brag about how they put on 30-50 pounds in a year or something retarded they have no perspective how little of that was legit muscle. If you don't believe me read up on it.
Pic related, when I completely fucked up and overshot my first bulk cus fit trolls told me to eat big to get big. Fuckers also stole my lunch money.
no because i look like shit
>Crush back from school
>making gains since i last saw her
>She just stares at my arms first night
>Curve her
>mfw i realize it paid off
Only now do i realize the power of lifting
>he thinks a cock ring is a piercing
I've only been with one women that liked having sex for more than an hour. (longest we went was three hours straight.) And, she still asked "are you gay." the first time we had sex. I've heard this over 5 times now, and even though they say they cum multiple times, I've made some squirt, they still seem freaked out by me. Its kinda of fucking with my head at this point.
>Actual faggot
This is me just now.
I used myfitness pal, put in 85kg goal and I dont remember the per week goal.
It's not like I stuffed my face with food, I always ate a lot but never counted calories, so I just added some things and made sure not to do some dumb "I'll just have a sandwich for lunch" meals.
Should I cut a little or just mantain this weight?
My progression is really slow anyway since I'm a former skelly with no strength.
What I know is that I dont wanna gain anymore fat, that little belly fat disgusts me and I've heard from several sources that it's possible to go on without bulking.
It would be pretty easy, I would just have too cut some carbs (mostly pasta), I could even up the protons
Try a girl, genius.
You absolutely shouldn't cut. Not for another 6 months minimum of gains. You will be severely dissapointed how close to your old skelly self you'll look if you cut now.
You need to mentally block out the vanity of no-abs for a while and continue bulking, but if you want good results (not gaining too much fat, optimal muscle gain) TRACK YOUR FUCKING CALORIES. Hit your protein goal every day, worry less about carbs and fats, they can fluctuate based on cravings so long as you stay under your bulking TDEE, which should only be +300cals above your maintenance TDEE.
You've been consistently eating closer to +600 or more calories over your maintenance most days of the week in order to gain that much weight since February. That's the harsh science-based truth based on 1lb Fat = 3,500 calories, not simply some guy on the internets opinion.
But I AM tracking my cals, I told you I've been using mfp since the february.
the goal/progression system in the app is dumb, maybe I should just track the cals and not set any goal
I took a look and I've been eating around 2700-2800 kcal on average since I started.
iifym says my tdee is between 2300 and 2500.
I hit my protons every day
to be precise the averages: last week 2500ish, 2300ish before, 2500ish, 2970, 3k, 2770 etc
how do I look? not gains wise, regarding what we're talking about, bulk adn all
also what the fug should I do now? just eat a bit less, so around +300 tdee, that being 2700ish and not more?
>get friends with qt girl from university
>we start to hang out with each other even outside of uni
>one day she sends me a message
>"user, I need help to move my you have time tomorrow evening?"
>next evening I show up at her place
>since it must be a heavy bed if she needs help to move it I bring a friend with me
>she looks pretty confused/shocked when she opened the door
>bed wasn´t heavy at all and we moved it maybe like 10 cm
>strange arkward atmosphere the whole time
>leave her flat
>she never messaged me again
>now, after 6 months I suddenly realized what actually happened
All of my why
Keke, this kinda happened to me, except we lay down and start cuddling, she then sighed and put my hand onto her chest. Then i escalated and we hooked up.
Good job, champ. You're why participation awards are a thing.
Did i make it,/fit?
Im 26
She is 44
Fishin for horny cougars on POF
Despite two Long term relationships, some casual hookups and alot of flirting i still feel like i have no idea what women want
I cant for the very life of me wrap my head around it, they seem so...distant and alien
Are you me?
>You're going to used for sex by some vapid cunt, that wants to reenact things she saw on the teevee, or read in some book which was written at a fourth grade level.
Good job mate, be sure to get tested, afterwards, and drink plenty of fluids before hand. It's likely pretty parched down there with her ovaries shriveling up an all.