That guy who always talks about working out at work

>that guy who always talks about working out at work

>hey user, it's your turn to pick where we go for lunch!

Kek nice arms skelly auschwitz mode dyel summerfags. Pls don't tell the boss on me /:


>ugly niggress
>low test dyke
>still a virgin
>not even 30 and balding

Nah, I'll eat alone.

>that guy who "used to lift"
>always says he lifted more than you no matter what weight you say

>That guy who always makes these threads

fuck off Harry

>that guy who is so insecure he starts judging all the people in his gym

lets go to a fucking steakhouse motherfuckers!

ek ek this one

>Oh wow, what happened?
>[Insert stupid medical story here, which always bores everyone to death because nobody likes hearing people whine about their health]
>Let conversation die on that note

Gotta keep these faggots on ice senpai.

>that guy who keeps shitposting

>"Yeah i used to bench like 450 back in the day, brah"

The guy who never puts his weights back.

Sorry, I don't actually want to socialise with you.

Strap in lads, my gym is full of them.

>That fat bald guy who tells you how much he benches (but only after you've told him your max, and his is always 20kg more)
>That metrosexual that dresses in entirely skintight dry-fit clothing and does bar-only OHP and does ridiculous sets like 17x9
>The girls who spent £140 on Nike workout gear so they can lie on the mats doing the planking routine they saw on Daily Mail
>The Slovaks who bench in the squat rack, use the assisted smith machine for benching, use the other squat rack for benching, and use the only decline bench in the gym for benching - never use the actual bench
>every single person who doesn't keep a log/journal of their workouts, confirming my long held suspicion that 90% of people lie about their actual fitness progress, and simply want to look good without caring about performance.
>The 70 year old who comes in, does 30 minutes walking on treadmill then showers for an hour and walks around the changing room with his old hairy balls swinging around like an orangutan that's been tar and feathered.
>The group of 17 year olds that come in to watch each other do cable rows for an hour and a half because they can only do a set if their friends are all watching, then cut their last 2 sets short because their arms are tired.
>The numerous couples that come in, do low rows and abductors, followed by a load of poverty body weight work whilst never breaking a sweat because they're too nervous to lift anything heavy, and don't understand what COMPOUND means.

Jobs are for poor people.

>that guy who tries to whiteknight all the weight reracking technicians by doing their job for them while receiving no compensation in return

>guy that talks about how he'd be a star football player even though he's only 6"3 and isn't in shape

>user we went there last time

Anybody else?

I always let the others ask if I lift first of all, I don't go out of my way to tell anyone I lift unless someone asks for advice

>How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?... Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.

Let's go to the gym, they have a sale on muscle milk!

>also we can jerk each other off in the sauna

lol love that movie gosh u gonna eat ur tatertots


work is boring as fuck i wish i had someone to talk about lifting with, that'd be a lot more interesting

>That guy that keeps asking for tips, secrets, supplements to try etc.

Look dude, I already gave you a starting routine, told you how to modify it and when, and told you to get your diet straight. That's all the secret there is, you just have to do the work. Damn.

Where are you from bro? Im actually Slovak and never do bench press. My chest routine incline dumbell press, dips, flyes. Thats it.

every single time

>that lunkhead at work who always wants to go to the steak place so he can get some "protein"!
>you know, that one that's always looking at the clock and sweating if he hasn't had a powerbar by 12 oclock. I asked him if he wanted some salad, and he looked like a deer in headlights!

>lol lets report that meathead to HR for hostile work environment because of his roidrage