17.5" arms (small bicep insert, big peak)
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>17.5" arms
I don't believe any of this
>plz r8 rape escape sticks, thanks
Just took this, its my peak and only when i flex. When im relaxed my arms dont look that big
People with short bicep inserts have this issue
Another one
Been lifting since january 2015
Almost 6'5 actually
But i weigh sub 200 somehow
Age is 18
You look good, congratulations, I just don't believe that you are 6'4" or that your biceps are 17.5 inches. You can post a million pictures and it won't change a thing.
I also think it's gay as fuck that you shave your armpits and chest
Have a nice day
I can smell the manlet in your hate filled comment, Please tell me how it feels to be 5'7?
Not him >But shaving your armpits and chest is fucking fag-land free access .
Posted in last thread but didn't get any feedback
77kg/170 lbs
nah definently the samefag, i hit it where it hurts calling you a short little manchild.
i just use a trimmer to keep it from getting messy , and it reduces odor. I grow hair on my shoulders, traps, back. Im a hairy fuck
Please how does it feel to be short and having sweaty armpit hair?
OP, you look good, solid frame. Just keep bulking for a year or two then shred you would be SOLID
Says the guy who has 0% quad hair
Shaving your legs is 1000000x gayer than keeping your armpits in shape.
This is the last time I'll reply to you. For the record, I'm 5'10", so yes I'm a manlet, but at least I'm not a lying faggot on a vietnamese cat skinning board like you.
I don't shave a thing brehs
I have dat dere smooooooth skin, but I would never shave anything except my face, balls and pubis
Lmfao, why are you hating so hard. I am 6'4 i dont get it. tall people dont come to Veeky Forumsor something?
Are you alright bro? are you that jealous?
are your lats non existent?
Op, i grow hair so much its ridiculous like my triceps, collar bone, chest, stomach. fucking hair everywhere including back and even on my bicep
I just find it easier to trim it all off in one go and not be hairy.
I can smell your insecurity over your tiny penis as well
you realize 6-7 inches at that height looks tiny, right?
yeah i noticed it too i have them high lat inserts, been tryng to hit my back differently recently
from the back my lats look alright
Thanks, been cutting since march and lost about 10 kg, the plan right now was to maintain something like this until the summer passes and then start bulking again
Hey man, what’s going on? Looking big and tight man, wanted to hit ya up and give you props! How’s lifting goin? What kinda goals you workin’ towards? Arms and chest look especially swole. You gonna compete or anything?
Hope it’s working on for you man. Looks like it is! Wanted to give you a shout and props. Def gonna add you man to see where you go.
Holla at me sometime if you get a chance!
Penis size is only proportional to the rest of your body :) Short people wont have long limbs and parts
Why do you trip lmao
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
If you build your chest and shoulders it would definently improve your look
You still look great though nice man
>tfw 8 inch dick at 5'10"
why do you care tho lmao
Help give advice in routine threads and threads pertaining to diet and nutrition. Basically I have a very unique way of looking at nutrition and people would always say "wtf man its all about CICO I bet you are a fat neckbeard" etc... So I started tripping and posting pics so people would understand that it's not all about calories. Also so people know who is talking when I'm in cbt. But stay mad jelly breh
>these stale pastas
not gay but you look damn fine in that photo
Might have been an odd angle. I lift heavy heavy weight. Chest always grows slowest on me but shoulders are almost to big imo
My bad on the tilt
Plz don't be tilted
how long have you been lifting for?
Five years or so, my weight has not changed much the last two years but the proportions are better now.
Christ you're a faggot lol
>very unique
>one of a kind
>very one of a kind
Phew you're a smart little fella aren't ya
Looking good Vascutie, cept that happy trail. Plz remove. And I feel ya on the trip-hating. If you don't trip+pics and try to give advice people assume you're a 25%BF troll who's never lifted anything. If you do trip and provide pics you're considered an attention whore/asshole. Trying to be a positive influence on Veeky Forums is a no-win game, hence why even the humble nice ones eventually give up and bail.
>faceless anons getting upset that you use a website's intentionally built in feature for it's exact purpose. STOP USING THE INTERNET DIFFERENT THAN HOW I USE IT!!! YOU'RE RUINING MY IMMERSION IN MY UNDERGROUND SUPER SECRET ONLINE CLUB WHERE I PRETEND TO BE FIT.
i have the same bicep insertions, i don't like them, at least on me they look dyel if im not flexing :(
Great thread so far, everyone looks awesome
Nice hair does your bf pull it when you fuck
ayy i remember you, you're dutch, aren't you?
If yes, you have the best ass i've seen on Veeky Forums.
dude you made it, mirin hard
5'5 145
225 5x5 bench
315 3x10 squat
>inb4 lanklets who lift less weight and get less pussy tell me about my life
I have a question to all of you, including OP :
How long do I have to wait until I post myself in CBT ?
I'm 1m70 / 5"57 and 55kg / 121lbs
I have small biceps, back, and all...
So, can I post something now or should I wait a little bit first to be bigger ?
Think it's better then mine? Will I get kicked for posting my booty?
mirin hard, same height!
routine/time lifting?
Not to discount the physique, lookin good, but you're gonna need new pics breh, that one's getting a little tired.
Always post man. Get criticism. It's how we know what to work on objectively.
looking good man
>Zipper Abs
I may lift less weight because I have like twice as long of arms as you do, but I can assure you I get twice as much pussy.
Butt is okay, trouser sneks and buttholes are a no-no.
184 cm, 73.5kg, 18 y/o
I think I posted this pic about a week ago and people asked why so didn't lift or squat. I explained I'm not training nor aiming to get any bigger. Well my boyfriend just told me my arms look 'manly' and that he 'doesn't like that bodybuilder look'.
All I did was lots of sanding/painting/renovation work that week and I was glad to look a little less soft than usual is all. Now I don't know what to fucking do because I'd hate to just be plain fat from lack of activity from fear of not looking feminine enough
TL:DR I was just feeling a bit better about my borderline obese self shaping up and my boyfriend thinks I'm too manly. He clearly hasn't seen the Fit Grillz thread, there are woman 5x my size and/or musculature.
your entire body is basically just an arrow pointing towards your dick
this is only the second time i used that pic, i just take progress pictures in the same place with the same lighting most of the time
you lift less weight because you're a pussy lmao
that's exactly the message i'm trying to communicate
just stick to cardio dumb nigger
Behold my booty then
find a better boyfriend, sounds like hes either a slob or is only into petite chicks. You have a healthy frame and there's no use in fighting it, be the best you no matter what. There are plenty of men who would prefer a strong healthy woman that would produce better offspring than a 5 foot 90 pound girl would.
i've been lifting for like 3 years and i do something like PPLXXx where i hit any non-sore muscle groups on X days
You're not measuring right.
You're not 17.5.
Mine are just over 19
If your arms were 17.5 they'd look bigger.
Not sure if bait, but watch this video by Alan Thrall so you can stop thinking that lifting will make you look manly.
Something looks wrong
Just keep doing what YOU want, not what your bf wants.
6'2'', bout 183. Trying to put on mass. Been lifting steady since September. Up from 170, when I'm sedentary. Pls no bully
Highly agree.
nice frame+back, cute ass
Upper chest and core. Work em. Good base man.
At that, work your forearms man.
Short bicep insert, they will look smaller relaxed and in general
They are 17.5 the peak is tall
Ex. Ronnie coleman bicep, jeff seid bicep, luimarco bicep
Thanks bro. Can you rec. any upper chest exercises? And for core, how are plain old sit ups?
I'm honestly a personal trainer. No bs. But still take this with a grain of salt and do what works for you. Incline cable flys worked wonders for my upper chest. Incline dumbbell flys and incline bench press are great too. Heavy for mass, hypertrophy for definition obviously. And no to sit ups. Big no. Bad for your spine. Crunches are ok but that's like trying to build a good chest with just sit ups. Do crunches for definition, but use ab machines for weight so like any muscle, they'll grow and pop more.
A good chest with just push ups*
you need to work on the begining of the movement, the first 90º of the movement work more the rest of your biceps, the other 90º when your biceps is 100% flexed is where your peak gets most tention, try that, it worked for me even though i'm smaller than you
nice lats faggot
Thank you sempi
goal body, damn boy
>me in this thread
post side view as well desu
Sorry man. My only kinda side pic is this stupid tilted one. :/
Awesome, thanks. I thought crunches were sit ups, though.
Do you happen to have a picture of yourself at the 1 year and 2 year mark?
Will give that a try
So like basically the first part of the excersise named 21's?
And just put alot of emphasis on that motion?
Crunches are sit ups without stress in the lower spine. And of course man. Keep at it.
It's sick it's piss
What he just said is a load of horseshit. In actuality, the forearm and brachialis do a lot of work over the first 60 degrees of a curl with the biceps taking the brunt of the latter part. You cannot work the peak of the biceps more than a different section. The amount worked depends on pre determined genetic structure. So basically, you will always have a short, but peaked bicep.
Too many clothes on.
I know. I've got my other pics up there though. :/ I'll take a new one today after leg day. In the meantime, have a leg pic.
i bet you get patted on the head a lot
It's revolting it's insulting.
Who /squat/ here?
I don't. Haven't in over a year. I never skip legs, just choose not to do squats is all. Fuck em.
>doesn't post gloots
I'm thinking about incorporating a few leg exercises in to compensate for my lack of squats. Hamstring curls and do lunges good enough? I got a mountain bike to for quads
Started lifting in December 6 months ago and I'm wondering if I'm making alright progress
Any advice as to what I should work on?
sorry for shitty picture btw
I don't know enough about biking to say how much that helps as far as hypertrophy. I think it's more strength and endurance of the muscle though. I personally choose 2 quad isolations, 2 ham isolations, and 1 glute.
I shuffle exercises in and out, but something like:
Leg extension and DB Lunges
Ham Curls and Stiff Legged Deadlift
Glute Kickbacks and/or Barbell thrusts
I honestly devote less effort/time into legs than I do anything else yet they seem to respond the quickest. Wish chest would share the love.
Can't offer much advice from that pic, sorry holmes. Delts look like they're growing, but that's literally all I can gather from a tanktop pic. Stick around fit long enough and you'll have no problem showing your nearly naked body to other men. It's inevitable.