I know this board is probably plagued with help me threads and most likely responded with "read the fucking sticky"...

I know this board is probably plagued with help me threads and most likely responded with "read the fucking sticky". However, my situation is a little different than most.

I really fucked up my ankle last july. The doctor said it was basically like throwing a plate out a five story window. Been basically bed bound for the past ten months. Finally wearing shoes but still on crutches. Plan on joining a gym nearby and focusing on swimming.

I might never get full mobility or weight bearing on it so i'm not sure if i could deadlift, even though i would like to improve my ass. Any other good exercises for that, which won't require any pressure on an ankle?

Also what kind of workouts should i focus on for otter mode? I don't think i can go full on otter mode because i'm naturally broad. When i got really thin a few years ago, it looked like my head was gonna fall off. I just don't want to go too bulky.

My main concern is the diet. I have looked around at plenty of different recipes but I would prefer to see what someone who has actual results from what they eat. If any kind anons would like to help me out with their plans then please attach a photo so i can see what kind of body you get out of it.

Yeah so basically if anyone has good dietary advice and how to build a body with a fucked up ankle it would be much appreciated!

Other urls found in this thread:


>I just don't want to go too bulky.

Go to reddit instead of here

As i said, i'm naturally broad. When i was younger it was a joke how much bigger my arms got from just doing pushups. I don't want to bulk up because that is extra weight on my ankle which is quite unstable.

Fuck reddit.

Fuck off. No, seriously fuck off. I am so sick of retards who think they'll look like Arnold if they pick up a weight. The fact is you'll never be "too big" if you stay natty.

>too bulky

How did you post this with a straight face?

Here is your (YOU)

You have a really warped sense of how quickly you can build muscle. You aren't young anymore. You are a cripple.

I have an unstable ankle too- it got a lot better once I had an operation, but I still wear a brace-sock? It's from the brand Juzo and it has gel pads sewn in to brace on either side of your Achilles tendon. I don't know much about how it is with your ankle, but I still wear it from time to time. Ask your doctor.

When it comes to exercise, use your judgement. You can obviously do a basic bodybuilding routine for the upper body, it's up to you what you think you can and can't do. For lower body, leg extensions etc, hyper extensions for the back. Experiment. As for diet, just eat whole foods and in a deficit.

leave the autistic user alone, he clearly has body dismorphia. His aunt told him he looks big and strong when he was doing push ups, clearly he has superior genetics as though he was on roids.

wouldnt it be far better to focus on mobility & stretching before doing any sort of heavy loads?
thats what i did when i fucked up a shoulder, something that gets your stuff moving, not almost static load shifting.
even cardio/jogging seems like a better fit in here, and once you get your shit the best you can than start getting your strength back

Sounds like a great question for a doctor/PT.

And yet you come here instead. You deserve whatever happens to you.

For your ass, without loading the ankle there aren't many solutions. Do weighted glute raises. For the legs, leg curl and leg raises while making sure the machine is pressing above your ankle level. The form will probably be a little akward but you don't have much choice.

As for your other concern, like the other anons said, you will NEVER become too bulky. Idc if you're a man or a grill, it will not happen by accident. It never has in the goddamn history.

For your nutrition, sit down and read barbellmedicine.com/potpourri/584/
It's pretty long but it covers just about everything. And this guy is a worldwide figure of authority about nutrition for athletes (despite being a huge piece of shit).
Just take the time to read it

But he tl;dr is : eat enough, track your macro, eat healthy food (who would have guessed)

So you only wear it when you work out then? They told me that i would probably get a joint fusion ten years down the road as i apparently already have arthritis and its only gonna get worse. The ankle was smashed to pieces. Probably have about 60-70% of it left. There isn't a bump on the left side anymore.

Pretty general but still appreciate the effort. You know a board is full of faggots when a gay guy thinks their bitchy kek. Honestly can't tell if its roid rage or insecurity?

I don't want to be bulky or big. I have always been bigger than all of the other guys. The only guys who had the same shoulder width were the rugby guys and i never played sports.

I actually do. Never wanted to be big, always wanted to look like the guys who are ottermode as i have previously mentioned. When i got thin it was essentially anorexia and you could only really tell by looking at how thin my face got (that is if i was wearing clothes.

Well then go be a bitchy faggot to a guy who thinks he will look like arnold. I have no plan of ever doing steroids. I don't even want to get to hugh jackman's size. I want to be slender and lean.
>Fuck off. No, seriously fuck off.
You sound like a fucking child or a camp fag.

Starting to understand why everyone calls the guys on here gay. I thought it was for the whole showing pictures of each other basically naked to oggle at all day but its also clearly cause of the bitchiness kek. You would think working out would make a nigga more chill. Christ.

Yeah, i probably am jumping the gun a bit. I'm a very impatient person who just likes to be active and i guess having a semblance of mobility just gave me a taste and now i'm starving ha. Don't think i will ever be able to jog though. That's why i'm doing the swimming. Main thing i was look for is someone's tried and tested diet plan.

Well my doctor and PT both have their own opinions. One says the more i work it, the quicker i will need the joint fusion and the other says i need to work it to get mobility back. My case was unique to them though, i can tell they honestly aren't sure how it's gonna end up.

Thank you man, really appreciate that! I will look into all of what you said and thanks for not being such a bellend about the bulky thing. Only reason why i said it was in case someone wanted to give me a diet plan and loaded it with high protein dishes. As in, i don't plan on bulking up for a while and then cutting. I would rather skip to the cutting if that makes sense. I need to lose weight right now, i just wouldn't mind gaining a bit of muscle to replace the fat while i'm doing it.

>So you only wear it when you work out then?
No, I wear it whenever. I was gonna say as long as you don't get it fused, with a proper brace you could live mostly normally, but nevermind. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know.

You actually need more protein while cutting than while bulking, senpai.

Your arms got big? lol you mean your 12" bicep went to 12.5" after a couple of push-ups? rofl newfriend you will never be big if you don't train with the goal to get big.

People on Veeky Forums are exhausted of hearing that from people who don't lift because most of us aim to get big and we have tried multiple things to achive it, it is then that we realize how difficult is to gain size. Even with constant bulking, perfect macros, good routine and good sleep adding an inch of pure muscle to a 14in arm to make it 15in one takes about a year of work.

I used to belive that, because I was on the higher %bf of my height. Once I dropped to 12% bf I realized I'm just another skinny-fat fuck who used to think he was "naturally broad".You are not big nor broad, cut your body fat with diet then come back and tell me you don't want to get "bulky".


Didn't even read your post.

zzzzzzz boring thread.
OP doesn't want to listen to anybody....
OP read sticky or reddit's wiki they're basically the same thing.
you wanna look thin and blablabla? ill spoonfeed you a little bit, do SS literally 6 months, then do PPL/any hypertrophy program you want.
when asking for help don't be an asshole.

oh and stop making excuses

pls post a body pic, so that we can all laugh about you being "big"

You sound like pic related. Just even more deluded

I actually know a lot about this because I had knee surgery and have had to stay in shape while staying off my legs, but after reading some of your posts it's obvious you're a fucking idiot and writing about this would be a waste of effort.

I would say OP is being reasonable given that he is going to have polio tier legs for the rest of his life.

The machines were made for people like you. Obviously free weights for lower body are out of the question.

Fair enough. I can understand the irritation but i'm just the kind of guy who would rather hide thread or ignore. Never understood how people can get so annoyed by what something writes on an anonymous board. Then again, i got visciously bulled by people twice my age as a child, then for being fucking slightly overweight as a teenager, had to deal with an alcoholic father, junkie sister who used to literally throw each other down the stairs and had to cops over more times than i can count.

But like yeah, get this upset because some guy asks a question. That wasn't really aimed at you, you actually seem like a pretty cool and humble person and what you wrote makes sense though. Its probably in my head because i had a friend who was about almost half my size in width and then bam his arms and shoulders got massive. It took about 8-9 months but i don't think it was pure muscle. If he cut it would probably be what your saying.

>OP doesn't want to listen to anybody
Literally told the nice and helpful people thank you and am looking into what they recommended. I just don't this to prissy little cunts. I live by the golden rule mate. You are nice to me and i am nice to you, if your an asshole to me then well yeah i fucking will.
>Stop making excuses
My ankle was obliterated. All i want to do is... You know what fuck it. You clearly skimmed everything i wrote and are in defense of your shitty "bros". Good luck mate.

At this point, if i did. It would either be called fake or still mocked even if it is a decent size, been on four chan for far too long for that shit.
>The irony of that is hilarious, i wish i could have that guy's body size.

I think thats where this anger is coming from, you all want to get big and if a guy says its a bit easier for him to make gains like holy shit. Probably just got a great fucking raid idea for /b/ one of the days when i'm bored. Even there do seem to genuinely decent people here so i probably wont.

>it's a "faggot dumbass OP makes a thread even though he didn't read the sticky" episode
Don't worry, it's not too late to end your existence.

Do you think that muscle is going to grow beyond your control, to the point where your upper body is just too heavy in such a short amount of time that you wouldn't be able to prevent it.

Listen you knobgobbler, if that's the case then stop upper body training when you get there, and like magic, over time your muscle will be smaller.

Or, you could use some fucking common sense and think about what you are really saying, because you sound retarded and I came here to help.

No worries. Don't strain your fingers then mate.
Thank you, although it was clearly a little
sarcastic but i recently found out i most likely will never be able to even run again. I'll admit i have been slightly sensitive in this thread but fuck sake, thought most of the pricks were over on /b/.
Yeah i was scouting out the machines, probably gonna look like a retard when i first try to start using them ha. Didn't see a rowing machine though unfortunately.

Second part was meant for other user ha