I want to start lifting but there's one problem- I'm an Indian.
Will lifting make up for it? I aim to get a white gf
I want to start lifting but there's one problem- I'm an Indian
Reported to Homeland Sec.
Some people are not suposed to make it :^)
I'm starting to think some white guy who got cuck'd by an indian makes these.
>didn't even start
>asking if there's a point to it
>wants to lift for girls
Pajeet confirmed for not going to make it.
> I'm an Indian.
>I aim to get a white gf
Indians have never cucked anyone. It's literally impossible.
American Indian or Indian Indian?
If they latter, I'm sorry. Nothing will make up for it.
It happens more than you think you racist fuck
>Be me, pale skinned Asian-White hybrid
>Buy polo shirts and other white people clothing
>Stay out of the sun to stay nice and pale
>Bleach hair and dye blond
>Get gray-blue contact lenses
>Everyone thinks I'm white! No one suspects a thing.
>Pic related
Must of cost a pretty penny or lost a bet. Poor snowflake
Indian male white female make the best couples
looks like a spic
thick eyebrows are a giveaway for muslims.
>>Bleach hair and dye blond
>>Get gray-blue contact lenses
you homo?
White girl here. Don't bother unless you're rich. Me and my girls wouldn't give any Indian the time of day unless they had a lot of money. You're at the bottom of the totem pole of sexual attraction.
>girl here
whos that jizz wiz?
Pol fuck off
>t. /pol/ neckbeard
Let's get something straight right fucking now
Racism isn't cool
It isn't hip
And it isn't funny
You need to grow up and stop acting like a bunch of dumb inbred Muslims savages
Nice post 8/10 m8.
>being upset
>on the internet
welcome to the 4chins, home of neckbeards and political cucks
If your aim is to get a girlfriend there is no inherent disadvantage in being Indian. In my experience you date within your social/professional groups (school or work) so girls will get to know you beyond your race and if you are desirable they will date you. If you try to pick up girls for casual sex in bars or clubs in a non-metropolitan (aka wherever brown guys are rare) area you are at a disadvantage unless you're remarkably handsome. This is because women want to have sex with men they can be comfortable around or they're highly attracted to and your Indianness will make them uncomfortable unfortunately. And desu the lighter/taller you are the better your chances.
Source- Bengali guy whose dated white women
Listen I don't judge men on the color of their skin
All the "people" in this picture are white but I'd rather hang out with a westernized Indian over them
I wonder if the shit smell spreads to the girl
The only way I can conceive of a shitskin Poo in the Loo having a white GF is through mad cash.
Then again, I've seen white women with things resembling apes (aka "niggers") so who knows what sort of Jewish psychosis infects the minds of modern white women.
>Be pakistani
>have ultimate fantasy of fucking pale, preferably red haired Jewish chicks
Go to Tumblr then.
tell me
why do indians smell so bad? I want to know WHY. are they against taking showers? or what gives?
Went to India for 3 months. One of the reasons why they smell is that they don't use toilet paper. They wipe their ass with their left hand.
there's other stuff too (lack of water, pollution, diseases, etc..) It's literally the shithole of the world. And they're also awkward as fuck.
>Racism isn't cool
>You need to grow up and stop acting like a bunch of dumb inbred Muslims savages
you're retarded , kid
Do you also let black guys fuck your girlfriend?
...they use their hands as toilet paper?
that's disgusting
he's right tbph, muslims are scum
Literally /pol/ epitomized. Definitely not your fault you can't get a girlfriend, it's the jews stopping you and matching them with others.
theres a pretty Indian girl who wants my D right now, but every time I think about her I always imagine her smelling like curry
Wat do
I also feel like she probably doesn't shave her bush and that'd really gross me out
Become ripped doctor with aesthetic face and good personality.
Simple op
Also be at least 6'2
and you're some nigger's aftercum
Remember that she doesn't use toilet paper and that her hands are covered in residual feces.
Get a beard and keep it well trimmed, unless you're one of those rare Indians with good jawline aesthetics. Shower everyday, stop eating curry more than once a day, it makes your sweat smell like onions and garlic. Do that and you're halfway there.
Indian girls are pretty enough bro
I'm Pakistani and I only go for Pakistani/Indian/Bengali/Sri lankan girls
Plus your chances are better that way
If you wash your hand correctly there won't be any residual feces left.
Also not using water to clean your ass is disgusting bidet all the way. If you had shit on your hand you wouldn't just scrub it off you need some water.
Are you a hetalia roleplayer
Maybe you should stop shitting ON THE LITERAL STREET before criticising other people's hygiene, pajeet.
Problem with white girls is they only go for other races after 100 miles of white dick has been through them and they get bored of it. So you will get the leftovers i guess
Why are there so many pajeets on this board?
Muslim isn't a race you dummy
Fuck off Pajeet.
as an indian I really don't have a fucking idea why you'd abandon our fellow qt indian babes for
>>>>>white women with
>>>>>>>>>>western culture
Stop being a race cuck. Don't actually fall in love with whitey's women ffs.
Why do you wear street clothes to the gym?
Every time I see a Poo in Loo at the gym he's wearing a polo shirt and jeans/khaki shorts. Stop it.
This desu
As a white male I'm saddened because as much as I want a master race white son, I know it will never happen because most white women my age are insufferable cunts
Just fuck em and leave em
I don't, then again I'm not really from the designated mainland.
Yeah man, I empathize with your feels.
Hopefully you do find your ideal waifu :)