How do I improve my deadlift Veeky Forums
Currently 245kg 1 rep max
Deadlift thread
>deadlifting 245kg
>coming to Veeky Forums for advice
Pick only one
you should get a gym membership, that would be a start
I have one pal
at what bw
Can you diddly 245kg m8?
>get a gym membership
Where did you deadlift before you got a gym membership?
>tfw hurt lower back at dyel mode 130kg
This is your reminder that if you use a mixed grip, you have no true strength
This is your reminder that if you should first get even a 2 plate deadlift before posting any of your opinions.
I fucked up my lower back DLing when I first started lifting too. Shit nagged me for like a year, back injuries are the worst.
>mfw a griplet posted in the same thread as me
Same. I lost like a month of progress because of it. Still bothers me to this day.
>Implying 2pl8 is heavy enough to warrant even considering mixed grip
You could have at least said 4pl8 like a normal person. Do you have pool noodles for arms?
You can't even do 2plate without a mixed grip ;)
Yeah I probably have disc hernia as I can feel the pain all the way down in my right leg. I think it's called sciatica pain? Shit fucks up my sleep and I can feel it at rest too.
I've got doctors appointment scheduled a few weeks from now. No motivation to lift at all because even slightest use of lower back launches the pain full on.
I miss deadlifting but probably can't do it ever again. Same goes for squat. Why even live!
Would rather go straps than mixed grip desu
>dyels so weak they focus on what grip you use over the weight on the bar
gotta make those excuses where you can for why you're a dyel lifting dyel weight
>but probably can't do it ever again
Dude, even if you have a fullblown herniated disc that shit heals again over time. It can be extremely painful for a while but other than that it's really not that bad. Many worse things can happen. The way you're thinking right now, is the kind of thinking that makes people end up with chronic pain issues.
Forget your ego and deload faggot. Also hook grip, shoulder blades over the bar, bar over midfoot, pull before starting set to get tight and get in position. Alan Thrall has some good deadlift videos. Watch those.
>asks for advice
>gets shitposting crossfire
welcome to Veeky Forums
At 245kg, what is it you need to improve exactly?
Add weight? More volume
Form? Deload and video record. Activate lats and keep stance tight
More weight I want a 300kg deadlift
Yeah I just need to manage these weeks somehow. The pain hurts my motivation and discipline, reminding me constantly of my fuck up two months ago. It's disheartening that the pain has not gotten any better in this time, even with all the foam rolling and stretching.
>I want a 300kg deadlift
Your vagina must hurt like hell too
What I got stuck at 240, I dropped my usual routine (which consists of doubles and triples) and did something Mikhail Kolkyaev recommended: deloaded to 160, and ran 5x5 until failure. Increased by 5kg a week. Got up to 200, made 240 easily.
Tl;dr: more volume like user already said.
>even with all the foam rolling and stretching
If it's a herniated disc, these things don't do anything particular for the problem. Few specific things do, actually. But it's very important to stay active.
If you have pain shooting down one leg, you should see a physiotherapist, who may be able to "centralize" the symptoms so you at least won't be bothered in your sleep anymore. Some doctors may know how to do this as well.
You've obviously never had severe back pains.
I was so worried about keeping my back straight so I wouldn't hurt myself that I went too far and rounded my back in the other direction like a nerd.
Thought that stretching and foam rolling wouldn't hurt. That's what I thought too, I hope the doc will give me referral to a physio. It's much more affordable that way as I don't have too much extra money laying around.
what a talented young trip that panzer jager is to have managed to string together one letter to another in semblance of form! a marvel to be sure! he has written lol! while he is usually preoccupied by spraying shit and vomit from what you could scarcely call his mouth but his upper anus today, he has formed a word! rejoice! and what a staggering input it was to the conversation we have in this modern symposium we all take for granted. most are simply content with the furiously onanistic past-time of taking hid fellow compatriot down, instead he is laughing in joy that this user bravely seeks to deadlift 300kg. he is truly a magnificent trip!!!! rejoice!
Top kek
M8 pls go. I diddly 370kg.
most ive done is 160kg at ~82kg bw.
as far as programming goes, i cant really help you.
but i can say to try different things; more sets, pull more often, do assistant exercises, shorter rest periods, you can probably think of some more things to play around with.
ive found assistant exercises like stiff-legged deadlifts (both semi-sumo and conventional) to be great.
you can try deficit pulls, block pulls, different stances (conventional, semi-sumo, sumo), paused deadlifts.
if your technique isnt clean, you can try to improve it by dropping the load a bit and trying out different forms.