New fat hate thread, old one hijacked by newfriends and tumblrinas.
Fat hate
Other urls found in this thread:
> they think they deserve love
Bikinis are designed to cover your pussy and asshole.
Fat girl bikinis are designed to tuck in the fupa.
Don't even get me started on landwhales and bikinis
Love and affection is a human right, you know. That's why everyone finds partners so easily! You... you do have a girlfriend, don't you, user?
Just stop
> human rights
> falling for the meme
Oh boy
> lol but i eat healthy and practically starve myself
>Love and affection is a human right
Nothing is a human right. Human rights are as made up as transgenderism, ADHD and feminism.
That's not a bikini though, fatty.
I work at an office and got lazy with my meal prep last week.
Decided to run a localized experiment. Decided to eat like everyone in my office. Went out to lunch with them bought food for dinner the works. And i logged everything i could.
The results?
These fuckers eat too fucking much.
I know we know that. But in one sitting I cleared 1200 calories without even trying. These fuckers consumer 3k to 6k calories a day and dont understand why theyre fat
My experiment is over. I felt like shit. Im back to my greens, brown rice and chicken and I'm happy.
It's waterproof to block the sweat so it's a bikini.
>brown rice and chicken
disgusting, good that it works for you but I oike food too much to eat that shit all the time, had a chicken kebab from the chippers the other day, buriful
>A bikini is usually a women's abbreviated two-piece swimsuit with a bra top for the chest and panties cut below the navel
>below the navel
I doubt fatty can even find her navel.
> be fat
> be confident in your sexuality
Pick one and only one.
These two should be mutually exclusive
How do people even do this?
Seriously - almost everything has a calorie count on it, and if it doesn't you can just google it.
I could understand being slightly off - maybe missing out 50 kcal here or 80kcal there if you forget about a biscuit or a banana or something - but how can you be nearly 2,000 calories out?
I just don't understand it.
Its all in how you make it. I do enjoy that food though. But i have my grill and make kebabs with it too. Whatever it is. I just make sure its chicken, grilled and not slabbed in sugary sauce. Peppers also help with taste and are probably one of the best things you can eat.
thats fair enough if you enjoy it user, good for you
They don't even bother looking/counting, they just give you a random number when asked.
But then why do they claim to be unhappy about being fat and profess a desire to be healthy?
If they're in denial about how much they eat, surely they actually want to be gargantuans?
I really don't understand what the alternative is; how could they really want to be thin but be unwilling to do the only thing that actually makes you lose weight (i.e. consume fewer calories than you expend)?
It's like saying you really want to get an A on a test, but not being willing to learn any of the material that will be on it. It's a strategy where success is not a possible outcome.
I just don't fucking get it.
Poor kid
Theyre unhappy that they are fat yes but not unhappy with their lifestyle.
How many fatasses have you heard ask for health advice and when people tell them it's exercise and eat right they dismiss that and ask for the secret.
They are the ones buying the "6 Diet Secrets to Get 6 Pack Abs" magazines and it's all the regurgitated snake oil shit of drink lemon water every morning. Which does work but they forget to tell them not to stuff their face with a sausage egg biscuit sandwich afterwards.
Just look at the balance sheets of Shredz and Skinny Bunny Tea. Those fucking pieces of shit are worth millions. And yet water is still 50 cents a gallon. And chicken breast is 2.50 to 4.00 bucks a pound.
They want results without effort.
A lack of willpower and responsibility
Well using your example, and fatty logic, you'd simply blame the test makers as being part of the patriarchy -- and have standards on the test changed to what you already know.
do you even tumblr bro?
IF she is so fucking proud of her body, why doenst she let her bikinibottom fall below her waistline? Every picture I see with these fat whales they have their underpants pulled up over their navel or some shit. IF you are so fucking proud, let that FAT FUCKING GUT SPILL OUT!!!
13 and he looks 25 with all that fat. Poor kid never had a chance.
Im assuming so. Literally everything even soda has that giant label on it of how many calories in a bottle sugar and such. With how much information on the internet and around your daily life its hard not to be in contact some way of healthy eating habits. Counting calories, healthier options. Morbid obesity and the like should be classified as a mental disorder and people should be put in treatment for it. Its like severe alcoholism, or cutting. Theres visable behavior to show theres an underlying mental issue and it needs to be fixed or maybe jailtime should be a thing or being on house arrest or something. Its not right that all these big mentally ill people keep saying that their coping mechanism for their problems is ok and we need to adjust. It would be like a severe alcoholic saying drinking is just fine but he cant drive so he needs a taxi at all times or he needs benefits because his drinking gets in the way of getting a job or eating healthy because they spend too much money on booze
This is what irks me about fat acceptance.
These women claim that "fat is beautiful" yet still feel like they deserve chad, turning a blind eye to any fat men that approach them.
> fat is only beautiful when it's on me, and i deserve a greek god of a man just for being a wimmin
I'm sure all these threads are made by fatties themselves or ex-fatties. Skinny people don't give a fuck about other people's fatness.
No one likes fat guys. There's actually a market for fat women.
Found the fatty.
Anyone see My Big Fat Fabulous Life Sneak Peek video yet? It's fucking glorious:
Read comments section for some good ab exercise.
I just find the whole idea of disregarding reality because it requires you to actually use some self-control and exercise a bit instead of just following some ridiculous fad diet or '5 minute workout' routine to be utterly alien.
I cannot understand why any person would do that. I can understand why they want results without effort - don't we all - but an important part of being a grownup is accepting that there are no magic solutions that give you everything you want without you having to do anything. You can't just opt-out of reality like that; the laws of physics and biology apply whether you like it or not, so you have to deal with it and do what works.
I'm just staggered by the sheer irrationality of it all. Anyone, even someone very obese, could lose a substantial amount of weight in a relatively short time if they actually bothered doing something which works.
Almost everyone can reach a healthy weight within a year if they just fucking do what we KNOW works. It infuriates me that they just refuse to do it.
I don't know user, these threads help me not fuck up on my last couple of pounds. I'm practically terrified of gaining fat weight.
Her arms are like the size of my thighs.
And I have 26" thighs.
>different kind of breathing she has now
>its almost concerning
the only thing that pisses me off more than fatties in denial is the "friends" that enable them
Actually no. My whole family has skinny genetics and I struggle to gain weight. I have fat friends though and I don't care about them being overweight.
Maybe it's because I'm not from the United States and I don't really get to live around fat whiny people like you all seem to do. Americans are the whiniest most annoying people in the world so that makes sense
that fatty just ruined the fun day everybody was having
>My Big Fat Fabulous Life
This is why I can never hate on America. No other country can deliver entertainment like this
Why are the nurses also fat?
Is everyone a fucking fatass over at that country?
That's the funny part.
In this show, they don't count calories themselves. They just write off what they ate. Like
> morning
> ate two bananas
And then the dietician counts the calories. So every single time, it's not a matter of them fucking up the calculations. It's a matter of them not even knowing what they actually ate.
Have to remember that fatties are terrible at judging food, though. I mean, if they weren't, they wouldn't be fat at the first place. I could explain a bit more how their thought process fucks up with counting calories, but suffice it to say that they think they eat far less than they do and that they move far more than they do. It's why "mindfulness eating" is so important, fatties need to learn how to pay attention.
Girl with black shirt from 0:20 to 0:24 is reaaaaally getting into it
~70% of all people over 20 are obese/overweight. It's a pandemic man.
So they are not merely forgetting to count things, or counting them incorrectly, but forgetting that they're even eating?
Like it's just an automatic thing that they do without any conscious intent; like breathing?
They're just breathing in fried chicken wings and chocolate sundaes and great big bottles of Coke?
The way she says "I start getting really out of breath?" as if she had no idea that was going to happen.
Have you ever been fat? I feel like you're underestimating how often and how much you eat when you're a big fat fatty-pants and food is all that you can think about. Usually instant, no-prep-required, shit snacks in large portions; ignoring your hunger cues (if you even have them anymore); also just constantly eating all the time always.
But if she got a pound for every pound she lost she'd still weigh the same...
Recipe pls, I'm bulking
I k3kd
use heavy cream instead of milk and add jam
Id really get into her
Remember like 10 years ago when family guy had an episode where peter founds the association for fat guys? That was a really funny joke 10 years ago.
Someone was like yeah we need that for reals.
If I remember correctly he was using double thick Greek yogurt and cream with honey in his muesli ans then adding other shit aswell
It's not comfortable and the underpants would roll down unlike on a normal weight woman.
Requesting webm of that moment.
I'd hit it
>it's not comfortable
I'm not comfortable looking at her.
Yet here we are.
>yet here we are
Read this in a seinfeld voice and i kekd like a monkey
>Using cream in your cereal
>I don't get it, I eat healthy cereal but I'm still gaining weight?
Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's a lack of willpower or intelligence that drives people to do this
ngl i'd pork her
>tfw lifting has turned me into a chubbychaser
TLC is about to redpill a bunch of fatties with a weightloss show
Fat people are generally more stupid than fit people
Fucking attention whore.
Proof that exercise (probably caused by negative body image from the media and society) kills you.
I don't hate fat people. Just fattie liberal SJW logic.
That look of pure disgust blondie gives the fattie needing to drink and looking exhausted after so little.
A fat hate thread? How unpatriotic of all of you! (at least the Americans).
Yes, it has been posted many times before. These threads are for and by ex-fatties or recovering fatties. They're meant to remember why they're doing it or why they did what they've done.
That said, HAES mentality is extremely harmful and obesity costs are stacking up ridiculously fast. If it keeps up, between the obese younguns and the old non-obese (not many obese old folk, all mostly dead), we'll just not have enough money to pay for it all.
We really need to tackle obesity head on, but the government is too busy taking money from companies which profit from obesity to do anything about it.
At least he tried ;_;7
>mfw fat hairdresser was miring
b-but I'm fat too
>My whole family has skinny genetics and I struggle to gain weight.
This guy needs to follow Arnold advice
What are you more hungry for junk food or having aesthetic
>I am more hungry for aesthetic than I am food
>I am a cut and I hate it I fucking have to eat fish tuna chicken breast rice and vegetables for 6 days In a row every week
>But the result is worth it for me I am also hungry for some milf so do I want junk food or do I want aesthetics and milfs
Seeing them side by side. Blondie would fuck like a pornstar in heat and fatty couldnt give my dick 3 pumps to get it hard.
Why dont ppl this fat kill themselves?
>point of warmup is so you don't get injured or die during main workout
ffs look at the way she moves
fatty barely gives an air handjob and almost dies
Might as well dump 600 going on 700
>at first I was like
>but then
>bulking general