Serious question
Will eating a girl's pussy affect gains in a positive or negative way? Does the pussy fluid contain estrogen or any other hormones?
pic unrelated
Serious question
Will eating a girl's pussy affect gains in a positive or negative way? Does the pussy fluid contain estrogen or any other hormones?
pic unrelated
Bump for interest
no lol
sage for OPs shitpost thread
yeah bro of course, you are what you eat, you know? hahaha bro eating pussy is like gay as fuck lmao romans considered anal sex more straight than someone who went down on a girl. like that's where other dudes put theirs dicks rofl don't put your mouth there unless you want 20 different kinds of chad spunk on your tongue lol. srsly though bro eating pussy makes you a pussy like cmon bro it's common sense haha. eat muscle = gain muscle, eat pussy = become pussy. it's fuckin queer bro don't do it senpai
fuck off tard, its a serious question
The precious calories you're wasting with this dumb ass question is wasting more gains than any amount of pussy that you probably arn't even eating in the first place.
If the chick is a slag you'll get lung/throat/tongue cancer from her HPV.
Yes. That's why most everyone here suck dick instead, to get their gymbro's testosterone filled protein.
ok fine faggot, the gains you can get are
Go dive right in OP.
Pussy is meat. Meat is protein. Protein is gains.
you are calling him a tard? This is a stupid fucking question.
It will pretty much guarantee she will let you put your penis in her vagina, which of course as we all know is the whole point to any of this shit.
Leave the pussy eating to the lesbians. Real men do not eat pussy. It's a services act done by submissives.
Serious answer, there's nothing chemically that'll effect your gains from eating pussy hormones wise. Calorie wise pussy juice is negligible in the calorie department, it's pretty much nothing but water and a very small amount of protein which provides the lubricating effect. So think of it like a fountain of very diluted free gains
Oral consumption of hormones does fuckall. They get destroyed in your stomach.
I saw that screencap too
Veeky Forums eating pussy nice jokes mate
that's not screencrap bro that's 100% original thought right there from me. just tryna help a bro out y'know?
that's the gayest thing Ive ever heard and I frequent trap threads
pic pretty related, user
I swear to god this board is almost turning into /b/
no faggot
all the shit down there is already dead
the usefull organic shit is on ovaries
pussy is just for trash (urine or niggers)
I read somewhere that the enzymes ingested while going down on a girl is a viable protein source. Also, I don't think the hormonal aspect is something to worry about. Unless she is on the pill and you're ingesting her urine.
only betas eat pussy
requesting infograph about Roman society and views on pussy eating