Questions that don't deserve their own thread
I have obvious abdominal muscles, likely more so than that of an average person WITH visible abs, however, mine don't show. I know this is because of my body fat %, which is 16-17%. Obviously, I need to cut. However, when I attempt to cut I can never get past 15% really without losing a shit ton of energy that prevents me from doing other things in my life (work, sporting events, etc.). I cut to 14% about 3 months ago, but go mono and was fatigued af for 3 weeks.
My question is; how can I cut to the ideal 10-12% bf so my abs show WITHOUT starving myself and losing my energy? I do to cardio, a shit ton of it ... but maybe I am doing something wrong? I'll list my meals and workouts in the next post.
Also, when I take my shirt off I have a good build from working out/labor stuff, but it doesn't necessarily look like I really lift. However, with a shirt on, I've been told I look like I lift more than my friends (I'm 6'2"). Is cutting a good way to actually look like you lift with yoru shirt off? when I flex, it looks like I lift and I can even see some ab definition in the top and general area of my stomach .. however, like I already said, my true abs are covered in fat.. I can do all the ab exercises in the world and still never see them unless I successfully cut.
Is it true that getting smaller (CUTTING) will actually make you look BIGGER?
Nice blog faggot. I bet your cardio is like your writing. Long, boring and inefficient. Sprint more, jog less.
how much should you be able to dumbbell bench compared to barbell bench? Ive never done dumbbell bench and im shaky atm but whats a good percentage to shoot for?
I'm a hungry skeleton who is new to lifting and was wondering if there are any "good" meal planners on the web. I took a look at Scooby's Custom Meal Planner and for a medium carb diet with a 10% calorie surplus the amount of certain foods I'd have to eat daily seems ridiculous (.5 kg of tomatoes and asparagus to meet my daily carb intake). In such cases, should I do the obvious and replace such suggestions with more carb dense foods? Are there any other reputable meal planners?
Stupid question here. Does high altitude affect the amount of daily calories you burn. Should you adjust for any reason?
Your calories seem very low granted all of your exercise, I would actually eat MORE.
If you are struggling with the mental game, make it easier on yourself. Also eat heaps of fibrous veggies, they make you feel nice and full but don't count much towards cal total.s
I've found it varies wildly, anywhere from 30-50%
Work out what you like eating and can eat and start from there. Then after you have a day planned out find out how many more cals/macros you need and plan them into a shake.
What's the downside to too much protein? Like 100g+ over your macro goal? (Besides weight gain which isn't an issue for me)
Just found out I've been incorrectly measuring the amount of chicken I've been eating this whole time, and Google only has bullshit results for lazy fatfuck Americans
5'10 recovering fatty here. I've been doing well with losing weight (lost over 40 pounds so far) and cardio, but I'm just not good at lifting.
I only started about two month ago, and I'm still struggling to get above 100 pounds in any of my lifts. What do I do?
If it makes up too high % of your macros you will come in low on fats and carbs, so maybe low energy.
I once tried to cut on pure protein and shit blood, so there is that too.
>I only started about two month ago, and I'm still struggling to get above 100 pounds in any of my lifts. What do I do?
Just keep showing up. Your goal right now is to lose fat and you are doing that. Keep reviewing and working on form and you may be able to eek some more gains out. What are your lifts?
I've been doing Ice Cream Fitness 3x5 (cutting version) for the past month and I'm not really expecting to see any real results since I'm only consuming around 1600 calories/day and mainly focusing on fat loss. Anyways, what's Veeky Forums's opinion on the ICF routine?
I'm 20, 5'7 (tfw), currently 148 lbs (skinny fat)
Your neuropeptides will overloaded,causing your brain to misfire and you become a Latvian.
how do I look at the old Veeky Forums archive? Desustorage doesnt have images from back then and I don't know what to do with
help me
A starting routine that works. Personally I think it has way too many accessories and would prefer Strong Lifts (I started with Starting Strength myself).
>What are your lifts?
I'm currently doing SL 5x5, so
Day A: Squats, Bench Press, Rows
Day B: Squats, OHP, Deadlifts
I haven't done deadlifts recently, because my back has been hurting lately, and my doctor said I probably strained a muscle there.
Should I just stop lifting for a while until it heals? Because for all I know, it might be my squats causing the pain.
Thoughts on my "modified" routine?
Back Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
bent over row 3x5
barbell shrugs 2x8
tricep extensions 2x8
standing barbell curl 2x8
deadlift 1x5
cable crunch 3x10
back squat 3x5
deadlift 1x5
standing press 3x5
bent over row 3x5
bench press (i dont like close grip bp cuz my bp sucks ass) 3x5
standing barbell curl 2x8
cable crunch 3x10
>What are your lifts?
I mean what weights user
Is soda addictive? Not just caffeinated soda, but soda in general.
I always read about how difficult people find cutting soda out of their diet is. Like it's a legitimate struggle of the will not to drink a gallon of the stuff a day.
I only ask because it seems like soda is the only junk food that has this effect on people
I don't like it. Way too much unrequired accessory work and deadlift after shrugs for example is nonsense. Looking at 'B' day, that is terrible.
What are your lifts?
Are scooby's beginnier and intermediate routines any good for aesthetics ?
>I only ask because it seems like soda is the only junk food that has this effect on people
I've found more people who struggle with fast food than soda. Certainly for some reason people just cannot stop it, even sneaking out of the house after midnight for a fix.
If I have 50kg of excess fat, and can squat 100kg 5x5, if lost the fat, would I be able to squat 150kg 5x5?
Ever since I did a half-marathon 2 weeks ago, my left knee started acting weird. Being a stubborn individual, I continued squatting with my workouts as usual. It's not "pain" per se, much rather a feeling of "something's off", like my knee is about to fall out.
Wat do? How do I diagnose what's "broken" and how do I go about fixing it?
Lots of people say that deadlifting will really transform your body.
Is it true? Should I start deadlifting? How will it affect my body aesthetic-wise?
>any good for aesthetics ?
Progressing in weight on the bar means muscle added. This plus not being fat as shit is "aesthetics", of course, you also need non-fucky genetics.
I find scooby's routines lack clear progression (which is important) and he shys away from the big core compound lifts which are imo important.
If I'm cutting, does that mean I'm going to lose muscle and not get good gains?
Yes, Heavy diddlies are one of the best things you can do for overall mass gains.
By going to a doctor and not a chinese medicine board.
>again for reference. 20 years old, 5'7 and 148 lbs skinny fat
Back Squat 3x5 170
Bench 3x5 75 (I have no fucking idea my BP is so weak)
bent over row 3x5 60
barbell shrugs 2x8 90
tricep extensions 2x8 50
standing barbell curl 2x8 40
deadlift 1x5 165
cable crunch 3x10 60ish
back squat 3x5 170
deadlift 1x5 165
standing press 3x5 50
bent over row 3x5 50
bench press (i dont like close grip bp cuz my bp sucks ass) 3x5 30
standing barbell curl 2x8 40
cable crunch 3x10 60ish
Personally I find the mass gain on deads overrated, but it will no doubt thicken your core and give you some nice traps and upper back development.
In my opinion the best benefit of the deadlift is that it will help you identify any weakness in your body. As it's a total body movement it will point out that your grip is weak, or your core, or your mobility etc. If you can't deadlift, it points to a bigger issue that you get to address.
Okay, I'll start them tomorrow.
Do you recommend any youtube video or article that describes the form? Don't wanna fuck up my back. Thanks in advance.
That's how you get gains brah
>does that mean I'm going to lose muscle
Lift, eat protein and don't cut by such a massive deficit and you should lose fat > muscle.
> not get good gains
You will not get as good compared to bulking.
Where does everyone get their gym clothes and what do they wear? Im just using basic shorts and t-shirt but I like the idea of compression shorts and such but dont know where to get them for a good price.
serious answer: your body turns the protein into fat if it's not used, just like anything else.
My 2c is that you are very weak. There really is no point doing accessory bench work with 30lb of weight, it's pissing into the wind. I would strip the routine right down and focus on just getting stronger.
You want a bigger chest? Move that 75lb bench to 225lb for reps. Don't know why it's weak? Figure it out with deloads and form checks.
I don't see the point, for example, in supplementing shrugs when you can only deadlift 165. You would be better off getting that deadlift to something like 350lb, that will blow your traps up way more and is achievable on a stripped back beginners routine.
>I mean what weights user
You mean body weight?
I started at 315 in September, and I'm down to 272 now.
I just got 2 quid cotton shirts from H&M. Pants wise I went to a sporting goods stores and got the ones with skins underneath.
Use flat, rather than running shoes. I buy chalk from rock climbing websites and knee braces from cross fit websites. That is all my equipment.
OK thanks mane!
No, weight on the bar
Christ, I feel retarded now.
Squats - 105 lbs
OHP - 70
Bench - 100
Rows - 95
Deadlift - 135
Will wrist curls build me the strength needed for handstand?
Learn to accept and live with the fact that fat is part of your body's hormone regulation system, not just energy storage, you didn't win the genetic lottery, and that there's a reason for the bulk cut cycle for body builders?
Hop on roids?
You might make one last attempt by reducing the volume of your exercise and reducing your calories even more. Reduce carbs most. Maybe try intermittent fasting. While the only thing that determines final body fat change is the difference in energy in and out, different types of diet with the same caloric content can affect energy and hunger levels.
This is a fascinating question but I have no idea.
>Christ, I feel retarded now.
Well you are in the right place.
Have those lifts stalled? Or are you still striving to add 5lb a session?
Would you recommend SS,SL, or anything else ?
SS seems the most common choice but T-Rex mode spooks me.
T-Rex mode is a meme. Start with SS and once you think your legs are too large, switch out the squats from your wednesday workout for an assistance exercise targeting a group which is lagging behind most.
Don't do SL, it's crap.
Working on document right now. Can any fellow poorfags here tell me how much they can spend on groceries per week/month? As many responses as possible, thanks.
I did SS, I would recommend SL. Why? Because SL has 5x5 rather than 3x5 and I feel like the extra volume allows a newbie to work on form. Also I didn't see any benefit from Power Cleans (SS) but had to play catch up on my rows (which are in SL) when I moved on from SS.
>T-Rex mode
This is a myth. If you do SS/SL right it is over in 3-6 months. You simply cannot add enough muscle in that time to get the kind of imbalance T-Rex implies.
Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row
Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift
I would add pullups onto the end of Workout B and cable crunches to the end of Workout A.
Why? Because SL (and SS) lack any vertical pull, which hits lats, which gives the V look. Plus, they help your grip which normally is the first thing to falter on the deadlift. The cable crunches are because deep down you want abs and I've found "Squat and Deads build abs" to be untrue granted what most people squat/deadlift.
SL is basically the same as SS just more reps, So why is it crap? More volume more muscles
>More volume more muscles
If the weight was the same, but it never is. If you are lifting 3x5 you will be lifting heavier, and that weight will go just as far in adding size.
There is also the power clean to row swap.
Caffeine is physically addictive.
Beyond that, soda isn't "addictive" except in the way that like, chapstick or picking at scabs is addictive: it's a habit people get into and like.
I don't know how accurate it actually is that soda is that much harder than anything else to cut from the diet. But there might be a couple reasons why it would be:
1: Carbonation is extremely refreshing for some people. I don't know what the explanation might be, but I know I could never be parted from my seltzer.
2: Some people get a lot of their calories from soda, and don't necessarily know how to separate "craving soda" from legitimate hunger for sustenance.
Probably not. Your fat is distributed more evenly over your body, it doesn't get moved as much as weight on the bar.
No pain... but like it's going to fall out? That's weird. But it sounds like you may've just stretched some ligaments too much.
I like the "cool 32" shirts and Champion athletic underwear, both from CostCo. I think I got my track pants from the thrift store.
Excess protein to a point is converted into fats and stored. The metabolic byproducts from this are said to be bad for your kidneys, but I don't know how verified that is. Even more excess is eventually just passed out of your body without processing, but that requires a really excessive amount of protein.
Just like vitamins, if you have too many raw supplies your body's not going to use them to make double strong whatevers. It finishes the job of repairing your body and then dumps the excess.
I do 10 chin-ups at the start of my routine, 5 after I circuit the machines, and then 5 to close out my routine after the free weights. I do this no matter what routine I'm doing.
Am I just wasting my time? The only thing it seems to do is impress the skinny kids trying to get ready for the Army and anger the hamplanets.
so you are telling me that you will have more hypertrophy when you lift 100kg for 3 of five than 90 for 5 sets?
This here.
5x5 is more important for intermediate goals. The volume on SL is so high, especially for a beginner, that it's gonna be part cardio.
Turning protein to fat is an incredibly inefficient process.
It's easier for your body to oxidize the protein for energy and just store fatty acids.
Cool strawman.
I said lifting heavier will go "just as far". Meaning 5x5 at low weight vs 3x5 at higher weight will lead to similiar mass gains.
You made those numbers up, but typically I have found the gap is bigger than that. For example I could squat 100kg 5x5, but 120kg 3x5. I think that leads to similar mass gains.
When I could bench 3x5 @ 100kg, I could 5x5 closer to 85kg. Again, I think that leads to similar mass gains.
you think, but it wont thats like saying 3x5 stimulates the same hypertrophy as 3x10 which it doesnt. There is a reason people do more reps, especially powerlifter. more muscles = more strength when the other factors are the same.
personally i did both and didnt see that much of a difference, except that SL is more exhausting and makes it easier to switch to a higher volume program like 531 afterwards.
>thats like saying 3x5 stimulates the same hypertrophy as 3x10
Stop straw manning what I say, either discuss what I'm saying or don't.
>SL is more exhausting and makes it easier to switch to a higher volume program like 531 afterwards.
You shouldn't be jumping into monthly progression after a beginner routine.
If I am on IF, would be possible to train during my digestion period?
I skip breakfast and eat a meal at 1 pm and 8 pm
If you mean your fasted period, yes. Just note if you are losing strength too much because of it and perhaps adjust. Some people actually enjoy fasted training, I don't.
stawman seems to be the new favorite word of the internet, doesnt make your statement any better.
also you should switch to what is fun and i got bored as fuck doing SS or SL after 5-6 months, alan thrall for example started off with 531 and hes doing pretty well right now.
You said 5x5 at low weight vs 3x5 at higher weight will lead to similar gains and that is just plain wrong. The time under tension at 5x5 is significantly higher since you will take much longer completing these last two sets.
if my lifts keep going up slowly does that imply im eating enough? im not consistent with getting enough calories each day, just aim to be above maintenance cals. if i eat more will that make my lifts go up faster?
The thing is, none of those lifts have really stalled (except for the OHP).
Because of that injury I posted about in , I'm hesitant to add any more weight, because I'm new to this and I don't want any other injuries.
>stawman seems to be the new favorite word of the internet
Simply look up the definition. I made one statement, in each of your posts you changed my statement into something different and attacked it.
>also you should switch to what is fun
Sure, if that is your goal. Most people want maximum progression and going from daily to monthly progression will not yield that.
>You said 5x5 at low weight vs 3x5 at higher weight will lead to similar gains and that is just plain wrong
I can only disagree with this. I've done both for years and never noticed a difference in mass gain rate when I toggle between them.
If your lifts are going up, just keep doing what you are doing. When they start to stall, it's time to look at mixing things up, options are, in order:
Take 10% of the weight off and work back up, like getting a running start
>Eat more
Bump calories up by 200 or so a fortnight and see if weight progression starts again
>New routine
You may be at the end of the beginner/intermediate phase.
Hi Veeky Forums I'm looking for advice on how to gain muscle mass. I'm not a novice to lifting by any means, but I've never lifted consistently for longer than like 3 months. I'm a skinny guy and have never really been able to pack on muscle that well. What are some tips on how to maximize mass? I've been told that I need to cut back on cardio and up the quantity of my diet. Is this true?
> pic related
When you do rows, is the barbell supposed to touch your chest? I feel like I'm not doing them correctly.
That all sounds fine then. Don't add weight until you are feeling healthier, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Injury avoidance is most important.
what you notice is irrelevant, in science its pretty clear that a higher tut will cause higher hypertrophy which will cause more muscle growth. there is not a single powerlifter in this world who doesnt do a lot of volume.
and strawman my ass, was just an example to clear things up.
Give the sticky a read and post back with questions.
>in science its pretty clear
Please post the science showing 5x5 at lower weight grants more mass than 3x5 at higher weight.
>higher tut
Time under tension is the same for 5 reps and ... 5 reps. Once you hit mechanical breakdown the muscle will grow.
>and strawman my ass, was just an example to clear things up.
You made up numbers to attack, that is a strawman.
Will do
Today I went running, and later started getting a sharp pain behind one of my knees and extending into the calf. It doesn't hinder my movement though, in fact it seems to happen rather when I'm not moving. Is this sciatica? And what can I do about it? Stretching only seems to alleviate it a little.
Thanks man
Im gonna remember you when I post my first progress pictures here.
Sounds good. I'm not really concerned with gains that much; I'm mainly focused on losing fat and weight right now.
Any idea how long it should be until I can safely add weight?
not the fasted , the period while I eat
3x10 = 30 5x5= 25 tut probably around the same, used 3x10 since its widely known as the "bodybuilder" rep range
you will have a significant higher tut with 5x5 than with 3x5 i dont know how this is so hard to comprehend, dont tell me you do 5x5 in the same time you do 3x5, more volume -> more muscle mass, i am not going to search the internet for the most basic knowledge in bodybuilding dude
also the 5x5 manual says anyway that you should switch to 3x5 once the weight gets too heavy to make progress. And then switch to whatever you want
however this discussion is kinda unnecessary since they both dont make a huge difference. were fighting aroung 1kg of muscle more in these 6 months you exercise, so whatever
Rest. Try running on grass and not road/concrete, it can be hard on joints
Gospeed user
I like to draw faces in my log book which express how happy/comfortable I was with a lift. When I look back and see a smiley face I know I felt good last time and can add weight.
Even better.
I'll get back to this after work meeting.
ill probably not be here annymore by this time, but you seem like a pretty knowledgeable guy so i guess its absolutely not wrong what youre saying. Just dont get the part with the hypertrophy
How bad will one night with little or no sleep affect my gains on a night where I've lifted? My sleeping pattern is pretty bad of late and I need to get up early the next few days...
Been lifting for a few years now, went through SS to Greyskull and then some weird PPL routine 5 days a week. Still getting some pretty decent weekly gains while on a bulk.
Should I check out the Texas Method with some accessory shit or just keep on the PPL?
love you user
Okay. Worth a discussion anyway. My only point is that time under tension is a function that exists within a set, it has to do with how long a set takes, not how many sets you do. It's about there taking 40-50 seconds to hit full muscle fibre recruitment in a set.
Impossible to tell really user.
>Should I check out the Texas Method with some accessory shit or just keep on the PPL?
Depends on your goals. Texas Method is a great way to raise your bench/OHP/deadlift/squat. However, it can be tough to program in pulling volume to match the bench/ohp volume.
Also worth noting
"Still getting some pretty decent weekly gains while on a bulk."
If it ain't broke...
Honestly, I'd like to throw on some good muscle mass. The PPL did well, but it seems like my body or genetics aren't the type to just pack shit on. Did a six month bulk on the PPL and I can't really tell I've changed at all besides arm growth.
>seems like my body or genetics aren't the type to just pack shit on
I felt this way until I started taking objective measurements. Pull out the tape and calipers and do weekly readings on chest/wait/leg/arm girth to track progress. What you will learn is that lot's of your problems are in your head and you are truly progressing just fine.
Texas Method is a great way to add on mass and strength, it's highly customizable and will be a refreshing change away from PPL. Make sure you read Rip and Justin's books on it though before diving in, it's a template and you have to know what you are doing when designing your routine.
Final note, if you want good muscle mass. Do a LONG bulk. I bulked for 14 months and added 20kg, best thing I ever did.
I was prescribed vyzane for my attention problems, asides from not feeling hungry with it, will it affect my gains? Considering im eating well?
I'm reading mixed messages everywhere including stickies so I'll give it a shot here:
Does cardio really burn muscles? I'm fat (10 KG / 22 lbs overweight) and obviously lift weights too.
I always start up with doing 1 KM of cardio and then lift. Sticky says you build up about .2 lbs muscle a week which is already very low.
Doing cardio with it altogether leaves almost nothing, correct? So should I skip cardio and lift only?
cardio uses calories that could be spent on lifting
the solution is to eat more
I'm trying to lose weight and slightly built muscles. Eating more is not going to help me losing weight / fat
>Does cardio really burn muscles?
Cardio burns calories. If you aren't eating enough to cover the cardio it will need to go searching in your body for those calories.
In the case of cutting, if you are losing weight too fast you may be losing muscle. In this case, either ease up on cardio or eat slightly more. I prefer the latter option.
what should I be doing on the 4 days a week where im not doing SS? Right now I'm doing some cardio and accessories, but without a gameplan my workout is mostly me looking for something to do
You can do stretches to work your flexibility