Have you ever been lunk alarmed, Veeky Forums?
Have you ever been lunk alarmed, Veeky Forums?
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this was when i was just starting out
>be me
>sign up for pf because no clue what to do and cheap
>walk past the pizza up front
>seems legit
>decide to deadlift on first day
>see this sign
>start deadlifting
>barely tap ground
>alarm goes off
>employees start surrounding me
>fight mode activated
>use my noob gains to fight off confronting employees
>lmao1pl8 diddly strength kicks in
>use my huge glutes to hold off all the employees
>fend everybody off successfully
>continue lmao1pl8 diddly
>alarm goes off again
>time to find new gym
>grab a slice of pizza and leave
Nope, I don't go there because of that lame shit. They claim to be a judgement free zone, but someone can hit an alarm on you, pretty judgy to me eh.
I now have an la fitness membership thank god
>Be at this gym looks ghetto as fuck.
>Plates hardly match
>Do some variation of barbell rows for back of shoulders
>This old hag comes and tells me in signs that if I keep doing it theyll kick me out.
I know I was loud, but this place is cheap, has cheap equipment and is like 15 years old. I don't feel they're in a position to be picky about shit.
Sorry I was distracted, anyway, I was letting the barbell hit the floor with every rep, it was really heavy.
Judgement free zone*
*anything you do that lets everybody know you're trying is a bad thing and you'll be publicly shamed for it
Just signed up for LA Fitness last month after abandoning Planet Fitness and I could not be happier. It's more expensive but holy fuck do I ever feel great there, just the quality of people at LA Fitness is worth it alone. PF is full of poor/fat/uneducated people, LA Fit is full of modern, healthy, educated charismatic people and their healthy families.
10/10 worth every penny.
I came on a guest pass and started doing barbell rows and one of the workers there came up and asked me to stop doing deadlifts so loudly. It legitimately wasn't loud and they definitely were not deadlifts...
The only reason I still frequent is to motivate my friend and stare at the front desk girls god-teir ass.
>Naming him Ricky instead of Chad
Never got the alarm but I go to PF. It's cheap. The memes are true. Most people are obese and a good 20-30% don't even workout, they just use the tanning beds and massage beds.
Wow holy shit, so it ACTUALLY goes off? What the fuck. Glad I never signed up after seeing they had only 1 bench and then 90 treadmills.
>Chad is too busy eating PIZZA to go to the GYM
But at Planet Fitness Chad can do BOTH
what the h*ck...
>This old hag comes and tells me in signs that if I keep doing it theyll kick me out
How did she hear you?
I'm sorry...... my sister did this. Like no fucking joke either, my sister actually did their commercial.
I went to visit family out of state, they had PF memberships. I set it off but they just turned the thing off, didn't make anyone leave. Then I set it off again and they shut the whole alarm off and apologized. It wasn't bad but the facility was shit. I had to deadlift in a Smith machine and the place smelled like moldy carpet.
cry everytime
Would it be pretentious to complain to my gym manager that the sign out front says powercages, but there's actually one and no squat rack or bench press. Just 1 power cage for everything?
I deadlift as much weight as I want to, because my basement doesn't have a lunk alarm. If you don't want shit stay away from shit.
What if we had Lard Alarms in restaurants
For some reason i read your comment in this kids voice even before I knew what it was about turned out to be a great choice
I went to planet fitness for a few months. They can be either awful or okay, depending on who runs it. The one I went to wasn't bad. I just hate smith machines
Not a lunk alarm, but I've been approached by employees telling me to stop
>deadlifting lmfao4plate for reps
>drop the weight on the eccentric because I am a giant faggot and have a lower back injury
>female gym attendant comes into the weight room
>"Can you stop doing that? It's really loud"
>shitty pop music she's playing over the PA is plenty fucking loud too but whatever
Gym was normally fine though. Got better once we got oly platforms and bumper plate.