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grow up
she was just an idiot who probably didn't do any kind of serious mountaineering before deciding to try and climb one of the most dangerous in the world.
read the article
she finished 4 of the seven summits before attempting everest.
hahahahahaha TOP KEK too funny im crying help
>Vegans can do anything
Guess not.
Well, non vegans also die climbing Everest.
But yeah, being a vegan trying to prove vegans can do anything and mortally failing makes it funny as fuck
Found the faggot cunt vegan
Kill yourself, bitch boy.
Lmao "climbing" killermanjaro. You fucking casually stroll up there while your nigger slaves carry your shit for you.
Hahaha these fucking vegans, when will they learn.
Was hoping it was Freelee.
lol at all the non vegans that are going to die premature deaths of preventable illnesses like heart disease.
lol at the non vegans who are going to get erectile dysfunction because their arterial health is shit
>Eats vegan
>Becomes green
>Calls people bitch boy on Veeky Forums
>thinks slavery is still a thing
>still 3 other peaks that you haven't climbed and never will
But to be fair, women suck at climbing. I remember there was an article a few years back about how great an all women climb team was. It was all women, so inspiring, except for their sherpas who were men and the group of men they met up with that ended up building their camp and saving their asses when they ran out of supplies. But WOMEN POWER!
kek this is so true. Vegans are pretty much trying to do what feminists did 20-30 years ago and its hilarious watching the same shenanigans all over again.
You can't make any gains when your dead...
It says the cause of death was to lack of oxygen, no matter how much meat you eat, or if you're on a vegan diet, it's going to kill you.
No. of non-vegans died on Everast: ~ 5000+
No. of vegans died on Everast: 1
Chalk another victory up for vegans.
>100% of the vegans died
Not much of a victory is it?
found the vegan
>finish two 90 runs in 5 minutes
>no Arde
>wait for 24 hours
Fun game.
Fuck this isn't /tosg/
Not him, proud omnivore but no need to take joy in ones's loss of life user.
Stop hating on vegans op they will all be dead in a few years from malnutrition. Just let them stay on their imaginary high horse until they wither away
>Look mom, I've opened thread #12436 on this article!
>My lettuce/kelp fueled brain cant into statistics.
First of all the death toll is at about 300 and thats being generous.
And the death rate is between 5% to 10% according to different sources.
So thats 10% of omnivores (or as you vegtards love to say CARNIST) death rate.
AND 100% vegans death rate.
I personally knew this woman and I think it's pretty nasty of you to exploit someone's death to make fun of a category of people you find annoying. All vegans ever do is try to do what they think is the right thing, and they hurt no one in the process. In fact, they hurt less people than meat eaters. And yet you take every opportunity you get to try to tear them down. You're pathetic.
Lions eat their children and everyone's fine with that, but when I do it I get put in jail. Don't they realise it's just nature? Guh!
>In fact, they hurt less people than meat eaters
I'd ask for a source, but i don't want to see your ass.
You don't need a source, vegans are around 1% of the U.S. population and there are thousands of U.S. factory farms that torture and kill millions of animals every year.
>meat eaters participate in a commodity chain that causes large animals to suffer and die
>vegans don't
Wow that was hard. Unless you were disputing the personhood of non-human animals, which I have a bad habit of treating as axiomatic that cows and pigs and what not have complex preferences that entitle them to moral personhood.
I'm going to sleep now because it's 2am but keep this thread bumped for the next 6-7 hours please, I love a good vegan on carnist argument
>animals are people
> we have a vegan tripfag now
Tripping is getting out of control.
>animals having complex preferences
You do realize 99% of animals do not have thought and do not have emotions other than fear, right?
Holy Fuck i now understand why Messner was raging so hard at the new Mount Everest where every idiot whos been climbing a few years can pay a company to drag him up there.
I believe that mountainclimbing was much more pure when a high percentage of rock climbers died trying to ascend Mt. Everest and you couldnt even think about the ascend if you didnt eat, breathe and live mountain climbing.
I mean, whats it worth anymore if its been done countless times before, and you just pay someone to give you all the knowledge needed to ascend?
Sure you can impress your normie friends with this, and even among climbers its still a great accomplishment but i dunno man i feel like the time of the great adventures is dead.
Am i a fedora tipping edgelord or does anybody understand me?
There's plenty on non-meme mountains to climb, m8.
K-2 is about as non meme as you can get.
At least casuals in this might die, casuals in every other hobby are stuck in and you're fucking boned forever.
Climbers are some of the most pretentious fucks on earth anyway though, so I hope all of you die
I think its most amusing since she was a Finance professor and not a medical doctor. Then there were videos of her sister saying' omg how could this happen? She TRAINED soooooo hard" But I do doubt she did any of the really hard work and just made the sherpa niggers to haul her shit.
altitude sickness can happen to even the most experienced climbers on any climb.
She probably didn't speak up until it was too late because her pride in "vegans can do anything."
Altitude sickness is no fucking joke, that shit is scary.
>Altitude sickness is no fucking joke, that shit is scary.
stop talking like a redditor
>female vegan tripfag
I support you bringing the light of veganism to the masses.
I'll start getting mad when vegans actually become more than annoying retards spouting about the feefees of animals and shit.