>weighted dips
Weighted dips
I think you can buy a pound of dip if you go to costco
>bench press instead of overhead press
>alan thrall
seriously, why are weighted dips such a meme? whats wrong with them?
Now you are gonna tell me you were basketball shorts to the gym
>I wipe my ass
I bet he DRINKS between SETS
I havent seen this one in a while
Yes he was basketball shorts in the gym once, but that was when the acid hit too hard
Or yawns in between sets
I liked those threads
>OHP in the squat rack
>Just be yourself around women! What's the worst thing that could happen :)
>making this thread
You can't make this shit up
I fell for this meme, along with weighted pullups.
Dips 75lbs 3x6
Pullups 60lbs 3x6
Still dyel
what else do you wear at the fucking gym
Compression tights. If anything else works then you aren't squatting deep enough.
WHO FUCKING CARES, stop overcomplicating things
Sorry, you used that fedora image wrong. Maybe it's time to start up Fedora Thread Academy again. Let me help:
>Whoa there, you a beginner looking for a routine? Good thing you found me, I'm going to tell you about the best beginner routine. You guessed it, ICF 5x5! Reasons why you should do this program: 1.It has the perfect amount of volume for a beginner. 2. The dude who made it is really ripped! 3. The guy has considerable knowledge of powerlifting and bodybuilding (BOTH!) This should clear the air, now go lift to get power like me, I'm powerful!
fuckin KEK
beginner here, is there anything wrong with 5x5 routine or are you meming?
Since it's late at night and other fedoraposters wont see.. Yes I am meming. 5x5 is a perfectly fine beginner routine.
>If anything else works then you aren't squatting deep enough.
I never got how this is a popular enough opinion to be accepted.
If your pants are so tight that they impede your squatting, it doesn't mean you need some overpriced mix/maxing shit comparable to 'gaming sunglasses' in actual impact on performance.
It just means you bought the wrong size of pants like a fucking retard.
The average pair of sweats or basketball shorts won't impede you at all even when going ass to grass.
I lift in jeans and I just grab them by the thigh and pull them up a bit before going ATG
>I lift in jeans
>DYELs who only come on Veeky Forums for le ebin memes
i think you mean
>The Press
take the poo
to the loo
>that guy who shadowboxes inbetween sets
>tfw you will never be rippentoes' basketball shorts while he squirts 4 plate
Wait weighted pullups are a meme
>I arrange the barbell so that it is perpendicular with or parallel to any surrounding straight lines including breaks in the flooring, ceiling structures, walls. I feel that my lift is unbalanced if not.
>I have written down the holes to place the hooks and safety rails
>I stare into space between lifts and walk from workout to workout in a trancelike state.
>I do compound lifts
>At the gym Nicky helps me get the heavy dumbells up (we do 60 lb DBs) at the beginning of DB shoulder press. And he maintains contact with my arms the whole time and helps me lock them out. I drop them on the ground and high five my boy Nicky after I finish my set. We run that bitch.
>Oh my notebook? I'm writing a story. I write in it and read it at the gym. The title: "The Strongest Version of Myself".
>The philosophical implications of 3pl8 are far beyond your mental capabilities
>I let other people work in with me. I'd probably even let them fuck my wife while I watch if they requested it. I'm definitely not a cuck though!
>Carry along with your foolish isolation exercises and restrictive 'clean' dieting. Perhaps women will be drawn to your defined abdominals and rounded shoulders, but I will attract a much more intelligent, perceptive woman who has a taste for a man who can call upon his body to exert lethal amounts of force as one kinetic chain.
>Oh why am I pulling on my dick? I'm jelqing. It makes my small penis a little bigger for a short period of time. It normally isn't this big.
Why did the fedora become a magnet for autists?
I remember even 8-9 years ago in high school the fattest autist was wearing one. Why does this attract these people?
Is it the dudebro baseball cap for autists?
>warm showers
>sophisticated satire
>dumbell bench press is superior
>I'm a fat, worthless piece of shit
>I'm too fat and lazy to make any changes to my body
>Fashionable clothes are expensive; moreso because I'm a fat piece of human garbage and I would need custom-tailored clothing made from fabric the size of bed sheets
>Oh, old timey hats are classy like in my animes
purchases $8 fedora. gj sprinkling glitter on a pile of shit.
They think they have class, like the people wearing hats before world war 2
>the average male penis is only 5 inches
>Now that I have exposed you to this knowledge it's not so small, is it
>You see, I'm well within the second standard deviation
>A man as skilled in mathematics and vocabulary, such as myself, probably exemplifies this expert knowledge in other areas of life as well
>Such as the way I cab use my body to move my penis
>I do training for it by placing a barbell on my hips
>I use a pad because the bar is hard and hurts my hips
>That's why I prefer high test women
>More padding
Goddammit Veeky Forums now whenever I'm wearing basketball shorts and either yawn or drink at the gym I practically burst out laughing
Post more Prince stuff.
>I have a number of specific movements and cues that I execute before each lift in order to ensure that my body is correctly positioned and ready for vigorous exercise. I call this, "The Set Up."
>not doing weighted fedora tips