W-what do I say now??
W-what do I say now??
Admit you're a dirty fucking manlet and beg forgiveness
>y-you too
>we met in my dreams
You're welcome
>you mirin?
Why would you say that?
You ever been with a natty???
Am I in?
so gay lol
i'd be embarrassed to say that shit to another person :s
I've had a crush on you for years
*i teleport behind you because i'm too fast for your eyes to follow" ...didn't see that coming...huh...? Foolish...Human...hehehe..."
say this OP. do it
Say you just figured out why it's called Ghostbusters
Fucking cringe.
Thanks for the kek m80, I needed that
Oh fuck
>shit talk some chicks choice in music
>doesn't respond
>changes her profile info to a different genre
Fucking women.
OP here...
where do i go from here???
>Using your super like on an asian
low test
>Are you Hitler?
>Because I'm Jewish and I'd like to come into your oven
tell her the one about archeology, it'll lighten the mood after your autistic opener, trust me
Should have told her that, no, Tennessee was home to the Manhattan Project's uranium enrichment facilities and that you figured she was from there because she's the bomb.
Dude she is obviously flirting with you, trying to tease you and you sperg out with that tennesse shit at the end.
Your last response should have been a playful counter to her ten bs breh
Fucking do it.
if only, 10+
Go with the direct approach.
OP here. i told her shes beautiful. shes not responding tho??
Nothing left to do. Abandon mission. KYS.
ask for a picture of his Taiwanese penis
don't compliment her, tease her you mong
OP here shes not responding anymore. 1 last line for her, what should it be??
besides please respond
Just let it go
pls respond I have autismo
Via text?
What's your best story involving bread?
I'm sorry if I bored you, it's just I was kind of nervous since you're really cute. Can we please start over?
Hi, I'm user and I am not a creep
Ask her if a hotdog is a sandwich.
"I realize you've heard it all before, I get that. The question is, have you seen it all before? ;)"
this sounds good
Autismo strikes again
This is pretty kek, but there are no asians in Tennesseese
Got me good
>"super" liked?
You just fucking blew it OP.
You should have flirted back, not sperged back.
She asked if she's the only ten you see, you should have responded to that, not "you look like someone from tenesee"
Here's what you pretty much did:
You: "Hey, are you an archaeologist?"
Her: "Yes, why ;) x"
You: "I need a bone examined"
Her: "I'd be happy to help, mind sending me a pic? ;)"
You: "What made you choose archeology as your major?"
Hardest kek of 2016
What. The. Fuck.
>telling a girl you had a crush on her
Why would you do that
Why would you fucking do that
>not opening with this
>Oh whoops, thought you were a different Amanda, you look almost exactly the same as her
y-you tOO OMFG AMIFUNNY YET Veeky Forums
Man, and I thought I was bad with girls.
It seems it could have been worse.
Well then smart ass post your bants.
every damn time also nice dubs
I loled out loud. Thanks op.
He is clearly being fatuous. If you did not realize this, you may have autism, johnny
Not using the best pick up line
>my genital just got hard
ask her if shes capable of handling your inner emotional turmoil for another 60 years, if she can mend your broken spirit.
but for what reason?
Doing this on purpose for what? To post on Veeky Forums?
This isn't funny, so he's clearly being an idiot either way.
Autism, the post
Nice one.
lol she is trying to help you even though you used lame shit she already heard and you fk up even more.
I suppose he's bored, so he uses them for his amusement. I don't see how that makes him an idiot - he's simply fucking around.
I think it's rather humorous, but to each his own
Can't believe this actually works
right lads, a girl from Tinder asked if I was free tonight, I said yes and she said she finishes college at 5
what do I do from here? do I invite her straight to my place?
shes in college, which if you're from the uk shes 16-17. How old are you?
she's 19 I'm 20
shes not 19 bro
ok sure, are you gonna answer my question then
Netflix and chill
Say youll order pizza or something in
16s legal so whatever desu
Matched with a gril that said she likes pick up lines, give me something fresh, i'm drawing blanks.
Get a feel for what she's after. She's probably down to bang though so just invite her to yours and if she's hesitant suggest something else more 'datey'
Are you from Ireland?
When I look at you I feel my penis Dublin
am I good to message her rn asking what she's looking for?
try this
hello /r/fitness
Give her a choice along the lines of
"We can hang out at mine or we could go [somewhere local]"
Name somewhere you wouldn't mind going for a first date, not somewhere retarded like the cinema though, just in case you're a retard and think that's a good idea..
thanks user, I'll ask if she wants to chill at mines or go for coffee
Don't approach the question using 'Do you want to', because that opens options for a third choice of her making. Saying 'Let's do this OR this' gives two corridors for her to decide on both of which you've provided.
fuarkk too late
SS survivor here
Oh well, now you know for the future. It probably won't be disastrous.
She looks retarded and stuff
Top kek
what makes you say that?
eyes too far apart
would not bang
Lmao fukin ew