Hey Veeky Forums
Do any of you get annoyed at the constant reposting of fat enabling memes like this? I don't exercise everyday, but work out a couple times a week and eat fairly well. I am puzzled as to why everyone finds these binge eating, I-eat-loads -because-it's-cute memes funny. I feel like it's cool to be a glutton and lazy. I like food too but jesus. I dunno. I probably have a massive stick up my bum.
ITT: Shit memes. Your thoughts
Hey Veeky Forums
Because misery loves company.
This one is awful because it's also spelt wrong.
the more fat and average people there are the better i look
Is there some program that autogenerates a bunch of jpg artifacts?
I keep seeing these twitter posts that look like they were taken with a disposable camera.
Not even ms paint causes artifacts anymore
I was fucking this "high test" / fat chick for a while, she was vegetarian and claimed to work out a lot but would cover everything in cheese, lay in bed all day watching netflix, and going to the gym meant 30mins on an elliptical 2x a week.
She'd always make jokes like these, talk about feminism, how she felt like people were judging her at the gym, how life wasn't fair.
Not taking responsibility for things which you can control is the most rage-inducing behavior I know of.
Sounds like a nightmare. Was she at least a good lay?
Haha why am I autistic?
Oh yeah, I did anything and everything I wanted to her. Sex was great but she was a moped, fun to ride but you'd be embarrassed to be seen in public with her.
>"eating healthy"
I can't fucking stand it when people say that.
Nah I see it all the time on my facebook feed too.
There's this one girl in particular that will constantly post them, and keep us updated on her snacks as well. The other day she posted a pic of 2 shakes and a bottle of lactose pills saying she deserved it because of finals week. What the heck.
>I am puzzled as to why everyone finds these binge eating, I-eat-loads -because-it's-cute memes funny.
Welcome to the land of free.
this cannot be fucking real
Dat correlation between hot areas and fatness.
Wow I'm proud of Illinois. We're in the middle of the danger zone but haven't quite gotten there yet. Wonder why
I see these all over my normie book feed. I just saw a couple this morning here ya go.
You're parents vaccinated you
To be fair I'm fairly fit and do this a lot
I live in Houston. Literally about 90% of the people here are fat, maybe with the exception of the rich ones who live in the trendy parts of town.
No, I love enabling fatties. I know this is edgy faglord of me, but I seriously get a kick out of not only personally succeeding, but also making some people fail (especially chads and staceys). Actually, this is why I love the chad pizza meme so much; because while Chad is gorging on pizza and binging Netflix with Stacey, I'm hitting the gym or advancing my career.
Yeah I refrain from talking about it since its edgy but I compare it to fucking with animals, fat fucks dont want to improve so why not make them fatter and therefore die sooner? Fuck them, they are a waste of life
I find it annoying that the same people who spout this shit and chastise healthy living and productivity are becoming teachers and ruining the educational system.
No im not talking about the 40+ year olds starting to get overweight as they retire im talking about the ones who are young and dont want to improve their lives and settle/try to force their mediocrity on you
I have NEVER seen a post from tumblr that wa actually funny
>When I don't know how to cook I don't like how uncooked things taste
Not sure what's worse. These kind of memes or minions. Both cause cancer.
Girls think binging is cute. No you fat slut. Put down the fork, whore.
Notice both girls in memes are skinny and hot. It wouldn't be cute if a hambeast was binging.
>a girl needs a guy with no standards
I hope theyre at least applying the same towards his body
Why not just take the time to learn how to cook and make delicious healthy food? I'm stuffing myself full of delicious food everyday and I'm healthier than anybody I know. All it takes is a bit of efforts
Of course not. Always think it's retarded and double standardy for girls to post memes about a boy being at least 6ft yet I never see guys posting memes of girls needing to be at least a c cup. Women are fucking retarded. Coming from a woman.
This. When I want to binge or bored eat, I just eat shit that isn't bad. Prolly sound like an ano, but I freeze grapes and eat them when I watch telly. I can go through a bag of frozen grapes in no time. Plus I never feel guilty.
I won't ask her. Shouldn't need to. If she gives a shit and takes care of her body, great. If she doesn't, I'll leave.
No its not. Its a joke. Jokes are used to take the sting out of the serious things in life.
Christ I see this stupid shit all the fucking time. One of my friends like this "gym memes" page and they post the stupidest shit. She complains how she can't lose weight fast but doesn't count calories. She thinks that eating fruit is gonna help her lose weight. People are so clueless when it comes to diet.
Fruit is fine if you burn it off. The difference is that these bitches eat whatever the fuck they want, make 1 smoothie for the day then wonder why no progress is happening to their bodies.
>by mistake
>thinks only 21% of adult pop being obese is some kind of achievement
You, yanks crack me up.
Do people really keep chocolate in the fridge?
Because it's easier to get virtual validation and bury your problems than it is to own them and do something about it
Same mentality as those that think "being bad at math/sciences and generally stupid is cool". We currently live in a society that caters to the weak and glorifies sloth and self-indulgence. Western culture is about as cucked as any.
Immediately followed by a post saying a great beach body is as simple as putting a swimsuit on and not giving a shit
Because nobody except the incredibly retarded take these posts seriously. All these pics are shared for a quick little giggle by people, and then they go about their day totally forgetting the content. It's the normie equivalent of us liking Moonman. The people that truly believe the shit being put into Moonman videos/music are basement dwelling faggots whom have opinions that nobody cares about because they're basement dwelling faggots.
You're sperging out over normiebook nonsense that nobody gives a genuine fuck about
If you don't give a shit, then why did you post, spastic?
I don't give a shit about 30 year old single moms posting shit about how they love chocolate and pizza. I do give a shit about idiots that think raging over these single moms' jokes is a reflection of enabling shitty things in our society because it's patently retarded to think so
Eh not really, I'm not really bothered at what choices they are making for their health. Moreso I am focused on what I am doing so I don't take their shortcomings personally.
Shit memes though? Hmm, definitely not this.
How to label those people
Fucking Americans using labels as excuses! If they are misbehaving they still need to be told that its wrong! How else they gonna learn?!
Idiocracy is real
Robots and basic income will only make it worse
At least I won't bring a kid into this shit
Sorry dad, your bastard will have to carry on your genes, I suppose my feminist sister might pass on the family name.
Haha. OP posts thread asking for opinions. Nobody has to care. If you think it's so retarded, then why are you still here? Hahahahaha. Sounds like you are the one who needs to chill out. You sound like you are the one 'sperging' over nothing. Also, it's not just middle aged ladies posting this tripe, it's young people too. Soooo ya. Go take a chill pill faggot.
They (this praise fat attitude people) "know" that it's wrong, they just don't want to learn, so they laugh at it as if that cancelled the effect
That last comment was for you ;)
These right here. It applies to more than just fitness. Basic people just like to "go with the flow" without doing any free-thinking of their own:
>like, I would work out, but pizza, right? I'll just stay mediocre xD
>I looooooooove [top ten artist] like u have no idea!!
>[person known for looking good] is so hot right?! like omg :D
>[pop culture icon like chipotle] is love, [chipotle] is life :O
>omg you like donald trump? r u serious?! r u kidding me?! he's a [insert meaningless buzzwords]!
Nothing more boring than a basic female who thinks she's funny.
holy fucking fuck these are the worst.
as a dude who goes to a Liberal Arts college full of fat SJW chicks, this shit is rampant
>fuck this new grill
>some stomach fat but its not bad enough for me not to fuck her
>still makes me wonder if ill ever show her my family / friends
>we go to buy stuff for breakfast the next morning
>she puts chocolate milk, white bread, sweet yoghurt and ice tea in the cart
>i put oats milk, eggs and some fruit in
>"i need someone to push me during shopping :3"
needless to say she never met my friends or family
but is Colorado roaming with babes?
719 reporting in
Only in a few places.
You fucking idiot.
You wasted an opportunity to get her fit.
>>we go to buy stuff for breakfast the next morning
why the fuck would you do this with a new bitch?
You can only help those who help themselves. Grill was destined to be a fatty
I can get away with a whole pizza, but in my defense I do have HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME
chad plz go
>not bad
wew almost got me there
i'd like to puke in the face of the creator
>when you don't live on a diet of garbage and you actually crave fresh, dark greens
Eating well does not equal binging on junk food and sweets. I do hope every woman would eat well.
Grapes are one of the most sugary fruits but compared to other snack foods like chips and stuff it's a lot better
I fucked a high test stripper for a long time.
Eventually the strip club fired her because she gained too much weight.
I tried to help her lose the weight but we only went to the gym twice.
First day she fucking complained non-stop and accused me of walking by the cardio bunnies just so they could check me out.
Second day she wouldn't get out of her car and go inside, then accused me of "abandoning her" when I went in. Huge fight was the result and she never went back.
I was never more disgusted with anyone in the world more than her, she wasn't at the point where the weight made her unattractive (145 @ 5'9" with DD tits and a huge ass) but that total lack of discipline killed it for me.
She just kept on putting the weight on, complaining and being totally irresponsible for her eating habits. She became increasingly insecure and constantly accused me of cheating on her. ugh...fucking cunt. Left her a couple months later because I was constantly guilted into staying until I had enough.
My guess would be that a huge chunk (see what I did there?) of your state's population lives in Chicago, and people in cities tend to have lower BMI.
>>needless to say she never met my friends or family
Women will get this result and legitimately not figure out on their own why that is.
Used to manage a strip club in Denver. I've had to cancel contracts on fat girls before. It's not fun. But the weird put is they always see it coming. And we always tell them they're getting too big, do they know what's up, but they just keep going.
thank god
i didnt think people actually liked cold chocolate
>>low opinion of male sexual fidelity
Who could have guessed?
I enjoy Reese's Cups, Twix, and Hershey's Chocolate with Almonds bars from the fridge. I understand if people don't prefer that, but what's wrong with it if someone does?
It's funny how one of the most moderate states is the healthiest, cleanest ones.
719 here too brah
Some people just need education.
fucking this
>le ebin veggies are groce amirite XDDD ebin maymay
faggot shit
It's because he's a player and used her
The only chocolate I keep in the fridge is chocolate syrup for my ice cream.
I can't believe I missed this thread
>Only in a few places.
where are these places?
I've been thinking about taking a weekend getaway to some other state
It's spelled yogurt you dipshit