>went to watch some leafy
>saw this guy in my feed
>"fuck your emotions!"
>"PC bitches everywhere"
>goes on hating fat acceptance movements
>think i found my new idol
what you think /fit? Is this guy right?
>went to watch some leafy
>saw this guy in my feed
>"fuck your emotions!"
>"PC bitches everywhere"
>goes on hating fat acceptance movements
>think i found my new idol
what you think /fit? Is this guy right?
>went to watch some leafy
Are you a 10 year old?
what are you fucking gay?
That was a great rant.
He's a good speaker.
nice samefag
you must be new here.
bretty good
This guy is badass
John funding Burk.
Former drill sarnt, dd214's and starts opening a can of whoop assistance on the army and how PC it has gotten.
And occasionally (like every day) bashes the living hell out of fat people (verbally of course)
>cotton pickin' ... n ... whining
ooh, you caught yourself, eh? what were you gonna say?
Oh boy we have a racist here.
lmfao wut
you can tell that just from his face t.b.h.
pls maul my boipuss
SeeIt's in the vid
He was obese before so its ok to call out others on their shit.
Oh hey I know this guy.
>Basically stuck at age 17 mentally
>Facbook is Soldierofsteel1984, says it all really
>Hates everyone, seriously everyone
>"I'm a lover of a positive mindset and a can-do attitude. I stay away from negativity and all those with that type of attitude."
>Is well known for being an over-the-top racist
>Is a shitty personal trainer who just makes you do military-style pt, doesn't care for actual gains
>>went to watch some leafy
kekking so much over my leafy comment
When I think of "Chad" that's the face that comes into my head, maybe a little younger.
He's a former DI for the Army, combat vet. His FB feed is lit with him tearing new assholes in SJWs and fatties.
that uniform is all kinds of fucked up
makes feel uncomfortable
>Ordnung muss sein
you are 15
look if they want to destroy themselves they have the right to do it
and even if they didn't, it's not like you could stop them anyway
All fair points, but people who actually care about the wellbeing of individuals and society have an obligation to confront these people with the truth.
Not that it's easy. Half my social circle has been poisoned against me by my ex, for having the audacity to comment on her deteriorating diet while we were together.
"Hey, maybe you shouldn't literally only eat ice cream for a week." =/= body shaming.
that wouldn't be an issue if they didn't drag their children along with their lifestyle mate
fatties breed fatties and that's what makes them the worst
My nigga
Yeah it's great he's awesome.
>being so beta you make a thread about another man
Lmao not gonna make it fag