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Joffrey appreciation thread.
Welcome to /plg/ - Powerlifting General.
Joffrey appreciation thread.
in for better thread
hit a conventional PR today, 450lbs. i now pull more than i squat and my sumo is less than 100lbs more than my conventional. yay.
tfw absolutely shit
Need this answered pls tell me how to fix this? Just wait until I have bigger back?
Sweater or hoodie for squats as a skeleton?
I think I found out why I never felt tight with weight, my upper back is pretty thin so the second I load anything up, it feels off. When I tried wearing a hoodie, the bar just locked in place so nicely.
My max is 150kg and I am just under 80kg, the bar feels much more locked in even with 60kg.
Also highbar
What's with your gay ass haircut dude
W-what??? Quit being such weird fuck lmao
? Nice bait
Yea your post is nice fucking bait, who the fuck asks Shit like that unless they're weird picky fucks? Pull your shoulders together and contract your traps, done.
Skeletons ask that and why can't I be picky?
lol this is why skeletons are more annoying than fatties
I really struggle to keep my back straight when I deadlift.
I think its partially due to me needing more flexibility in my hips but also it might be because I'm very tall and have pretty long legs proportionally to my height.
Anoyone have experience with this or ways to solve it?
Try a hoodie
Just try harder. Not even memeing.
awesome, thank you for that
Anyone an Veeky Forums regular here?
Why is it full of furry porn?? Is it always like that?
PS Its not even straight furry porn, its gay furry porn
Tommen from game of thrones will kill himself by jumping out of a window
Screencap this post
You squat 150kg yet can't rest the bar on your traps properly? Wtf m8 sort ur shit out
Just watched Josh Hancott. Just, Fuck man, fuck...
wat happen
Maybe the bar is not correctly placed?
Same max as you @6'1 and 82kg, so pretty skinny too and never had this problem
He isnt going to compete anymore fampai
Horl dor
Horld dor
Horld door
Hold door
Hold the door
Why am I being directed to an adult requests board?
because you touch your dog at night
Nice Reddit tier response
You know where to go back to cucklord
>gey of thrones faggt telling anyone to head back to redit
My response was clearly making fun of it you autistic dweeb
>d-do I fit in yet?
You have to go back
Set up safely and properly and ignore the must have ruler straight back meme
These video contradicts your pulls though
It says to have a neutral spine
Yours is curved as fck
Fuck your science and youtube authorities I have perfected my form through BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS can you say the same?
>neutral back while benching
Thats my neutral position. If i follow those steps theres still a curve
I dont claim my technique is amazing but it lets me move weight
Until you fuck your back up again it does.
Your concern for my wellbeing makes me feel all warm inside
To this day among the most helpful vids ive watched about powerlifting
what should we be doing with elbows in the bench
no tuck
some tuck?
Hey bodorio just wanted to say your form and strength on all 3 are outstanding, despite having not amazing proportions for Pl. Stay safe and keep working hard.
Tuck down, then flare as you press
Not Phil(obviously) but cuckolds put up a big article on benching on his website a while ago. It basically says >Tuck down, then flare as you press
but in more words.
I have this same problem with a max squat of 145kg at 78 kg bw. Whenever I load up 95+% of my max I feel like I'm being pinned under the weight.
Has anyone tried Nuckols's 2 day int or adv bench program? How were the gains?
I got the tuck cue wrong for ages
Trying to touch my elbows behind my back creates far more tension
havent heard of that one
ill have to give it a try
Favorite form of cardio/conditioning?
>Inb4 >cardio
Fencing is mine
Masturbating furiously
please finish your cut fast. i want to look at my future self
Probably won't be done till around October lad. Such is life when you're 26% body fat. How exactly am I your future self? Chances are you out squat and out deadlift me easily.
Riding a bicycle for groceries. Two birds with one stone.
I have it with anything over 2pl8 really.
No idea, I have a pretty large amount of rubbed skin, maybe its because my upper back gets very very sweaty?
wtf is this
Squats for six plus reps.
Biking. Easier on my knees.
Fuck lads looks like my graphics card is shitting itself
>just in time for a 1080
nothing seems out of the ordinary to me, I didn't even see any furry stuff
>though I do keep seeing silicon/rubber fetish stuff there
Weird workout this morning. Squats felt like complete ass all day. First top set was awful. On the AMRAP set the first 2 reps also felt terrible, and then weirdly rep 3 felt alright so I went for a 4th, which was pretty slow but I told the weight to fuck off and did a 5th. Bench was pretty typical. Felt fine. Ready for pseudo-deload next week. Feeling pretty beat up.
I have the same numbers as you. I'm 5'11 90kg and I'm fat as fuck
You're an Veeky Forums guy?
What do you drive?
I didn't know you left the green room.
>no death grips
Absolutely disgusting desu
>What do you drive?
nothing special right now, just a corolla
I had an e36 bmw m3 with a hot cam, shorty headers and track pipes, but it spun a bearing
also had an '05 kawasaki 636, but got hit
Why don't you wear knee sleeves?
Why didn't you just fix the Beamer
DG has mostly gotten old for me now.
Back when I was having knee issues I actually seemed to have more pain on days I tried wearing them.
It's an 86 Carolla coupe right ;)
Have you tried bottomless pit?
I usually have enough money in reserve to fix stuff, but it was right at the beginning of a semester, and I didn't have time to work on it, couldn't afford to fix it, and needed reliable transportation immediately. So I ended up throwing some heavy grease on the bearing to quiet down the knock a bit and immediately traded it for the corolla.
I wish
Nah. Haven't been keeping up with current music as much lately.
Hiking, but it's a love/hate thing. and primarily when it's not winter.
>but got hit
No insurance?
>No insurance?
fucking arbella REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
took 10 months to get my money
I don't see how trading a bmw for a Corolla was worth it
it was hurt, and I needed a working car
Check it out and good luck training famalam
What are some more likeable non fatty PLs to follow on Instagram? For the record I find Gibbs and Hancuck likeable.
If you wee diving a Ferrari and it needed a new motor would you trade it in for a working Prius?
Thanks bruh. Might do that.
Ya gotta do what you gotta do
>tfw no salty balls
The program needs a decent amount of revision anyway if I'm honest.
Tfw was in the wrong thread for ages
So where does das3 fall in the soulsborne ranking?
Top of the lot imo. In terms of the complete package.
I think softs was the best pvp tho
Alex looks to be making gud gains on it
He's doing SuperSaltyBalls, which I'm actually pretty confident about for the most part. SaltyBalls is less advanced and needs some major kinks worked out I think.
6 months ago today I asked you a question and you never replied....
o i c
whats the top down structure of them anyhow? you seem to enjoy AMRAPs.
Scooby says drug tests don't prove you're natty, and that athletes can easily pass them even if on PEDs. He says there's too much incentive to pass them vs the much lower abilities and incentive to catch cheaters, and that in a way competitive sport wants and relies on cheaters.
This makes sense when you consider caught users are simply made scapegoats of, while the majority runs free in their given sport.
>tfw mom just told me I'm getting fat
Fuckin skinnyfags I swear.
>yuropoors are THIS desperate to prove that the upcoming crop of all american, american-dominated IPF world records are bunk
kek, enjoy your last years in the limelight.
Yeah I like AMRAPs. Gives you a chance to put in the work you're able to do that day without being as complicated as true autoregulation. Plus they really are just fun and I like fun programs.
4X/week squatting and benching on both
2X/week pulling on both as well but on SB the 2nd day is super light whereas on SSB it's moderate intensity assistance work.
SB you add weight every other week. SSB it's basically monthly progression. For Alex we mapped out 13 weeks for comp prep but you could probably just run the first month over and over a la 5/3/1.
Hey plg what are the best exercises to strengthen lower back?
Reverse hypers supposedly
Twink enablers
have you tried this obscure exercise called the deadlift