Thoughts Veeky Forums?
I don't think I can post in fat hate threads anymore...
Thoughts Veeky Forums?
I don't think I can post in fat hate threads anymore...
Well some people even are born different so It makes it even harder and less "fair" for them, yet It's still each ones concern to deal with that.
I hate when we anthropomorphize biological processes like this
The body doesn't "want" anything. There are a series of processes that lead to an outcome. They're not working in tandem according to some sort of overarching goal.
Doesn't the show teach them to count cals?
It's not too surprising that people fall back to old habits after a few years if they aren't forced to work out and monitor their food intake. Sounds more like people lost their motivation to keep up their "new" lifestyle.
>It's not too surprising that people fall back to old habits after a few years if they aren't forced to work out and monitor their food intake.
Nigga, did you watch the video? The contestants had to eat 500-800 calories less than people with the same body weight and height to maintain the weight loss.
Not to mention they had lower leptin levels so felt hungry all the time.
Nobody actually read the article I see
They were conditioned for short change goals.
I mean there is a big support network to make sure they achieve their goals during the show but once they are let go they dont have the knowledge to keep walking the path that they have been set on.
Once they go back to their normal lives they just fall back into old habits and gain weight again, its not that abnormal.
yes they had to, but none of them actually did that for a year or so to see if their maintain calorie intake would grow again.
They just had to count their fucking calories and they wouldn't be fat.
One of the contestants manage to maintain for 6 years and her metabolism was still fucked and much lower than it would normally be
It's still all their own fault. They weren't born fat, they ruined their own metabolism.
Actually, I was born fat, 11 lbs.
Currently overweight but not obese thankfully.
>children in charge of what they eat
Are you fucking retarded m8
"I think that article misses the most important point about those shows: They get people to lose weight under completely non-standard conditions. They don't teach people to integrate fitness into their normal life, they take them out of that life, get professionals to take the weight off, and then send them back out into the world. Without real diet skills, and without the habits that are built by losing weight over a long period, it is makes perfect sense they'd gain back."
b-but muh calories in/out
>don't anthropomorphize the human body
They weren't born fat but most of them were raised fat so you can't really blame them
What they could do was unfuck themselves and try to lose the weight and they did and yet they'll still suffer for it. Poor fatties.
Childhood obesity is awful
I think whoever wrote that is missing the point if the article
which is?
That even after weight loss fat people will have permanently fucked up metabolisms which is why weight re-gain comes faster when they slip up
Or something
Fat people are terrible at counting calories and judging food in general. They're also LIARS!
Unless you can post the actual study and it shows that it wasn't the fatties counting the calories, I just don't believe it. We have far too much evidence of fatties saying they're eating "300-500 calories a day", but in reality they're eating for two people.
It's true that some people have slower metabolisms... SLIGHTLY. Some people will have a bigger apettitte, but that's just behavior you need to control, much like being genetically predisposed to get addicted to heroine. And less full... well, eat less for a long time and you will get used to it, retard.
you are literally an idiot. like, uneducated as fuck, splurting the same old bullshit against scientific discovery. tell me: do you believe dinosaurs existed? guess not. do you believe that the earth is flat? well, probably, with your disgustingly stupid mindset...
the problem is a well known one, actually, it has to do with homeostasis.
and the lowering of metabolic rates has to do with the rate at which the contestants lost their weight.
if you want to lose a lot of weight fast, it is a complicated thing to do without fucking yourself up big time and destroy your leptin levels, for example. you have to eat the right stuff, you have to include days of eating at a higher caloric intake to keep your metabolism going and so on. one hell of a challenge, really, but a rewarding one.
does anyone honestly think that doing cardio for like 8 hours a day and eating 1k calories is a sustainable way to lose weight that won't rebound? of course they regained the weight. had they stuck to a reasonable diet / exercise schedule they would have lost the weight slower but kept it off
the worst part is that hamplanets see this as confirmation bias for why they should stop substituting salad for one of their 10 weekly pizzas
Agreed, they're all looking for excuses. They just eat too much because they are spineless lazy fucks and can't handle that fact.
Lol nice fantasy story m8, u should look at the facts before doing personal attacks.
They dont.
Its the setting in which they live in that affected them in the first place that is affecting them again. Its the same as a drug addict relapsing.
>take a fat person out of their fat making habitat
>support them into being healthier
>they loose weight
>put them back in their former habitat
>they start living like before
gee I wonder why they gained weight again
Ok, video watched, point proven: short blondie complains about having to eat 1400 Calories a day. That's, exactly like I said, a slight deviation on her metabolism.
When you're a tiny woman with no muscle, you HAVE to eat less. Her metabolism is barely different from that of other tiny women with no muscle.
ah, yes, another retard. how is it possible that people who actually are interested in the topic stay that fucking biased? well, most of you are fucking undereducated autists that don't even lift (or still look like skellys after years because you are to dimwitted to do it right), but man, it's like seeing retards playing with their balls.
"That directly contradicts the recent study out of the University of Copenhagen looking at GLP-1, PYY, ghrelin, GIP and glucagon after a year of weight-loss maintenance. Ghrelin is an appetite inducing hormone, immediately after weight loss it is highly elevated but by one year, it had returned to pre-diet levels. Additionally, GLP-1 and PYY are appetite supressing hormones. These remain elevated even after a year. So your appetite inducing hormone returns to the same after a year and your appetite supressing hormones remain more effective after a year. Making it easier to lose weight and keep it off it you maintain for a year."
I'm not completely sure if that's true since I'm too stupid to know whether or not a study had major flaws but it sounds legit haha
>Being horribly overweight and going from no excercise to pulling cars and other stupid shit 8 hours a day while eating nothing and losing like 40kg bodyweight might have some negative effects on your body
Wow, did you realise that grass is green too?
what's a "fantasy story" about that, "m8"?
tell me. i'm not really interested, because you obviously don't have to say anything really contributing, but tell me anyways.
You're just mad because you're so fat and ugly that no one wants to see you playing with any kind of ball, they know they'd just vomit.
>10 weekly pizzas
Well fuck you. I just got unreasonably hungry thinking about pizza. Haven't had any in about 2 years.
Read before you rage
This isn't about "fat people can't count calories" folks
The study is about metabolic damage
you got that one wrong. try again.
or try to shut me up with anything that at least closely resembles scientific facts and not your retard-science.
That study is about obese people trying to lose weight, not former obese people maintaining weight loss like in the OP.
>how is it possible that people who actually are interested in the topic stay that fucking biased?
They're not actually interested man
This is Veeky Forums
They don't care about science they just want to make fun of fat people and feel superior to them
Honesly, a deepfreeze pizza from Dr oetker is "only" 700-800 calories, you could eat one as a meal every 3 or so weeks.
That's not a slight deviation that's over 500 calories m8
Basically living your whole life on a cut
> /thread
Yupe it really is sad, children with fat parents are doomed the moment they are fed by them.
the "500-800" less was about a tiny women with no muscles that had to eat 1400 calories. That's not that special for such person.
Can't find the numbers. They won't give the real numbers. They say there's a difference, but don't mention what they're comparing it against.
In the video, short blondie clearly talked about 1400 calories a day as if that was far too little for a woman her size, which is simply a lie.
For a 5"5 woman at 23.3 BMI and a SEDENTARY lifestyle, you'd get a TDEE of 1657. 1400 is only slightly under that.
She wants to eat more, she can be less sedentary and create more muscles.
whether that is or is not true is irrelevant. you can't go up to 300lbs from eating like a "normal person", as they say they are.
a "slip-up" isn't going to magically result in a 50lb weight gain. you need to consistently eat like a fucking pig day in day out
jesus i wish i could bulk from a "slip-up"
>jesus i wish i could bulk from a "slip-up"
You can but you have to fuck your metabolism real quick first
Speaking of which how does one's metabolism gets unfucked? I mean there's gotta be a pill or something
Yes, those fatties just keep lying and lying about their calorie intake, they'll never learn.
I fucking hate the metabolism meme
It's fucking shit going inside and outside of your cells
shit your cells need goes in, shit your cells don't need goes out
the reason why these faggots get back all their pounds is because they to back to eating like the disgusting pigs they were before
>She wants to eat more, she can be less sedentary and create more muscles.
She's not sedentary tho
She already works out, probably every day
She's clearly dedicated since she was the only one to maintain
>This just in: dieting doesn't work!
No shit Sherlock. Everyone here knows that fitness is a lifestyle, not a goal. The Biggest Loser is the epitome of the opposite approach. It, along with countless websites and assorted scams, tries to sell fitness as something you can just do for a little while and have your dream body forever, which is obviously stupid.
Last summer I rode my bike 1000 miles around Italy in three weeks. It was my first bicycle tour. I had no idea what my daily calorie intake or output was, but I knew that I was operating at a major deficit. Italy is a culture of connoisseurs, their quality over quantity approach to food makes it really hard to find several extremely high calorie meals a day, and I was on a budget. At the end I'd gone from ~165 lbs (at 5'10") to ~158 lbs and increased the diameter of my upper legs substantially. When I got home I felt hungrier than I remember feeling since my most intense growth spurts as a kid. I had intense cravings, I ate like crazy, and pretty soon I was back up to my previous weight almost exactly, at which point the hunger subsided.
When you put your body through something sudden and intense then stop suddenly it will try to snap back. That doesn't mean that sustainable, long term changes to your lifestyle don't work. What you have to note about my cycling story is that snapping back involved overeating. These people are not experiencing a violation of the "calories in, calories out" principle. They are failing to make lifestyle changes because the things they do to loose 240 pounds in seven months are unsustainable as long term lifestyle changes, and doing that doesn't doesn't teach you discipline and good decision making. They are feeling way hungrier than usual, and they are lying about their intake because they're embarrassed and ashamed. They are probably even lying to themselves about their intake, because they never learned the discipline and skill to count calories correctly.
>Science is a meme
Veeky Forums is a meme, I swear to god
You didn't read anything other than the title, huh
I watched the video and read about half of the article. There is absolutely nothing noteworthy here.
Pretty fucked up, but I hope it's not the case
are you fucking fucked in your fucking head, you fucking stupid fuck?
Veeky Forums IS NOT A MEME!!!!
Veeky Forums IS LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET THE FUCK OF MY BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then how come you completely missed the point of the study and the findings
>There is absolutely nothing noteworthy here.
Noteworthy enough to be on GMA though.
I have my Abitur in nutritional science
dealt with that shit for years
of course it has an impact on your weight on how good your body is using its resources
but blaming 400 fucking pounds on your "slow" metabolism is just bullshit
these people eat like shit and you know it
No one is saying they don't eat like shit
That was not what the report was trying to report
I didn't. At all.
TV news is clickbait tier garbage.
>abitur in nutritional science
Anyone check the comments on the video?
The top 3 comments are vegan propaganda, u wot
>I didn't. At all
You absolutely did
Here ya go:
Youtube is a fucking hellhole desu amy video that has anything to do with weight or nutrition your can bet your bottom dollar there will be some vegan fucker in the comments
Find me one line that, when taken in context, is not refuted by my original post and supports the idea that fatties can't lose weight. You won't be able to.
>She's not sedentary tho
>She already works out, probably every day
Oh yeah, the video showed her "working out"... By playing a 1v1 match of very casual basketball. How silly of me to think that she's not active.
>She's clearly dedicated since she was the only one to maintain
She's clearly obese once again.
It's the newest fad diet after Low-carb.
Most people will go off it because it's difficult af to maintain. Recidivism rates 90-95%.
>She's clearly obese once again
She only gained 10 pounds back
Look in the article
>calling me an expert
thanks dude finally someone who appreciates my knowledge
Nothing about anything in the article suggests fatties can't lose weight
He means that the whole "study" was about showing how there were severe differences in metabolism.
But there's not enough information there. The study says there are huge metabolism changes when compared to "baseline", but they don't say what that baseline is.
The women in the video mentions eating at 1400 Calories a day as if that was insane, but that's just slightly under what a woman her height with normal weight would eat. The study mentions differences of ~600 Calories per day in energy expenditure after weight loss, but that's useless without saying what they're comparing it to or at what numbers they're at right now.
If they're using bad numbers such as "well, she's a woman and we're not going to look at her height, so... 2000 Calories a day sounds right, yeah, lets compare to that", their whole study is worthless, misleading garbage.
I can't. stop. bulking. Fuck... 139 kilos now and OHP 120K 8repsx3sets, seated row 130K 9repsx3sets. It's good that I am getting stronger but I want to cut, not end up like a sumo wrestler. But I also don't want to fuck up my hormones anymore by extreme dieting. I guess I'll have to take up those 3 hour afternoon walks again.
>The study says there are huge metabolism changes when compared to "baseline", but they don't say what that baseline is
Don't they take these measurements at the the show tho
It's probably in there somewhere
Crash diets born what lean mass they had making weight come back really easily since there's nothing to burn the calories.
>The women in the video mentions eating at 1400 Calories a day as if that was insane, but that's just slightly under what a woman her height with normal weight would eat. The study mentions differences of ~600 Calories per day in energy expenditure after weight loss, but that's useless without saying what they're comparing it to or at what numbers they're at right now.
It's also useless without saying exactly how intake is measured. I carefully pointed out in my original post that these people lie about this shit. The only way for a scientist to be sure is literally to watch them day and night. If they are counting on any kind of self reporting, then there's previous scientific work that shows that their results will be bullshit, because people do not self report these things accurately.
Yupe, it's so easy for those to go like "I'll just have one quick candy bar, how bad could it be, i just worked out (aka took a walk) so i deserve it" without them realizeing they just shukked in another 250 calories.
fucking fatties always lying
The study appears to have done it through piss and breathing, so not methods they could lie in.
A slower metabolism after weight loss is not all that insane and it's almost common knowledge by now, but the difference is small, much like all other metabolism variations are. "Small" as in less than 10% either way.
Dude there was no self reporting involved AT ALL
What are you guys even trying to refute here
look faggot, it's not my or yours or anyone elses fault that those fatties got fat in the first place. If you let yourself get this fat, you are never gonna make it. You are a failure, your mentality is weak and you deserve to get DARWIN'd.
They gave them drugs on this show and forced them to eat way less than they normally would. And they LOST WEIGHT, it worked. But now, they are back in the real world, where no one is there for them 24/7 and you know what they do? They CAN'T PUT THE FUCKING FORK DOWN.
I seriously don't give a fuck about those people.
Calories in, calories out. That's it.
I'm 5'7 F 130, my sedentary tdee is 1599
That's lots of lean protein, veg, eating 3 meals, 2 snacks per day but no junk and not just filling up on fruit or eating lots of cheese. I can eat more when I can make time to work out, which I am trying to do but pfft...1400 calories per day is NOT 'almost nothing' for a woman her size, it's plenty if her numbers are in line and she eats smart.
What kills me? The marketing of those sneaky fucking 'healthy green smoothies' full of fruit carbs, too many seed or other fats from coconut fat/cream or others nut butters and all the fiber ground out.
It's bullshit.
So some people lost an unhealthy amount of weight in a short amount of time and damaged their metabolism.
What does this have to do with Veeky Forums?
Believe it or not nutrition and metabolism are all things that affect performance and therefore have to do with fitness
But since Veeky Forums isn't a fitness board then yeah I don't know what it has to do with it either
All fat people should just start lifting and roiding. I maintain my weight on 3800kcals, thats enough foood for fatties.
>So some people lost an unhealthy amount of weight in a short amount of time and damaged their metabolism.
This myth has to die already
Not a myth
Friend: I'm on a diet
Me: Cool. Which food scale did you get?
Friend: Oh I don't have a food scale, I pretty much can tell how much my servings are.
Me: Bye Felicia.
I have watched people guesstimate what 'a serving' is and most do not know at all. They use double or triple portions of things like salad dressing, gravy, coffee cream and peanut butter or cheese but count it as a single portion.
When I told my friend that those oversize deli bagels are actually 4 portions of carbs even on the fucked up US food pyramid, she did not believe me. One bagel = 1 serving.
Except women, we should just lift, cardio and eat smart. Idk what the female version of a CHAD is but I like being a healthy lean chick. (And yes I say chick)
Not a single HAES fatty who shitposts on here has ever lost weight in a way that the biggest loser contestants have
This is so true.
As a former fatty, food scales were ridiculously useful at first. Learning what portions really are.
I don't really need it much these days, but I still break it out from time to time.
>T-t-the biggest loser people gained weight back so that explains why I can't lose any weight
Back to tumblr
Anons guide to weight loss
Step 1: Reduce calories in
Step 2: if weight loss has not occurred then go to step 1
Step 3: congratulations, you have lost weight
>fatties forced to exercise and not eat shit
>remove force and fatties get fat
It's almost like they have no self-control or something.
>Dude there was no self reporting involved AT ALL
This is mentioned in the actual study, which OP could have linked to but didn't. It is not mentioned in the garbage reporting that OP did link to. I stand by my statement that a report like OP's that describes results but not methods is completely useless.
>What are you guys even trying to refute here
From the beginning, my point has been very simple:
Temporary, unsustainable lifestyle changes do not work. Permanent, sustainable lifestyle changed do work. The implication in the article that there is some difficulty to permanently losing weight beyond the difficulty of doing the latter is based on evidence that the former doesn't work, which makes all of this complete bullshit.
Interesting read. But we all know that insane crashdiet fucks you up.
would like to read similar studyes on people who lost alot of weight doing a moderate calorie defecit over a looong period of time if anyone knows any
>Anytime you tell somebody that it's not them, it's something else, It gives them kind of a way to excuse the fact that they really want to eat that doughnut.
They all just look for excuses, none of them actually wants or ever wanted to make it, except maybe the blonde one but even she is saying that 1400 calories is almost nothing, which is simply not true.
1400 calories=11 medium sized chicken breasts.
Imagine eating nothing else but those 11 chicken breasts for a day. This shit could fill me up 100%, of course it's not a good diet, but just to make a point. 1400 calories of correct food is A LOT.
So in reality all these people do is look for excuses, why it's so hard for them. What they don't understand is, being fit is not a 1 month thing, it's a lifestyle. You can eat bad food few times a week, but if 75% of your meals are "clean", you will do fine.
Ditto, the scale does not lie, especially in grams!
I had to learn but after using it a lot I CAN pretty closely estimate but guess what, it's still on the counter. I'd like to get a bit leaner this summer so cut a bit of calories painlessly here and there requires it. And the gym!
So what's the takeaway? Do fat people fuck their metabolism by getting fat, in which case everyone should be discouraged getting fat from the outset, or is it genetic, in which case breeding with them produces children prone to disease and premature death?
Feels good to be blessed with a fast metabolism. Just eat eat eat and never gain an ounce until I'm working out and then it's all muscle mass.
Thanks mum n papah
>Temporary, unsustainable lifestyle changes do not work. Permanent, sustainable lifestyle changed do work.
None of the article is about that
What is it that you think the article is about, if not that losing 240 lbs in seven months doesn't make you healthy forever?