Can steroids make you more handsome? I found this picture online of a guy who claimed he took steroids and it changed his appearance.
Top left is before, presumably in his late teens, the other pics are progress/how he looks now.
Can steroids make you more handsome? I found this picture online of a guy who claimed he took steroids and it changed his appearance.
Top left is before, presumably in his late teens, the other pics are progress/how he looks now.
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Seen this guy before, who is he
Top kek
It's called growing up.
My face has changed massively from 20 to 25 for the better.
That's called growing up
You're telling me going through puberty changes your facial structure ?
I'm calling bs...
It totally does. You also lose a lot of babyfat that can remain into your 20's.
This gives me hope and encouragement not to kill myself yet. I'm 19 and have a lot of baby fat on my face even though I'm fairly skinny.
But don't you think the extra testosterone from the steroids change your face extra much?
Alright let's take two examples: Greg and Chad.
Chad does sports throughout his entire childhood. His shoulders grow wide and his face is rugged and manly.
Greg does nothing but eating fast food, playing video games, and smoking weed. He's got narrow shoulders, skinnyfat and a feminine face.
So the answer to why Chad ends up more manly is because of testosterone.
But let's say Greg decided to get his shit together and religiously trained and ate properly while on steroids. Could Greg not theoretically catch up with Chad because of the testosterone from roids?
Start with Mike Mews proper breathing and start eating better food. Drink more water. Cut down on carbs and sugar.
I've got more pronounced cheekbones now just half a year in due to proper breathing and nutrition.
Kek fuck you guys
It's genetic of your skull structures bro
This is mine
>inb4 skelly
I started blast and cruise almost a year ago turning 21 now.
I had quite early puberty stopped growing in height at the age of 13 and even while my voice was deep already it has gotten a bit more deeper enough that other people have noticed who havent seen me in a long time.
Also the rate at which I am becoming more manly looking and hairy has grown exponentially.
Tren and test are helluva drugs, enough androgens especially at younger age and I bet you'll look more manly than you'd have without.
Former robot who turned into Chad. There's threads about him somewhere in the /r9k/ archive
He already had good face genetics before puberty, sharp jaw, strong jawbones.
More guys than not who use (some) steroids get more of a bloated face and a receded hairline.
pic related
It makes you look slightmy more masculine, but it will never change your jaw or give you a good jaw.
The thing that determines your jaw and chin is the position of your maxilla bone in your face. If you have a racessed chin, invisible cheeks then you have a shit maxilla.
Look at the first 2 pictures where he looked autistic. He had a good jaw before, he just got more handsome by getting fit and changing his haircut.
Jawlets dont fall for this.
I've always sort of assumed that was due to the fat they put on during a bulk and because of high carb/sugar intakes.
I have a good jaw but shit cheekbones and a recessed chin. I honestly can't stand looking at pictures of me in profile. Makes me sick to my stomach
same with me lad, my nose is fukin huge
Even if you do strength training, eat good food and generally healthy lifestyle your face and body will look their best when you're in late twenties at the earliest and maybe even in your thirties and forties. That's how men age. Haven't you noticed how some skinny DYEL 40 year-olds have fucking Conan looking manly faces. It's not only about hurrr a million milligrams of test and tren a day,but also the effect of normal level hormones over time.
Dude recessed chin is the worst dude.
No matter how fit you are, how swollen your pecs are....
If you have that kind of chin, you would still look like a moron
>racessed chin, invisible cheeks the maxilla
This is me. No jaw line at all, it's odd as hell. I look very goofy. My dad has a jaw line, most, off the top of my head maybe everyone, in my family do. It's like a birth defect or something. I'm considering surgery.
are you worried you might not be able to have kids?
srs, not hating
>Mike Mews proper breathin
Watched the video previously but forgotten the content. Can you give me a quick summary of proper breathing?
Is 27 too late to start doing steroids, am i too old for it to have any point anymore because i cant get the good pussy anyway thanks
tongue roof of mouth, nasal breathing asleep, eat hard stuff, chew gum
There's no studies online for this but I genuinely believe that chewing things will make your jaw wider. As a kid I always chewed a lot of bubblegum and I have a very wide jaw. Unfortunately I was a bit of a mouth breather so my chin is receded as hell.
I have been Blasting and Cruising for 8 months and I can tell you for a fact it does fuck all for your face except bloat it and make your masserters a little bigger.
Unless you're on for years and taking HGH/IGF-1 and PDE or whatever else, good luck.
This kid just lost a lot of bodyfat, probably with the aid of steroids. If I lost bodyfat then sure, I prefer being 13% bodyfat though. Dieting hardcore is awful and I have no reason to do it, so is roiding. Which is why I'm coming off.
The only thing I've noticed is moon face and that's thanks to all that dbol, tren and test.
Give me a wide smile. Go ahead user give me that joker smile.
Now, wrinkle your forehead as hard as you can.
You'll notice that your tongue sort of "jumps" up to the roof of your mouth. This is good. Leave it there.
DO NOT just have the tip of your tongue in the front of your mouth, you want your entire tongue to be in the roof. To keep it like this without it falling down just put pressure on it by sucking in when your tongue is the roof.
I've done this for about a year, I've definitely got better cheekbones now. Not sure about my chin though.
theres heaps of studies lad
theres also a picture of an Asian woman somewhere who chewed gum on one side for years and as a result half her jaw was massive kek
will this shit make a difference if you're already an adult though? I could see it working for children/still growing.
But past 23/24 I'm doubtful of chewing gum regularly doing anything.
yes, yes it will same reason stroke victims faces dramatically change via atrophy, my jaw is anecdotal evidence too
This guy is a massive autist who posts on pua / sluthate websites. Every single picture of him is shooped to make his neck and jaw bigger. Just look at them blurred lines.
This guy looks like a fucking fag. LOL
I can't see it desu. I think you're a lying faggot.
I've had enormous changes to my face structure from the age of 18-23. Large jaw, nose, cheekbones and chin make for masculine features.
>in the park walking my AESTHETIC LABRADOR, Vlad
>see slightly balding man in his 20s trying to talk to a girl his own HEIGHT
>trying to get HER number
>visibly sweating, blatantly ashkenazi
>I take a look at Vlad, he smiles with his STRAIGHT WHITE teeth, and I make my way over to them with my LEGS
>approach behind little one, my HEIGHT and FRAME blocks out the sun
>"so y-yea it seems it's gotten quite cloudy all of a sudden, but it's s-still hot, huh Stacy,, what are your plans for toni-"
>Stacy does not reply, and only stares at ME, muttering "HEIGHT, FRAME, FACE"
>the little one turns around, and grabs his own gyno infested chest in pain upon looking at my JAW and HAIRLINE, which I can only assume is barren of CHESTHAIR
>"w-who are you?"
>fear in his eyes, little one sweats even more, and loses balance due to his weak LEGS
>he takes off his shirt in an attempt to alleviate the sweating while writhing on the ground in weak agony, stuttering, "so Stacy, w-wanna go hang s-someti...Stacy?"
>on the ground, he looks at Stacy, who is now CUMMING
>without saying a word more, she steps on top of little one's balding head, who is now sobbing and sliding in his self induced sweat puddle
>I mount Stacy and plow her, while I maintain PERFECT eye contact with little one
>VLAD has already impregnated FORTY THREE dogs during this time
>"why do you try? I have EVERYTHING you LACK"
>little one is completely naked now, wheezing and coughing up INFERIOR BLOOD, and I decide to finish him off
>"Besides, you're ONLY 5'10"
>Stacy shrieks with laughter and cums simultaneously at this
>little one's eyes open widely, and with one last breath, his heart gives out
>I smile
>I take Vlad and Stacy to my TRUCK, and I touch my ADAMANT HAIRLINE with my vascular HANDS
>little one is quickly forgotten, especially by Stacy
>we drive to my CASTLE
>my crusade has only begun
mirin the jaw breh?
chewing gum makes your jaw wider yes, but it doesnt fix your invisible cheeks and your recessed chin.
Naturally, all humans have a good jaw, normal chin and visible cheeks.
Ask yourself, were you a mouthbreather in your childhood? Did/do you have a shit body posture? Were you a mouth breather?
Did you have crooked teeth?
This isnt a genetic defect. Your parents grew up somewhat "naturally" thus they have normal/good jaws.
You grew up in this soft and weak modern lifestyle.
Its the same in my family. Everyone has a good jaw, good cheeks, a good forward chin and perfect teeth.
Meanwhile i have a moonface and without braces i would still have crooked teeth.
Humans only started getting crooked teeth somewhat 100 years ago.
Go try to visit some ancient native folk somewhere in the brazilian woods.
They are all poor and dirty, but they will have perfect teeth and nice jaws/chins.
Tell your future kids to stand up straight, to breath through there nose, to close their mouth and let them chew on something hard from time to time. They will grow up chads.
>were you a mouthbreather in your childhood? Did/do you have a shit body posture?
yes and yes. Working on both.
yeah if you take it while you're going through a growth phase.
or hgh can change your facial structure.
His eyebrows are also shooped into the signature "slayer brows" from puahate / slutehate. It's so obvious.
Gotta admit this made me laugh irl
There we go, this is your (our) problem. Unfortunately, we are both adult now and facial growth is very slow at this point.
If you keep your mouth closed and have a good posture + correct tongue posture if you want, you may have a normal or maybe even a good jaw and chin in a few years.
Makes me fucking made that no one on this god damn fucking earth told me to stand straight and have my fucking mouth closed.
Instead i had to go through all this shitty braces phase and spend thousands of dollars for it, whereby i could have a slayer face today and could have spent this money on a car.
Chris da man
I understand mouth breathing, but what the fuck does posture have to do with your jaw?
watch the video.
stand up straight and shut your mouth
do you know gobman3000
>tfw spent my youth doing nothing but eating fast food, playing vidya and smoking weed yet I have broad shoulders and a very deep voice
I'm not usually a FACE FRAME HEIGHT ALPHA GENES fag but I have a former pro athlete father and I had broader shoulders, a squarer jaw and a deeper voice than my high school's entire football team
He's called Orb, apparently he's kind of like the Tinytrip of
all this broscience
Tren will do this. low testo, high tren
how can it not tho
high test during childhood is proven to make u more handsome
could it not when ur an adult or what
it can, but not as much as during puberty. this should be obvious.
hello goato
What does bring a mouthbreather have anything to do with your chin?
Do people really not know how to breathe jesus christ.
Always wondered about this. Old guys also have fucking ridiculous grip/forearm strength too.
>meet GFs dad a few years ago
>he's like 40 something
>MAYBE 5'8 150lbs(never touched a weight in his life)
>I'm 6'1 185
>I can diddly 3.5pl8
>Damn near breaks every fucking bone in my hand after shaking
hello goato
Hard labor for 20 years +? Or maybe he was intentionally squeezing your hand with all his might. You are the one fucking his daughter after all.
I've been smoking and dipping heavily for about six years.
It's aged me in a good way so now I stopped before it ages me any more.
I hope you now realise that a 3.5 plate working set weight is shitty. If you can't double overhand 4 plate, you've got a weak grip.
I've always been wondering if this is because our generation has been fucked by shitty diets, chemicals, xenoestrogens and not enough sport which is why our older generation is so rugged and manly. My grandpa could do 15 pull-ups easily when I set up a pull-up bar in our house when I was 16. I could do 2.
Men's bones thicken with age. Grip strength increases simply because of better levers. Your bones become less bendy and have a higher pressure tolerance before things become painful.
it fucks up your mouth and makes you look stupid
what about melanotan? anyone have experience with it?
bumping this for interest tbqh
It's nothing to someone who lifts, but thats pretty heavy for a normie.
any hair loss?
hello orungutano
hello goato
hello orungutango
>tfw 22 and been a mouth breather my whole life
Is it too late for me? Can I still fix this?
Do you have to hold it 24/7?