how do i into good posture?
mine is so shit i dont even know how im supposed to stand normally
how do i into good posture?
mine is so shit i dont even know how im supposed to stand normally
Other urls found in this thread:
>stand up straight
>shoulders back
>dont bend knees
It's not hard. Don't slouch.
thats 50/50 good advice and bullshit "sleep on an exercise ball" hippie shit for middle aged mums
and i don't know how to differentiate between em
Got a pic of your posture or at least one similar to yours? Are you leaning forward at mid back?
no bully pls
Come back in 4 weeks, also you're welcome.
i cant deadlift, i have a crush fracture on my L3 vertebrae
Chin tucked
Shoulders retracted, but relaxed
Chest out
Squeeze glutes
There, your spine is now aligned.
>chin tucked
what do you mean?
Tough luck.
Do face pulls then. Single best exercise for higher back posture, also the most underrated one.
>Source : every blog post on every lifting site ever
okay, ill incorporate that into my next workout
My head is seriously always tilting towards one side, I kinda look like a turtle.. It doesn't look like it when I look in the mirror, but on photos you can clearly see I carry turtle genes
How do i fix this?
is it in a cute, puppylike way?
I formulated it badly, it's not really tilting, more like my neck reaching for one side... Like a turtle
Kinda yeah, but it really isnt cute when a 6'1 194lb broad as fuark guy does it
He means to avoid pic related. As your posture becomes more and more shit, you compensate more and more by looking up, just to actually keep looking straight. If you then force yourself to have a straight upper back, your head (ie. chin) will now naturally look downward. To avoid that, tuck your chin in.
Basically, turn your chin more toward the ground, then try to retract the back of your skull backward
i formulated it badly, see
idk man that sounds pretty cute to me
ah, thanks
okay, will do
Whats good posture for browsing the internet with?
Is one of your legs shorter than the other ?
uh... it might be actually
i never noticed that before - when i put my left foot up on tiptoes then my hips are normally aligned
what does this mean/how to fix?
I'm trying to fix my anterior pelvic tilt
>shoulder hurt
>back hurts
>glutes hurt
>knees hurt
>hamstrings hurt
>generally lethargic
I guess all of this means I'm making progress
why would you be lethargic and experience all that pain?
are you sure you aren't just dying of carbon monoxide poisoning?
I have the exact same fucking problem its call "leg lwngth discrepancy". Nothing you can do about it besides maybe using a foot lift or something. It's really annoying. It'll cause you to have bad posture and minor scoliosis aswell as making leg devolpment uneven and squats/deadlifts will likely cause lower back pain.
How high do you raise your heal until your hips become even? For me it's about a solid inch. I've been sleeping on my longer leg hoping it will stunt it's growth enough for my other one to catch up, But I'm 20 so I'm done growing anyways ;_;
its about two finger's width. So yeah, an inch or so. Is a footlift worth it? Because I already have a pretty fragile back, and I don't want to be deadlifting unevenly.
Because fixing posture is hard work.
Idk I've never used one. I know there are a few famous powwrlifters who have had extreme scoliosis so you might be ok, then again idk if they had LLD or not. Not really sure you'll have to search around and decide for yourself. If you notice you have alot of back pain then you should definitely consider getting one. Really sucks, I feel like I'll never truly make it aesthetically because of this faggot leg. The best you and I can probably hope for is to be swole mongoloids.
tfw even legs (i think) but mild scoliosis anyway. it sucks having to be super duper autistic about form and have an obligatory 1 hours worth of foam rolling, stretching, and muscle release almost every day to avoid injury.
Let's put the SIENCE back in POSTURE while CHAD is home eating PIZZA
looks like scoliosis
stand as straight as you can and then look down on your ribcage/abs. Does one side look bigger than the other? If yes its scoliosis.
Like 90% of Veeky Forums probably has forward leaning head posture and a forward pelvic tilt.