Fitness Cringe
Fitness Cringe
Other urls found in this thread:
>same photo
fuck off already, user
his shorts are covering half of his quads
you're autistic as fuck
Literal dyel that have never deadlifted
excuse me motherfucker what the fuck is wrong with exquisite form of Alan "TRAIN UNTAMED" Thrall, patron saint of all wannabe strongmen?
>Being justifiably weak
"That's 3!, give Johnny a round of applause!"
>tfw you leave Veeky Forums for 2 years and come back and this tripfag is still shitposting
Jesus Christ
The fact that he has lifted for a decade and puts up laughable numbers considering his weight and training time and thinks he is qualified to be some kind of guru.
But mostly the neckbeard.
who is this guy
That's Roger Estep.
He's diddlying about 180kg
What's wrong with that? Are you upset that he's never been fat so he has slim calves?
Omar isuf = cringe central
Alan thrall is popular because of tall poppy syndrome
TIL 180kg is an impressive deadlift.
I like his tutorial videos, but man I thought he'd be a lot stronger. I know his focus is strongman, but his video where he did a PL meet was disappointing (504/275/518)
Yep. Says his lifts are around 500/300/520, while at a pound or two below 225.
how many of those guys skip leg day?
someone post that SJW rant Omar went on
The one about Brandon Campbell?
This is obviously a promotional pic advertising the product. Not cringe, actually quite neat
wait is his arm gone?
>a fucking degenerate homosexual tranny says this is an ideal NOVICE workout
>fit always fucking creams themselves at the faggot
dude's basically doing incline at that point
>Literally has zyzz hair
>Didn't bother to leave DYEL status first
This man jumped the gun on making it. He's still pulling bitches though. What does this tell you?
Decline, you fucking mongoloid.
That festival whores will fuck anything
Funny how people who always come up with their own "routine" just make some shitty spinoff of Starting Strength
asshole. ughh, i cringed like a bitch and i've gotta go to the gym in an hour
....fuck...i just started this yesterday.
is it bad?
>is it bad?
it's fine
I dont get it
thatd be decline you dumbass
He was shit the fuck down in a thread yesterday and deleted so many of his posts in an empty attempt for damage control
This trip is trash
Christ what the fug
I missed that, he's such a fucking faggot, I wish he'd stay in /pol/
>I wish he'd stay in /pol/
I wish you'd stay in reddit.
impressive back
incredible ass
Put your trip back on you mongoloid
sure, for a noob
Like in its own way that's impressive. You have to be special to be that mentally deficient.
Yeah it kind of looks like a white person's only smaller.
i have numbers similar to that at 185 lbs. (425/315/525)
I guess it's cringeworthy that he's lifitng in nikes.
But I'd still lick his sweaty back
>select all
How many of them skip gym day. look at blue shorts
>turning off your trip to pretend people like you
Try harder Tomato
Why are they all wearing those side bags?
You know he runs a business and has a youtube channel. Plus he spreads his interest between PL, SM, and OW. His numbers are respectable, all things considered.
Everyone's focused on his back angle and I'm just here contemplating why that spotter has his balls in the dudes face.
for that motivation.
sandmanlets,when will they learn?
That is an ugly fucking child
I wasn't shut the fuck down you retard. Mods deleted my posts because you babies can't handle the banter.
I wish redditors would actually learn how this site worked before spewing dumb shit.
Pic related for you
Judging by the nose,he lost it trying to steal the gentiles money.
The nose knoes ,Itsic.
>Everyone I Don't Like is Reddit
>the post
>tfw no qt, high test spotter to sit on your face for motivation
Why even continue living?
Uh one guy I responded to didn't know that mods can delete posts and the second guy started crying "U R LE POL" just because he doesn't like me
And you're kind of a moron for not realizing that, it's ok buddy I know critical thinking is hard without a hail of upvotes to back up your argument
You literally are /pol/ though, you don't contribute anything fitness related except politics.
Even in the machine off to the right is like
"Sheit nigga back snap!"
>I le disagree so u r le pol!
I don't disagree with you, I even voted Trump in the caucuses. But you're a pretty pathetic NEET bro.
All you do is complain about degenerates and liberals you fucking faggot
This is my first encounter of your trip and everything you've done here fucking sucks
>Makes a long involved post
>Expects people to care about his shit opinions
>Expects people to care about his namefaggotry and drama nonsense
>Calls people autistic but doesn't post boipussy
>Complains about aids but doesn't post boipussy for me to fap to forcing me to relieve my sexual urges in some STD ridden whore
>Telling some autist not to start with me but too autistic to post boipussy
>Fills out namefield but doesn't fill out boipussy field
>My fucking face when I ravage cute tomato's tender, virginal boipussy
>My fucking face when I turn him into a cock hungry slut
>My fucking face when he relocates to Seattle
>My fucking face when I make him crawl around on all fours nude 24/7 and he accepts his new role as my sex pussy
>My fucking face when I take him anally in public and he's exposed as the little cockhungry whore that he is
>My fucking face when his cute trap feminine penis ejaculates a thin stream of superior seattle semen and I force him to eat it
>My fucking face when he enjoys it like a good little dogslut
I can only assume that you are a lookalike for the iconic fedora tipper that you seem to like to post. Go back Reddit or 9fag, faglord.
>Makes a long involved post
>Expects people to care about his shit opinions
>Expects people to care about his namefaggotry and drama nonsense
>Calls people autistic but doesn't post boipussy
>Complains about aids but doesn't post boipussy for me to fap to forcing me to relieve my sexual urges in some STD ridden whore
>Telling some autist not to start with me but too autistic to post boipussy
>Fills out namefield but doesn't fill out boipussy field
>My fucking face when I ravage cute tomato's tender, virginal boipussy
>My fucking face when I turn him into a cock hungry slut
>My fucking face when he relocates to Seattle
>My fucking face when I make him crawl around on all fours nude 24/7 and he accepts his new role as my sex pussy
>My fucking face when I take him anally in public and he's exposed as the little cockhungry whore that he is
>My fucking face when his cute trap feminine penis ejaculates a thin stream of superior seattle semen and I force him to eat it
>My fucking face when he enjoys it like a good little dogslut
Fucking lol haven't heard from this guy in a while.
One of the easiest and most efficient baits around here. Along with the
>doing rackholds
only weak asians like pic related do this
I don't get it. Is the joke that he's not doing the proper exercise in the curl rack?
>alan thrall
>there are people on Veeky Forums who still unironically dont filter tripfags
>Mods deleted my posts
lmao nobody's going to believe you, you attention whore tripfaggot