I'll start
ITT: People who claim natty but obviously are not
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is that the hodgetwins
lurk more
reminder that the guy on the left is the result of neglecting to do enough incline bench
you don't want droopy-but-muscular tits, do you?
And synthol
Though that's a pretty good example of doing no upper pec work
>5% increase in clavicular head activation
yeah, no
pic related
naw it's some ghanaians who got steroids from being born with HIV.
Pic related
God I hate his face
That douchebag supported Shredz
>Calling the nattiest body on earth not-natty.
holy fuck that's being cheeky. Who's this?
Anton Antipov
He was third on the ifbb in Stockholm to natty jeffy seid and some other gyno faggot
His arms are bigger than his torso
>not realizing scooby took TRT
Pretty much any big YT fitness person who shills supplements and awful programs is not natty. They know dick about nutrition and they train like shit, yet still make gains.
Is he natty?
Many other rappers say he isn't.
Looked better before
> not posting natty king O'Hearn.
Is this hard mode?
>he's bigger and leaner than me so he's not natty
He looks natty desu, I have a similar physique (with a pump) and am pretty much at my natty limit (>5 years of lifting).
I saw a chick at the gym the other day that has arms like pic but slightly bigger. she was doing overhead dumbbell press. is she on anavar? she was doing 35s
>durrr he's just on a pump, all year round :)
The battlecry of steroid deniers.
I'm a male on anavar. It doesn't do anything.
I'm natty tho.
>i'm on anavar
>I'm natty
He litterally posted his steroid progress on some forum showing all his acne he got. Nicht Bosshaft/10
>contoured beard
>done eyebrows
He has the bitchest of the bitchy gay faces.
link plz?
Is brandon Carter natty?
Everyone knows Mike O'Tren isnt natty. That guy is pushing 50 and he's doing reps with 4plate on the bench.
> Everyone knows Mike O'Tren isnt natty.
Except him.
he is trying to make his arms his wings
>on Anavar
>doesn't do anything
Then why the fuck are you on it?
>inb4 b8
this fag
rude desu
just because hes gay doesn't mean scoobys a faggot
He's a hysterical sjw, with shitty voice and terrible mannerism. He's a faggot alright
he's natty limit
think the only hysterical one here is you m80
>n-no you
Ew, that's nasty.
>Hat to hide that he's balding
There is no balding gracefully, why don't people just shave that shit off?
every fitness instagram/youtube model says they natty but they are not (the obvious ones)
At least he removed the "Lifetime natural" from his instagram bio, but he still goes and preach himself being natty on other platforms
pick one
>has to actually claim they're natty
That's almost always a sign that they are a roider.
If that ain't natty I don't know what is
No, it's just his insertions.
But you wouldn't know, cause you're dyel
>not realising that TRT takes you up to the natural range of testosterone, not above it
>being this naive
Ich glaube es war test/masteron und hgh
Correct me then faggot. Scooby has worked out for 20+ years, gaining only a few lbs every year. How is impossible as a natty? TRT is designed to take you back up to your normal range of testosterone.
this is bait
is megabulge natty or because hgh?
>People who claim natty but are more dedicated than me and so my insecurity forces me to think they're on steroids.
Why do people on these boards think steroids are a magic potion that helps you gain mass?
Literally anything you can do on steroids you can do naturally, it just takes longer.
Either bait or doesn't know that a dose of 100 mg every week puts you above natty ranges or at the least puts you at the top end of the natty range
Is Dom Mazzetti natty / attainable natty ?
>Literally anything you can do on steroids you can do naturally, it just takes longer
lmao, the delusion
Not that he isn't a great brofessor, but I personally don't think he is natty. If he gets any bigger I'll know for sure. It may be attainable, however.
>Why do people on these boards think steroids are a magic potion that helps you gain mass?
Because they are literally that. It magically sets your protein synthesis into overdrive
>He's a hysterical sjw, with shitty voice and terrible mannerism. He's a faggot alright
he really is, also he never provides any sources whatsoever, he is just like: "its tru cuz i saiz it". Fuck this guy.
all those roids and the nigger can't do rows 1 day a week to get some fucking traps, christ
it's because 2x sock
Quit this shit
Ich würde sagen nein. Er hat die typische großporige Haut und den Schamhaarbart den alle Stoffer haben. Ziemlich eklig.
Der Körper an sich ist natty zu halten möglich, kann mir aber vorstellen dass er dafür gar nicht die Zeit hat.
why do you think trt is 100mg of test? Are you fucking retarded
Most people don't know but in the general regard to steroids taking more effort, you are wrong.
Gradual lean muscle mass has been shown in steroid use WITHOUT a fitness routine or strict diet.
I am pretty sure it was shown that you make more lean muscle mass taking steroids and doing nothing than you do natty working out.
I am in no way taking the effort put into taking steroids, but yes it takes nothing to be on steroids and gain muscle. But to see actual results you need to put a lot of effort in.
howcome he has 6.66pack instead of 6pack? I request anons who know anatomy itt
I'm almost certain he is natty, guys been lifting for quite a while and he's not really that huge or vascular. Plus, he probably doesn't want to get too big, having a good but not humongous physique is part of his character.
This guy's the most informative and best looking natty. But he's not fun or interesting at all. Well except BAHBELL
Have you seen this dude in a shirt without a pump? He looks so ridiculously tiny I find it very hard to believe he's on gear.
Johnny Candito
some boys on /plg/ were pointing out how weird it was that his bench magically jumped despite his body weight not really changing some months back.
The guy is very questionable.
Rich has never claimed natty, at least not in recent years.
He's black you white boi.
it's actually 250. And nobody can control how much you take. Do you think scooby dooby doo, being a bodybuilder doesn't inject twice as much just because he has a moral obligation not to do so?
you're on Veeky Forums, most people do know this
this study is posted every day
>normies believe all of them are natty so I have to hop on roids to get anywhere by their standards
kill me
Es summer alriddy?
look at that roid gut
This asian fag right here.
>bigger than Chris Jones.
>claims natty.
>G-guys i've just been lifting for 10 years.
why is he not natty? Hes just fat
because the '6-pack' is in reality a 10-pack, it's just really hard to get.
An "8-pack" is genetic. The top two "abs" are not actually muscle, it's part of his ribcage poking out below his
pecs and above his abs. His ribs wouldn't be visible without low body fat, but most people have a ribcage
inserted directly beneath the abdominals or a bone insertion that ends at the end of the serratus and leadin
into the abs, hence why an 8-pack is extremely rare.
A "10-pack" would just be incredibly high insertions for the pecs and low insertions for the abs leaving a large
gap between the two for the ribcage to fill. At best, everyone has a "6-pack", although many people have little
definition between their abdominals and obliques leading to a "4-pack" even at low body fat (see Arnold), or a
puffy Triton's Girdle (that kid that took HGH and didn't eat).
The people in this study were prescribed 650mg test
Normal steroid dose is 500mg
Trt dose range 100-300
what? he's not natty? that's a shame.
How is that not natty? His vascularity and shape are pretty normal for someone who's been lifting for a decade.
he could be, but it's simply questionable
I wouldn't doubt he uses things like ECA to help him lose weight faster though.
You think TRT treatment is standardized or some shit? Different doctors are free to prescribe different doses for different patients. Some guy on TRT might be at 50mg, while another is on 250mg.... it just depends on if you have a doctor who is "cool". Furthermore there is personal response. One guy might be at 5-6x levels, while another guy might be at 8-10x levels. Then further complicating things, with a total T of 1,000 some guys will aromatize more, or have higher DHT & other guys will have more free test. At the end of the day its the "free test" which affects gains.
Anyways Its a blurred line. I don't see how you can draw a line between protein powder & steroids. Is the latter considered not natty simply because it actually fucking works?
>I don't see how you can draw a line between protein powder & steroids
Well one is a legal food that's literally just an easy way to get protein and the other is an illegal drug that affects your hormone levels. So I'd say there's a lot of very clear ways to draw the line and you are an asshat.
>no traps
>normal shoulders
You 'avin' a giggle, m8?