Been stuck with 13 inchers cold for quite a while now.
Do I need to gain 15lb for another 1 inch?
Also, which are the best arm exercises?
Stats: 5'7 150lb
>inb4 manlet
Been stuck with 13 inchers cold for quite a while now.
Do I need to gain 15lb for another 1 inch?
Also, which are the best arm exercises?
Stats: 5'7 150lb
>inb4 manlet
Other urls found in this thread:
I read it's about 15 pounds or more to gain an inch
Don't you just gain fat at that point and most of it is fat?
Is it actually possible to gain noticable arm size say on a recomp?
>Do I need to gain 15lb for another 1 inch?
Sounds about right. Give or take.
>Don't you just gain fat at that point and most of it is fat?
It depends on how long you've been training
Got fat during my bulk but gained decent arm mass
are you me?
Is 11 inch arms for a 5'5 135 manlet who only does calisthenics good?
>Be a 5'7 manlet with 13 in arms
>Your arms look bigger than mine when I'm 6'2 and have 16.5 in arms
6'3 here
What's the point of lifting if I'm still going to look dyel?
Becoming a big guy. Manlets can look good, but they will never be big guys.
pretty sure most 5'5 women have ~ 11 inch arms
nigga how the fuck is that 13 inch.
Im 15.5 and yours look the same. Are you like 5'2 or something?
Literally insertions
Yeah this sucks. I'm 15.5 cold and even on a 16 inch pump his look bigger. Fucking arms man
>tfw 6'5 with 18" and still look totally dyel in clothes
He said he's 5'7
behold; a true MASTERPIECE
crafted by the gods themselves
>guaranteed replies
I'm 5'8" and have 12" arms, but I've only been lifting 3 months and expect them to keep growing rapidly.
My goal is to get ARMS. Like you ever see a dude IRL and you wonder, "Are those arms real??" Idk if I can get that big without roids tho, we'll see.
It doesn't really count if you're a stubby little dwarf
>the cheating fraud thinks his arms are impressive
Nice arms. what I'd say if you were natty. But since you're not, no one gives a shit. And you're still a socially awkward virgin everyone hates. So fuck off.
That too
>inb4 mastard claims he's 6'0
6' is the perfect height.
i bet that my natty arms are way more impressive than you will ever see in your entire life
this were my natty arms.
what's that? you mirin again? hating ?
i understand
Lol can you even scratch your dick with those short ass arms
Why is mast so good at shitting up every thread he comes into? Yeah he's big but he wreaks of insecurity just like lotus.
There was a thread on Veeky Forums earlier today asking who Eliot Rodgers would have been if he lifted?
We now know the answer: he would have been MasT, a socially retarded forever alone virgin angry at the world.
lmao are you 4"
my dick will reach for my hand.
that's how it works
>Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable or inferior
>vulnerable or inferior
>vulnerable or inferior
LMAOO. dyel and retarted.
I guess you're secure enough to not show any pics of your arms.
rekt again by masT
>want to lose 15 lbs to make dick look bigger
>want to gain 15 lbs to make arms look bigger
You wouldn't shit up threads and talk down to everybody if you weren't insecure. It's literally psychology 101.
Can you gain arm size without putting on weight?
You can't gain any size without putting on weight
Hit the roids so your balls will shrink will still gaining muscle
>implying you're 6'
no amount of gear and lying on the internet will make you as tall as an actual man
I mean like a recomp
Kind of sick at looking at my fat but fuck me do I want arms
>can I gain weight without putting on weight
I guess we will listen to your bro-science psychology Dr. phil. Since you're the secure one over here.
>muh sides are in space
if you're looking closely to this dyel natty picture from me. You can see i'am 6'
The only one it seems you're fooling with that fake confidence is yourself. You're trying way too hard.
How do I get big arms mast? How long does it take to gain each extra inch?
Extremely roundabout way of doing it. If you're skinnyfat bulk first if not cut first and then think of putting on more size (though you will definitely gain muscle as a beginner even on a cut)
How about an 8 week minicut?
...Did you photoshop veins on your arms?
>This 300x300 pic is totally me, guise, OC.
At least i have enough confidence to show pics. And you? no pics?
i thought so
kill yourself & pray to god you will be reborn as me
HAHAHAH, this got to be to most desperate attempt
YEAH BREHH, photoshop all the way.
my god tier pics make him so delusional. he turned into a pathological liar, because otherwise he would kill himself.
holyyy shit, iam dead kekeke
Lol you've been posting the same fucking photos since 2014
Nice bicep, prob shoulda done some forearms, though. You look like a child's stick figure picture of a bodybuilder cane to life.
Yeah somehow ops looks more balanced even though his are 13inches kek
How are you stuck at 13 inches? That's where i started and i was recovering from years of drug use. 120lbs skeleton but i still had 13 inch arms.
I find now about every 5lbs of weight i put on i gain an inch on my arms.
It's the newest photo he has before he started roiding it up.
>I find now about every 5lbs of weight i put on i gain an inch on my arms.
Top bait
The more I look at it the more noticeable it gets.
Three scoops every day bro. And I'm on the gear.
>Recovering addict
>Is on gear
Ever consider GH or peptides? It seems like your growth is really leveling off from just roids
you have posted pics.. since never
i can show everything you want, since iam inscure
are you fucking retarted? jesus
that's my natty arm
this is my current arm. can you see the foreram progress?
I was recovering 10 years ago i don't mean that was yesterday.
The dubs have spoken, it must be true. So sorry desu, nice progress.
Solid dude. You're gonna have a great body after your cut
Man i have 14 inches arms at 5'5 and I think i'm dyel
OP must have 15 inches arms or he is the narrowest motherfucker in the street
Not yet. I still can make decent progress with roids alone. Test is the main compound i use and that goes pretty well. currently on 250mg test-e cutting. Might blast 750 test-e after that. All you need is test
these are my most recent pics
i always speak the truth, but nothing but the truth
False. If user boarded a spacecraft capable of travelling to an empty part of the universe, outside the reaches of any large object's gravitational field, then he could actually put on mass without gaining any weight, or at least the pull of large gravitational would have so little influence on his space-gym that it would be impossible to measure.
Veeky Forums out
You probably don't know how to flex correctly
Leave pls.
honestly i'm not dyel... but i FEEL dyel
Acne came back?
>anons claiming to not be mirin masT physique
I wonder how it feels to be this delusional. His natty physique is goal level and his body on gear is impressive
insecure fag that has something to prove to everyone
put your name back on
>anyone that thinks a trips body is impressive must be the trip
Body Dysmorphia is a hell of a drug. I'm narrow framed (thanks Saami ancestors) and have 14s, which look big on my narrows and people tell me so, but I sitll feel DYEL.
Also, this is my first time witnessing this masT fellow. Is this lad really this narcissistic, or an uber Troll?
So which are the best arm exercises?
where is the acne?
jelly came back?
he can't handle the truth.
let me explain it to you, so you can understand it also;
some people are inferior like you and some are superior like me.
get used to it, normie
i'am your new king & god
Been out of the gym for like 7 months. Recently come back and my arms have gone from 14in to 14.5in in three weeks. I put it all down to adding dips and chins to every workout. They really do shit on any other type of arm exercise for size.
5'7", 185 lbs
Do I even have a chance of making it?
>those insertions
>that vascularity
>that mass
You just confirmed how insecure you are. Holy shit.
>posts 2 things that are genetic and he has no control over followed by some delusion
Great post keep it up
I'm not a dwarf or a /fraud/ so I'm content with my natty gains breh, mirin all the same nice mass
Thanks man, cutting now trying to look good for summer
At 5'7" all you have to do to make it is put on a small slab of muscle and cut to 150. You got it if you try.
My dyel arm
My right side is smaller than my left
@16% bf
now I know how elliot rodger would be like if he had hopped on the juice
Name on, masT.
You need to make some reading comprehension gains, bro. The point is that the physique depicted has impressive insertions, impressive vascularity, and very impressive mass for a natty build. It's not DYEL at all. Not even a little bit. It's clearly the body of somebody who lifts. If you think that's what DYEL looks like, you are an insecure faggot with intense internalized self-hatred. I pity you.
Still a virgin? Pretty sure he still would have gone on the killing spree, guy.
They will even out in time
Bro you need to cut
you're nothing to be proud of
congrats breh
lmao, comparing that dyel faggot with me.
>muhh inferior autistic genetics
>girls don't like me, because of my micropenis
>blame everyone else
holy shit, his life sucked.
glad he hero'd
bla bla bla, I'am perfect and you're not.
Tell me somethin new
mast pls
>Acne on your acne
>where's the acne?
>all those DYEL fags jelly of Chad Thundercock
I mean I'm a DYEL faggot myself but at least I'm not jealous over it unlike you faggots.
It gets old after a while
Funny how only 4 people posted their arms
Does Veeky Forums even lift?
I am 5'7.5 and in the mornings I'm 5'8"
therefore I'm better than you
This shows how much of an autist the average roidhead is.
You win at life bruh
No one lifts here 2bh
Why are you taller in the morning?