After seeing the 5x5 meme pretty much everyday I decided to do it earlier, biggest waste of a gym session ever. I didn't even break a sweat, no muscle fatigue. I ended up doing 9 reps instead of 5 to make it harder. Why do people do 5x5?
Worst fitness advice you've gotten from Veeky Forums?
get used to these stes and reps, then it will be exhausting and hard
you clearly weren't lifting heavy enough weights
you are lifting bitch weights
You are supposed to lift heavier. Then go from a 5x5 back to a 10x3 at your new work out weight. It helped me to break through the platues.
OP is dyel curlbro confirmed
Ya got trolled on newbitches.
This. Kids got fucking memed on.
Is 5x5 actually a meme though? It does it work and not make you look like shit?
The program I'm doing now has me pick 3 sets or 5, if 3 sets 4-6 reps, with at least 15 reps total as the goal. If doing 5 sets(never 4) 4-6 reps and at least 25 reps as the goal.
This is a little easier considering I still add 5-10lbs to my squat and bench each workout anyway. I usually do 3 sets of box squats, 6, 5, 4 and the same with my pressing movements.
I'm rebuilding my squat and other lifts and I've added over 60lbs to my squat in two weeks just doing 3 sets of squats 3 times a week 185lbs for reps to 250 or 255lbs tomorrow working weight. I can still do 5x5 but I'm not a fan of that unless it's a bench or ohp at a lighter weight
1. "Eat at least 1g per lb of bodyweight."
Ridiculous bullshit by the fitness industry. Propaganda for selling protein powder (and ad space in magazines to protein companies).
2. "Carbs make you fat."
No, eating too many calories makes you fat.
Summer Israel.
>1 g per lb of bodyweight
That one irks me so much now because I used to follow it and recommend it like it was law
How much protein should you eat if that's bullshit then? Legitimately curious
Whats the truth bros? Iv only been lifting 6 months so very hard to sift through the bullshit. Im currently eating 1g/lb of BW.
Also re. 5x5, you are meant to push yourself to the absolute limit weight wise. I think im coming to the end of my beginner gains as i have plateaued hard on my squat for about a month now. All other exercising are going up but significantly slower.
>that webm
Nah bro its cool, i didnt want to sleep tonight anyway.
Anything that's a fad that doesn't support lifestyle change to get and stay fit. Gimmick or quick exercises. Cheat days and rest days when you are starting instead of hitting a moderate daily routine to establish your habit. Always fucking with your routine when starting and not waiting for actual measurable results.
Worst: 'you don't need to diet, just exercise some/more'
Its a 1gr of protein per pound of LEAN MASS.
Not advice from fit but...
>you need to breathe when you do squats
Literally everyone I bring to the gym that wants to start lifting.
I wouldnt dismiss that out of hand.
The current line of thinking is that It appears that all protein that you ingest goes toward muscle growth and very little of it goes elsewhere (as fat or whatever). If so, then there might actually not be a theoretical upper limit to how much protein your body can use per day for reconstructing muscles. There are definetly studies that show an increase of muscle growth in people who take 1g per lbs as opposed to people who take less. But on the whole, we simply do not know yet. Maybe thats to much protein, although it doesnt appear to be.
Science tells us its actually 1.3-1.5 grams per kg of body weight, which for the average person is actually pretty close to one gram per pound of lean body mass. But not everyone accurately knows their lbm so I think its easier to do it based off kg of body weight. 1.5 grams per kg if less than 15% bf 1.3 kg for everyone else
You get away with it at lower weights, but when you start pushing the limits of what your back can do without crumbling under the load you should hold that breath for more internal pressure. By that point you should be wearing a belt as well.
Is that with or without bones?
The studies have shown that you need at most .6-.7 grams per pound of body weight (which would roughly correlate to the other posters 1g/lb of LBM). The advanced lifters need even less, as their protein synthesis isn't as quick anymore as the newer lifters. CBA to google the studies though.
5x5 means you should be struggling on the 5th rep. If you aren't breaking a sweat or feeling the burn, you aren't lifting heavy enough.
Current studies show that around 1.3 grams per kg is where protein synthesis into muscle caps. Everything else goes elsewhere
See, this is why people need to know their body composition and it makes me mad when they whine that it's just too much work to learn and do all the things in the sticky. Yes, it's a lot to learn, yes it can be confusing but damn.
Sorry captcha, I hate pancakes.
5x5 is literally a dropset
if you aren't going to failure on each set you are doing it wrong
That maybe the thinking of dr bro but it is not the opinion of the overwhelming percentage of educated doctors, nutritionists and those who don't shill for companies
Fuggen rekkt by epic fitt meme's guysee. Fugg :-]
>Wearing a belt
Stop being weak
With bones, lean body mass is everything besides fat, so bones, muscle, organs, water
It's a ribbon worm. That type shoots out that "web" thing and it's full of neurotoxins. I think others have an attached one that injects the neurotoxins. Either way, it's fucking cool
thanks user
>pic related overrated nemertean
I refuse to watch that.
s-spider man?
Lifting will help heal a broken heart
Its clearly cgi you mong
You're supposed to go heavy you retard.
yeah try doing 3x5 90% of your max and come here talking how you didn't break a sweat.
Get the fuck out of my board you disgusting DYEL faggot.